
Capricorn and Capricorn • Compatibility in Love, Sex, and More

Updated February 25, 2025

Capricorn and Capricorn are compatible in some ways and incompatible in others. Being the same sign doesn’t always mean they get along.

Capricorns usually need a partner who can balance them and offer things they lack. Another Capricorn can’t do that.

Capricorns tend to do better in relationships with people who are more emotional than they are. Two Capricorns together are often too emotionally detached to really form a genuine connection with one another.

Capricorns like everything a certain way, and it can be difficult for them to compromise. Another Capricorn isn’t going to teach them how to do that, either! If these two disagree about something, they will both refuse to budge.

These two are often far too similar to have a functional relationship. They do better with partners who are different from them.


Capricorn-Capricorn compatibility as friends tends to be better than in other relationships. Some of the problems two Capricorns have in the bedroom or a romantic relationship don’t apply in a friendship.

A Capricorn-Capricorn friendship can be successful if these two already have similar interests. Despite being the same sign, they won’t always like the same things.

Capricorns aren’t likely to do things they aren’t interested in just because their friend likes it. If two Capricorns share no mutual interests, they aren’t going to go out of their way to hang out together.

If they do have the same interests, though, they can easily find a friend in each other. They might enjoy talking about their hobbies or doing them together now and then, even if they don’t bond beyond that.

If two Capricorns have to work on a project together, that doesn’t always end well. Both of them are far too stuck in their ways for that!

You might think that two Capricorns would work well together, but this isn’t always the case. They can only do that if they have similar working styles and preferences.

Capricorns like to do things their way. Two Capricorns working together will often compete with one another or argue over the correct way to do something.

The thing with Capricorns is that they are logical and rational, so they believe that they are always right. If two Capricorn friends disagree about something, they will have difficulty accepting that the other person might also be correct.

Trust is one thing these two have going for them. Capricorn is a very trustworthy person. They don’t see the point in lying, and they can be counted on.

If two Capricorns are friends, they can at least rely on one another to keep their promises and do what they say they are going to do.

That’s often the extent of their trust, though. These two rarely share their secrets or develop an emotional connection. Even if they are friends, their friendship won’t be emotionally close.


Is Capricorn compatible with other Capricorns? Being the same sign does not make these two compatible. They might be able to understand one another in some ways, but their similarities can also get in the way.

Capricorn’s compatibility tends to be higher with people who are different from them. Many Capricorns do well in relationships with water signs, for example, because emotional water signs can balance them out.

A relationship with a Capricorn isn’t balanced enough for another Capricorn. They need someone with traits they lack, not all the same characteristics they have.

Two Capricorns can have trouble connecting emotionally because neither of them will make an effort to do so.

When Capricorn is in a relationship with someone who is emotionally open, they can learn how to connect with other people better. They can start to show their softer side and develop genuine bonds with other people.

It will be challenging to learn how to do that when in a relationship with another Capricorn. The negative traits of these two tend to cause relationship problems since there is nothing else to balance those traits out.

Capricorns can also be stubborn. They like to be in control of their lives and have difficulty changing their ways or compromising, especially on things they feel strongly about.

Another sign might be able to compromise with Capricorn or learn how to step aside when Capricorn feels strongly about something. Two Capricorns will constantly butt heads and never get anywhere.

Dating Capricorn when you’re another Capricorn does have some perks. Those might not always be enough to make the relationship last long-term.

Capricorns are responsible and reliable. If Capricorn tells you they’ll be somewhere, they’ll be there. They’ll be right on time too.

Capricorns can appreciate that about one another. Being on time isn’t enough to base a relationship on, though.

These two are usually more successful in a relationship if at least one has already learned how to compromise and form emotional connections. Without those skills, this relationship is doomed to fail.


Are two Capricorns compatible enough to get married? If two Capricorns want to make a marriage work together, they will. It can require a lot of effort, though.

Capricorn is highly practical. They aren’t likely to jump into a marriage unless they are sure it’s the right thing to do.

That means that two Capricorns who aren’t suitable for one another will break up before they get to the point of marriage.

Marriage only happens for these two if they work through all their issues and develop a bond. Capricorn won’t marry someone just because they feel like getting married or because the other person wants to.

The responsible nature of Capricorns means that they are often saved from an unhappy marriage. Their relationship will end before they make such a huge commitment.

If these two do get married, the marriage is likely to last. Capricorn doesn’t take commitment lightly. If they get married, they intend to stay in that marriage for the rest of their life.

The Capricorn-Capricorn relationship won’t be perfect, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be a happy one. Capricorn’s stubborn nature can come in handy if they are dedicated to keeping their marriage together.

When two Capricorns learn to compromise, they can have a great marriage! They will be able to focus on their similarities, and the differences won’t seem like such a huge problem.

The marriage between two Capricorns is often an intellectual one rather than an emotional one. These two are highly intelligent, and if they have similar interests, they can easily have intellectually stimulating conversations with one another.

Is that enough to base a marriage on, though? That is honestly up for Capricorn to decide. Some Capricorns will be fine in a less emotional marriage.

Despite their emotionally detached nature, some will still prefer to be with someone who can bring out their emotional side. If that is the case for either Capricorn in this relationship, they aren’t likely to get married in the first place.

In Bed

A Capricorn man and a Capricorn woman’s compatibility in bed isn’t the best. They will only connect sexually if they happen to have most of the same preferences and if one of them can take the initiative in the relationship.

Capricorns are often far too rational and restrictive to truly enjoy sex unless they have a partner who can help them relax. Another Capricorn won’t be the one to do that!

Some Capricorns are sexually repressed. They might enjoy sex, but they don’t always know how to express their sexuality. They often need the help of a partner who is more sexually or emotionally open.

A Capricorn in bed isn’t the most exciting lover. They might enjoy sex, but it takes a certain kind of person to get them to truly open up and have a good sexual experience.

Capricorn isn’t bad in bed. They enjoy sex, and they can be great lovers. They aren’t always good lovers when together.

Capricorn usually needs someone like a passionate Scorpio or an emotional Cancer to bring out their sexuality. They need someone else to take the initiative and coax them out when they feel sexually repressed.

Two Capricorns in a relationship can quickly end up in a game of chicken, where both are waiting for the other one to make the first move. Once they start having sex, it will still be difficult if they don’t have the same preferences.

Capricorn isn’t always open to trying new things in bed. They might find a few things they like and stick with those. If their Capricorn partner doesn’t like all those same things, sex will be tough.

Sex isn’t impossible between two Capricorns. They don’t balance one another in the bedroom, the same way they don’t balance each other out in any other aspect of their relationship.

Two Capricorns might find themselves in an unfulfilling sexual relationship. Even if they try to make things work, they might find that their sex life lacks emotional connection and spontaneity.

These two often have to work hard to make their sex life exciting. Most of the time, though, it’s easier for them to find a partner who can bring that excitement to them instead.

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