
Zodiac Signs • Page 13

10 Clear Signs a Scorpio Man Likes You

When a Scorpio man likes you, he conceals his feelings at first. He evaluates you to see if you can be his ideal partner. He may watch carefully and test you to see how you react. If you pass his test, he still doesn’t trust you right away. He’ll continually flirt while monitoring your response. […]

Risky Guide To Playing Mind Games With a Scorpio Man

You need to find a Scorpio man’s specific weaknesses if you want to play mind games with him. He can brush most things aside if you’re not pressing any of his buttons. Keep yourself under control. A Scorpio man plays mind games better than anyone else. He’s also intuitive. He’ll know if he’s gotten under […]

Understanding When a Capricorn Man is Mad (Quick Guide)

Fortunately, Capricorn men are slow to anger. They are patient and try to be understanding. But they also have no tolerance for wasting time. The issues that trigger him most make him get mad at you. A Capricorn man is honest. He tries to avoid conflict. He gives you a chance to correct transgressions. But […]

Quick & Easy Guide To Text Flirting With a Sagittarius Man

Many Sagittarius men love to flirt over text, so you shouldn’t have too much difficulty getting your Sagittarius man to have a bit of light flirtatious with you when you message him. The key to texting a Sagittarius man, whether you’re flirting or not, is not to overdo it. Don’t constantly message him, and don’t […]

Are Cancer Men Generally Known as Control Freaks?

Some star signs are naturally more controlling and dominant than others based on their personality traits and the astrological forces at work. So, is Cancer one of the more relaxed and carefree signs of the zodiac, or does a Cancer guy crave power and control? Once you have a better understanding of the astrological influences […]

10 Obvious Signs Taurus Man is Not Interested (in You)

A Taurus man will be closed-off and unaffectionate when he’s not interested in you. He might be polite and friendly, but he won’t be open and warm. He may lean away from you or avoid physical contact. If a Taurus man doesn’t like you, he might avoid you. He won’t make plans with you, and […]

Is Virgo Man Jealous and Possessive in a Relationship?

Virgo men hate deception and betrayal in relationships. If he’s been hurt before, a Virgo man might feel possessive sometimes just because he’s trying to protect himself. If a Virgo man does get jealous, he will try to think logically about the situation. He won’t act impulsively out of anger just because his partner is […]

Gemini Man Kissing Style & Expectations (Preferences)

Gemini men are exciting kissers. They love spontaneous kisses. Gemini men also enjoy French kissing and kisses that are full-body experiences. Don’t expect kisses with a Gemini man to be quiet or calm. Gemini men often whisper sweet nothings or even carry on a conversation between kisses. They are talkative people! You can also expect […]

How To Get a Pisces Man Back (After a Breakup)

After a break-up with a Pisces man, the best thing you can do is give him space. Pisces take time to digest their feelings. They are intense and empathic. A Pisces man needs to sort through his complex emotions before he realizes that he doesn’t want the relationship to end. Don’t count on an immediate […]

8 Suggestions To Stop Libra Man From Ignoring You

It’s easy to jump to conclusions and assume that his avoidance is one of the signs a Libra man is not into you, but this isn’t necessarily the case. There are many reasons why your Libra man could be ignoring you and you’ve got to know how to respond accordingly. By gaining a better understanding […]