
Maria Baker

Maria Baker
Maria is fascinated by Astrology, Tarot, Numerology, and anything related to the mystic arts. Maria has been featured on several publications such as Cosmopolitan, Glam, TheList, and WikiHow. She shares her esoteric studies on this website, as a mysticism enthusiast.

Recent Articles

Secrets To Attracting an Aries Man (Tried & Tested)

To attract an Aries man, you need to stand out. Aries men won’t notice you if you’re standing in the background. You can catch an Aries man’s eye by being flashy and seductive. Don’t reveal everything, though. Aries men also love a good mystery. You need to be upfront and confident to attract an Aries […]

What To Wear To Attract a Leo Man? (Dress For Sign)

If you want to dress for a Leo man, you need to be confident. Leo men love it when women flaunt their assets. You can be flashy and creative when dressing for a Leo man. Don’t be afraid to take risks and wear loud, bold colors. Leo men love women with big personalities. Show a […]

10 Secrets to Kissing a Pisces Man (to Ignite His Love)

To kiss a Pisces man and make him fall in love with you, you m understand his desires. If you want to turn on a Pisces man and spark his love, you’ve got to know how to kiss him. Many women make the mistake of assuming a Pisces man will be like any other man. […]

Reasons Why a Libra Man is Slow to Commit To a Woman

If you’re dating a Libra guy and he won’t take your relationship to the next level, you might wonder why a Libra man is slow to commit. What makes this sign so reluctant to settle down with a partner? When your Libra guy won’t propose to you or even suggest being in a monogamous relationship, […]

Will Ignoring an Aquarius Man Make Him Chase You?

If you ignore an Aquarius man, will he chase you? Most of the time, he won’t! There are better ways to make him go after you. Ignoring an Aquarius man is more likely to pull you two farther apart, not bring you together. When you ignore an Aquarius man, he’s more likely to think you […]

10 Obvious Signs Capricorn Man is Not Interested (in You)

Sometimes it can be hard to tell when a Capricorn man isn’t interested. Capricorn men are often closed-off people. When a Capricorn man is not interested, he’ll be even more withdrawn and closed off than usual. He will make no effort to open up. If a Capricorn man is not interested in you, he’ll never […]

Will a Gemini Man Give An Apology After Upsetting You?

A Gemini man’s apologies aren’t hard to come by. They aren’t always sincere, though. Gemini men are quick to apologize even if they don’t mean it. They often just want to move on from an argument or make the other person feel better. Gemini men will often apologize right away after an argument or after […]

Risky Guide To Playing Mind Games With a Scorpio Man

A Scorpio man’s mind games are some of the most intense. You’ll have to put in a lot of effort to play them with him. He’s often one step ahead of him. You’ll have to think fast if you want to win. You need to find a Scorpio man’s specific weaknesses if you want to […]

10 Surefire Techniques to Hurt a Virgo Man (Beware)

Hurting a Virgo man might seem like it would be difficult. Virgo men are not outwardly emotional. You can hurt them, though. A Virgo man might not always show you, but you can hurt him deeply if you do certain things to him. Virgo men are highly critical of others, but they hate it when […]

Are Cancer Men Generally Known as Control Freaks?

If you’re dating a Cancer guy, you may wonder, is a Cancer man a control freak? Is this zodiac sign controlling and commanding, or is it more submissive and laid-back? Some star signs are naturally more controlling and dominant than others based on their personality traits and the astrological forces at work. So, is Cancer […]