
Is Pisces Man Jealous and Possessive in a Relationship?

Updated February 2, 2025

Even if a Pisces man is jealous or possessive in a relationship, he’s not likely to become controlling because of it.

Pisces men don’t want to control other people. They tend to be trusting in relationships and aren’t typically suspicious of their partners.

Pisces men are intuitive people, but they are also too trusting. Even if something seems off, a Pisces man would prefer to see the best in his partner.

Pisces men also like to have independent partners. They like it when they are in relationships where their partner doesn’t rely on them too much. He’ll have no desire to control you or dictate what you do and don’t do.

Your Pisces man will rarely get jealous, and if he does, he’s more likely to retreat and withdraw than react with anger.

He’s Too Trusting

Are Pisces men controlling in relationships? They aren’t. Pisces men prefer to trust their partners and let them be free to do their own thing.

Trusting people isn’t necessarily a bad thing. It’s essential to have trust in your relationship. Any relationship without trust is likely doomed to fail.

Your Pisces man will trust that you’ll be faithful to him if you say you will. He’ll take anything you tell him at face value and trust you to keep your promises.

Some Pisces men can be too trusting, though. A Pisces man might trust his partner even if she has given him a reason not to.

Your Pisces man isn’t likely to get jealous or possessive, even if you have done something to betray him in the past. He will continue to trust you until he really can’t any longer.

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He’s Intuitive

Many Pisces men are highly intuitive. They are good at picking up on how their partners feel. Your Pisces man might act on the emotions he feels from you rather than how you’ve told him you feel.

If your Pisces knows you love him, he won’t get jealous. Even if you are talking to other men, he’s not going to have a problem with it. He will have no reason to be jealous if his intuition tells him everything is fine.

There might be a problem if a Pisces man picks up something wrong in your relationship. This will only happen if a Pisces man listens to his intuition, of course.

Not all Pisces men will act on their intuition if something feels wrong. Some will, though. If your Pisces man thinks you’re cheating on him, he may trust his intuition and say something about it.

He’s Not Suspicious

Your Pisces man is not usually going to be suspicious of you if he has no reason to be.

If you tell your Pisces partner that you’re going out with friends, he will trust that. When you tell him you’ll be home late because you’re working, he won’t suspect you’re off doing something else.

Pisces men want to see the best in their partners. Even if they do feel like something is off, they may talk themselves out of being suspicious.

Even if you’re a flirt, he will trust you if you tell your Pisces man it’s harmless fun. He will not assume that you’re cheating on him just because you are friends with other men.

At the end of the day, Pisces men don’t want to be suspicious of their partners. Your Pisces man might have insecurities sometimes, but he won’t make those your problem.

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If you’ve ever been in a relationship with a Pisces man, you know how insecure Pisces men can be.

When a Pisces man feels insecure about his relationship, it’s usually not because of jealousy. He will likely focus on his own shortcomings instead.

A Pisces man is emotional and sensitive. If his partner is flirting with someone else, he’ll probably think it’s because he’s not meeting her needs. Instead of being jealous, he’ll get sad.

Pisces men focus inwards if something is wrong with their relationship. If his partner cheats on him, he’s not likely to get angry or jealous of the person she cheated with. He’s more likely to blame himself.

Of course, a Pisces man may also feel insecure even if his partner isn’t doing anything wrong. He may need a lot of reassurance, but it’s not because he’s jealous.

Likes Independent Partners

Are Pisces men possessive when in a relationship? The answer is usually no. Pisces men enjoy having independent partners. Your Pisces man will respect that you have things going on in your life other than him.

A Pisces man might be used to having friends and partners who rely on him too much. Pisces men are very generous and caring people. They can get taken advantage of because of this at times.

Your Pisces man will love it if you’re able to handle things on your own. He’ll offer support when you need it, of course, but he’ll appreciate it when you can be independent. He will love it if you don’t expect too much from him.

Because he wants you to be independent, your Pisces man won’t get jealous if you have other friends. When you go to someone else for emotional support, he may appreciate it because he won’t get burnt out being the only one giving you that support.

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Doesn’t Like To Control Others

Do Pisces men get possessive of their partners? Most of them do not. They don’t have any desire to control the people they love.

Pisces men do not have a naturally controlling nature. They prefer to let people be free. Even if a Pisces man did want to control someone, it’s not something he’s good at doing.

Your Pisces man doesn’t want to possess you. He may love spending time with you, but he knows that you have your own life.

If a Pisces man ever does seem clingy, it’s not because he’s jealous or feeling possessive. It’s more likely that he just needs a little affection and attention.

It’s very unlikely for a Pisces man to act possessive over his partner. If your Pisces man does seem like he’s being controlling, there’s probably something else going on.

Rarely Gets Jealous

Are Pisces men jealous lovers? Most of the time, they are not. It’s rare for a Pisces man to get genuinely jealous.

Pisces men are very emotional people. You might think it would make sense for them to get jealous. They are more prone to depression and insecurity, though.

If a Pisces man feels insecure in his relationship, the first emotion he will feel isn’t jealousy. He’ll get sad if he thinks his partner is more interested in someone else than him.

Even if a Pisces man does feel jealous, you likely won’t ever know he’s feeling that way. He’s not the type to confront his partner or start a fight with another man who is causing his jealousy.

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Retreats When Jealous

Do Pisces men get jealous? They sometimes do. If a Pisces man gets jealous, he’s likely to withdraw from his partner.

A Pisces man won’t typically react in anger when he’s jealous. He is not likely to confront his partner about these feelings.

Pisces men are sensitive. If your Pisces man trusts that you’ll respect his feelings, he might talk to you when he’s feeling jealous. He won’t do that if he feels like you’ll judge him or become upset.

If your Pisces man seems withdrawn, think about how you’ve been behaving lately. Most of the time, you can get him to start acting like his usual self by giving him some attention and affection.

He’s Very Forgiving

If you are dating a Pisces man and do something to upset him, he will likely forgive you. Pisces men tend to be extremely forgiving of the people they love.

Even if you’ve done something in the past to betray his trust, your Pisces man will forgive you if he thinks you’re genuinely sorry.

A Pisces man will often wipe the slate clean after he’s forgiven you. Even if you start talking to other men again or seem like you’re flirting, he’s not going to act any more jealous or possessive than he did before your betrayal.

Of course, you should not take a Pisces man’s forgiving nature for granted. Even if he’s not acting jealous or possessive, that doesn’t mean your behavior isn’t affecting him.

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Disloyalty Makes Him Sad

A Pisces man in love will be deeply hurt if his partner betrays him. He will typically become depressed if this happens, not jealous of the person she cheated on him with.

A Pisces man will be distraught if you are not loyal to him. He will take any sign of disloyalty hard and will likely blame himself.

Your Pisces man still won’t be possessive over you, though. He might be sad about you being disloyal, but he’s not going to try and control you.

If you cheat on your Pisces partner or do something else to betray his trust, he won’t react by chasing you or getting jealous. You will just upset him.

Do not try to make your Pisces man jealous. This will most likely backfire on you because he isn’t the type of person to easily get jealous.

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