If you’re having a hard time understanding the Aquarius guy in your life, you may wonder what makes an Aquarius man complicated.
Why is this zodiac sign so difficult to read and comprehend?
Aquarius is a very complex star sign, so it’s no wonder you could be having trouble figuring out a quirky Aquarius guy.
Not only does he have an unusual personality but he also has unconventional methods of expressing himself.
By learning more about his zodiac sign, you will know what makes an Aquarius man so complicated and be able to understand him better.
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1. He Is Stubborn
Aquarius is one of the most stubborn signs of the entire zodiac, and his stubbornness can often make an Aquarius guy seem complicated.
This star sign’s modality explains why Aquarius is so stubborn. Each sign of the zodiac has one of three modalities: cardinal, mutable, or fixed. The modalities tell us how the signs approach problems and move through the world.
Aquarius is one of the fixed signs, and fixed signs are known for being unyielding and set in their ways. They tackle problems slowly and endure them rather than rushing to overcome them.
An Aquarius man doesn’t necessarily need to control other people, but he does need to feel like he has complete autonomy.
He likes doing things his way and if his ability to control himself is compromised, he feels trapped and suffocated.
His stubbornness can make him seem complicated and difficult to deal with, but it’s also one of an Aquarius man’s greatest strengths.
An Aquarius man is also stubborn in his beliefs and convictions. He has strong opinions and he always stands up for what he thinks is right.
Use these secrets to make your Aquarius man love you (they work like magic)
2. He Is Highly Intelligent
Some zodiac signs are naturally more cerebral than others, and Aquarius is a highly intelligent and philosophical sign.
An Aquarius man is always observing his surroundings and analyzing them. He is skilled at separating his thoughts from his emotions, and he loves to study everything around him.
His intelligence makes him complicated because he tends to overthink everything. He is prone to anxiety and depression because his mind can take him to dark places if he isn’t careful.
He can also come off as cold and aloof because he is always lost in thought. He spends more time with his head in the clouds than with his feet planted on the ground.
Although he is set in his ways, an Aquarius man likes learning new things and exploring new places. He needs variety and change to stay mentally stimulated and happy.
It can be difficult for others to keep up with the sharp and unusual mind of an Aquarius guy, making him seem quite complicated.
3. He Dislikes Commitment
One of the aspects of his personality that makes an Aquarius man so complicated is his fear of commitment.
To an Aquarius man, commitment is suffocating and something to be avoided. He hates being tied down to any person, place, or thing.
This is directly at odds with his fixed sign’s need to be set in his ways. Most fixed signs thrive on commitment and routine, but not Aquarius.
His reluctance to commit combined with his innate desire for structure makes an Aquarius man very complicated, indeed.
He has a hard time staying with one job or career path for too long, but at the same time, he can get depressed if he isn’t on a schedule.
He is a deeply caring and loving person, but he struggles with romantic relationships because he doesn’t want to commit to one person.
If you want to know how to deal with an Aquarius man in a relationship, you must remember that commitment doesn’t come naturally to him.
Don’t pressure him to make further commitments to you, such as moving in together or marriage, before he’s ready. Wait for him to approach you about these topics.
He already views being in a committed relationship as a sacrifice since it means giving up his freedom and independence, so pressuring him to commit further will only push him away.
This magic will make your Aquarius man want a relationship with you.
4. He Is Unconventional
Aquarius is one of the quirkiest and most unconventional signs of the entire zodiac, which can make an Aquarius man seem very complicated.
He doesn’t follow social norms, preferring instead to create his own path and do whatever works best for him. He’s not going to settle down, get married, and have children just because it’s what all of his friends are doing.
He thinks for himself instead of going with the flow and following the crowd. Thanks to his active and analytical mind, he considers choices carefully rather than blindly doing what others tell him to do.
An Aquarius man’s individualism makes him complicated because you can never expect him to do things the standard way. He’s so unconventional that it sometimes makes him rebellious and defiant.
He cares about other people and his purpose in life is to help achieve the greater good for all, so despite his unconventional nature, he’s an excellent team player.
An Aquarius man makes an excellent co-worker or employee because he values and respects others and wants to do a good job.
You just can’t expect him to do things the way everyone else does if you want him to do his best work and be able to get along with him.
5. He Is Contrary
Not only is an Aquarius man unconventional but he is also a bit contrary. When someone tells him to do something, he automatically wants to do the opposite.
He hates being controlled, so the moment someone tries to force him into anything, his defiant side comes out.
He is also very diplomatic, so instead of taking a friend’s side out of blind loyalty, he tries to consider all perspectives in an argument.
Don’t be offended when you approach your Aquarius man about your disagreement with someone else and he asks you to consider the other person’s side.
He likes playing the devil’s advocate, and he will help you put yourself in the other person’s shoes to see why they are so upset.
What attracts Aquarius men is independence. An Aquarius man likes a woman who does her own thing and doesn’t try to boss him around.
He doesn’t need someone submissive because his contrariness doesn’t make him controlling of others; it just makes him crave autonomy and self-control.
The moment an Aquarius man’s partner starts trying to manipulate or control him, he rebels and pushes her away.
If your Aquarius man is distancing himself from you, consider whether or not you’ve been too domineering and demanding lately.
Give him some space, then apologize for being bossy and let him know that you acknowledge and appreciate his independence.
This one weird trick is the only way to attract a Aquarius man.
6. His Communication Style Is Unique
Because he thinks differently than any other star sign, it makes sense that an Aquarius man’s communication style is as unique as his thoughts.
Although Aquarius is a very honest and direct zodiac sign, his words often get lost in translation. He is frequently misunderstood and misjudged because of his communication style.
For example, if an Aquarius man ignores you, it doesn’t mean he’s mad at you or dislikes you. He could be lost in thought, anxious, or even in love with you.
He will tell you the truth about anything if you ask him directly, but he’s not one to share his thoughts and feelings openly.
When he does speak up, his word choice, tone, and delivery can be so strange that it’s hard to interpret what he’s saying.
An Aquarius man is complicated because it’s hard to communicate with his unusual zodiac sign. Although you can always count on him to be honest, you can’t always understand what he means.
7. He Is Unemotional
Aquarius is a very unemotional zodiac sign, so he is uncomfortable with tears, shouting, and other dramatic displays of emotion.
His reluctance to show his emotions makes an Aquarius guy complicated because you never know where you stand with him.
When someone becomes too emotional in his presence, he tends to retreat. If you are wondering how to deal with an Aquarius man that is distancing himself from you, approach him calmly and rationally rather than with tears and angst.
If you want to understand how he feels about you, then you need to recognize how an Aquarius man shows love. He might not spell it out for you verbally, but his actions will show you how he truly feels.
When he puts you first, gives up his freedom for you, and does things to make your life easier, these are the signs of an Aquarius man in love.
And if you want to know how to tell an Aquarius man you love him, show him through your actions instead of just your words.
Speak his love language by doing things to show how much you appreciate and care for him.
Is your Aquarius man painfully distant? Rekindle your love.
8. He Has Two Ruling Planets
Most zodiac signs have only one guiding planet or celestial body, but Aquarius is one of the few signs with two ruling planets.
Having two guiding planets makes an Aquarius man complicated because the additional planet adds layers to his personality and sometimes makes him struggle internally.
Aquarius is led by Uranus, the planet of rebellion and individualism, and, to a lesser extent, Saturn, the planet of restrictions and authority.
If your Aquarius man is acting weird, it could be because his two planets have him at war with himself. On the one hand, he needs structure and routine; on the other, he craves freedom and spontaneity.
It’s easy to see why having two very different guiding planets can make an Aquarius guy complicated.
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