A Cancer man is slow to commit for many reasons. Cancer men are caring, nurturing people. They are also sensitive and afraid of being hurt.
Cancer men are also prone to self-sabotage. They might be slow to commit because they’re afraid of what will happen when they do.
Cancer men are very sensitive. It can be challenging for them to commit because they are easily worried. If he doubts the relationship, he won’t want to commit.
Somebody may have hurt your Cancer man in a past relationship. He will be even more worried about being hurt or abandoned when that happens. He’ll also have a hard time committing if he’s not entirely over his ex.
Your Cancer man will also be slow to commit because he takes commitment seriously. He wants to be sure you’re the one for him.
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He’s Sensitive
A Cancer man’s personality is a sensitive one. He’s a deeply emotional person. This can cause him to take his time committing to a relationship.
Cancer men can sometimes be wary about opening up to someone else. They feel things deeply and can sometimes be overwhelmed by their emotions.
A Cancer man needs a partner who can handle his feelings. He might be slow to commit because he’s seeing how you handle his emotions first.
Your Cancer man needs to know that you’ll be there if he needs emotional support. He wants someone who will gladly listen to him if he needs to talk about something.
A Cancer man’s communication style is a reciprocal one. If his lack of commitment is bothering you, let him know! He will be glad to listen to how you feel as long as you are prepared to hear his side as well.
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Afraid Of Being Hurt
A Cancer man may be slow to show feelings because he’s afraid of being hurt. He doesn’t want to give his heart to somebody who will crush it.
If a Cancer man is scared of being hurt, it will be hard to commit to a relationship. He may need a lot of time to overcome this fear.
Even if a Cancer man hasn’t been hurt before, he will still be afraid of this happening. Being hurt is a common fear for Cancer men regardless of what has happened in past relationships.
The best way to help him overcome his fear of being hurt is to show him that you won’t hurt him. Show him that he can trust you and that you will always be there for him when he needs you.
He’s Insecure
Many Cancer men are shy and insecure. Your Cancer man might have trouble committing to you because he’s unsure about your relationship.
Cancer men need partners who make them feel secure. They need someone who can provide them with stability.
Some Cancer men let their insecurities get the better of them. If a Cancer man has low self-esteem, he might not commit to somebody because he doesn’t think he’s good enough for them.
A Cancer man might also be unsure about committing to somebody who can’t handle his insecurities.
If you constantly criticize him, that will make him feel worse! He needs somebody who can reassure him when he’s feeling insecure.
If your Cancer man is insecure, you may need to reassure him a lot. Let him know how much you care about him. Remind him of all the things you like about him and try to boost his self-esteem.
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Afraid Of Being Abandoned
Many Cancer men have a fear of abandonment. They are worried that if they commit to somebody, that person will end up leaving them.
For some Cancer men, being abandoned by somebody they love is their greatest fear. They are plagued by anxiety at the thought of their loved ones leaving them behind.
If anyone has ever abandoned your Cancer man, his anxiety over this will only increase. Even if the person who left him was a friend or family member, he’ll still fear being abandoned by his partner.
This is a crippling fear for some Cancer men, while others have an easier time overcoming it.
The only way to help your Cancer man overcome this fear is to reassure him. Let him know that you love him and have no intention of leaving him. That might help him to commit.
He’s Family Oriented
One of the signs a Cancer man has feelings for you is that he might start talking about his desire to have a family. How you react can determine whether or not he will end up committing to you.
Many Cancer men are family-oriented. Even if your Cancer man doesn’t want to have kids, his family will still be important.
If he wants to have children, a Cancer man won’t want to commit to anyone until he knows they also wish to have children. He also wants to make sure he has a partner who would make a good parent!
Your Cancer man also wants to make sure that you get along with his family and friends. They are important to him! If you can’t get along with them, he might not want to commit to you long-term.
This one weird trick is the only way to attract a Cancer man.
He’s Been Hurt Before
A Cancer man who is scared of love may have been hurt in a past relationship. He’ll be much more hesitant to commit to future relationships if this is the case.
Cancer men are already afraid of being hurt. If someone hurt your Cancer man in the past, he’ll be extra cautious about getting into a committed relationship.
The early stages of dating a Cancer man can be extremely slow. Your Cancer man will want to take time to get to know you. He wants to be sure that you’re not someone who will hurt him.
Reassure your Cancer man that you’re not like whoever hurt him before. Let him know how much you care about him. Help him see that he can open his heart to somebody again, even if he’s been hurt before.
He’s Not over An Ex
If a Cancer man is sending mixed signals, it may be because he’s not over his ex yet. He might like you, but he’ll be unable to commit until he is entirely over his last relationship.
Cancer men sometimes take a long time to get over past relationships. If he still loved his ex when she broke up with him, he will have difficulty getting over her.
Your Cancer man won’t want to commit to you if he’s still hung up on his ex. He needs time to get over her first.
Even if a Cancer man knows he’ll never get back together with his ex, he still won’t commit to somebody until he’s entirely over her. He doesn’t think it’s fair to his new partner if he’s still not over somebody else.
This magic will make your Cancer man want a relationship with you.
He’s Anxious
If a Cancer man is taking things slow, don’t worry about that. Some Cancer men are anxious when it comes to relationships. He will need some time to get to know you and feel comfortable having a relationship.
Be patient with your Cancer man. If he’s anxious about commitment, all you can do is show him that he can trust you.
Be there for your Cancer man when he’s feeling down. If he expresses any concerns about your relationship, hear him out.
Reassure him and let him know that you’re willing to work through any issues the two of you might encounter.
As a Cancer man gets to know you better, he might become less anxious about your relationship. He needs time to get over his fears.
He’s Overwhelmed
If a Cancer man feels overwhelmed or stressed out in general, committing to a relationship might seem like an impossible task.
A Cancer man might not be ready to focus on a relationship because of other things going on in his life.
If your Cancer man is constantly busy with work or has too many responsibilities, he might feel like he doesn’t have time to dedicate himself to a relationship.
A Cancer man doesn’t want to commit to a relationship, only to ignore it because he’s overworked.
A Cancer man will also get overwhelmed if you expect a commitment too early in the relationship. He needs time to get to know you! He needs to be able to develop trust in you. Don’t push him to commit until he’s ready. You’ll stress him out.
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Self Sabotage
Many Cancer men are prone to self-sabotage. Unfortunately, some sabotage themselves even if they want to commit to a relationship.
Sometimes, a Cancer man might get too caught up in his insecurities. He may convince himself that he’s not deserving of a relationship.
If a Cancer man lets his sensitivity and insecurities get the best of him, he won’t commit to a relationship. He might drive away partners because he can’t get himself under control.
A Cancer man can overcome his self-sabotage, of course. This is often something he needs to do himself, though. You can reassure him all you want, but if he’s convinced he doesn’t deserve you, he won’t commit to you.
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