
Aries and Pisces • Compatibility in Love, Sex, and More

Updated February 16, 2025

Aries and Pisces often have trouble understanding one another. As a fire sign and a water sign, they are often opposites.

Their opposite natures don’t always attract one another. These two will have to work to build a good relationship when they do.

Pisces is a highly sensitive sign. Some of Aries’ behavior can be insensitive at times. These opposite natures mean it’s easy for Aries to hurt Pisces’ feelings.

Fortunately for Aries, Pisces is capable of being patient. Pisces might be willing to work with Aries to uncover their softer side and help them to be a bit more gentle.

In return, Aries can help Pisces learn to stand up for themselves. However, this can only happen if Aries figures out how to stop being so controlling. It is easy for Aries to overpower Pisces, which can make for a terrible relationship.


The Aries-Pisces friendship is an odd one. These two signs are incredibly different, but they can learn how to balance one another out if they want to.

Pisces is an extremely loyal friend. They are also great at making friends with various people, meaning they can easily befriend Aries, despite all their differences.

When Pisces is interested in being friends with Aries, there will be little Aries can do to deter them. Pisces will gladly stick around and hang out with Aries if they want to.

Aries often enjoys being around Pisces because Pisces will give Aries all the attention they want. Pisces will gladly listen if Aries wants to sit around talking about themselves for hours.

Pisces will be happy to listen to Aries talk about their ambitions and dreams. Pisces isn’t always the most action-oriented person, but they love to talk about goals at the very least.

Aries is fiercely protective of their friends, which is excellent for Pisces. Pisces people are not always good at standing up for themselves and can be a people-pleaser. They can benefit from having an Aries pal around to stand up for them.

When Aries feels loyal to somebody, they will be there when that person truly needs them. They won’t constantly be there for them, though.

That is one potential problem these two friends can have. Pisces often needs a lot of emotional support, and Aries won’t always be able to offer that. Aries will be able to stand up for Pisces in a fight, but they won’t often be a shoulder to cry on.

As far as shared interests go, these two don’t often have much in common. That’s not usually a problem, though. Pisces will often be happy to let Aries lead and choose the things they do together.

If Pisces doesn’t want to do a particular activity with Aries, they will also be fine just watching. For example, Pisces won’t necessarily do a sport with Aries, but they will watch them and be ready to hang out when Aries needs a rest.


The Pisces-Aries relationship is far from perfect, but that doesn’t mean Aries and Pisces can’t have a meaningful relationship.

Pisces is a profoundly compassionate sign. When a Pisces loves someone, they love them with all their being. Aries can appreciate that because they are an equally passionate lover.

Aries can be a jealous lover at times, but they will typically not feel that way when they are with Pisces. Pisces is good at reassuring their partners of their feelings, and they are unlikely to flirt with others while in a relationship.

A relationship with Pisces can be good for Aries in many ways. Aries can learn a lot from Pisces, even if the relationship doesn’t work out.

Pisces is often good at bringing out the softer side of Aries. Pisces can be patient and take the time needed to help Aries open up, as long as Aries is willing.

The problems will start if Aries is not willing to open up. Pisces people need to feel an emotional connection with their partners. They can be patient, but they will eventually give up if Aries is not putting in any effort.

A relationship with Aries can be beneficial for Pisces in some ways, even if it isn’t always perfect. Aries can help Pisces to snap back to reality when needed. They can also teach Pisces how to be a little more assertive.

Another problem these two can have is Pisces’ passive nature. Aries can easily control Pisces and ultimately fail to meet their needs.

Pisces often has to learn how to stand up for themselves. Aries also needs to learn to stand back and think about what Pisces needs, even if Pisces isn’t asking for it.

Aries and Pisces compatibility is low, but that doesn’t mean a relationship is impossible. There is more to a relationship than sun-sign compatibility, especially if the two partners are willing to make things work.

Overall, Pisces and Aries might not always have a long-lasting relationship, but each person can certainly learn from the other.

Even if their relationship is doomed to fail, Aries can still learn to be more tender, and Pisces can learn to speak up for themselves.


A Pisces Aries marriage often requires a lot of work. Pisces has to learn how to speak up if they want their needs met. Aries has to learn how to be a bit more kind and gentle.

Pisces needs a deep emotional connection in their marriage. They want to rely on their partner for emotional support, and they are more than willing to offer just as much support in return.

The problem is that Aries doesn’t express their emotions the way Pisces wants. It can be difficult for an Aries to get vulnerable with someone. Even when they love and trust their partner, they still aren’t the type to constantly talk about their feelings.

Pisces can get around that sometimes. Pisces is a highly intuitive sign, so they can become good at telling how their Aries feels without being told. However, that doesn’t mean Aries will learn how to handle Pisces’ emotions.

Aries compatibility in marriage is often higher with more independent partners. Pisces can sometimes be too clingy for Aries, unfortunately.

A Pisces man and Aries woman’s compatibility isn’t always the best. A Pisces man’s way of showing love can sometimes be overwhelming for Aries.

Pisces is a romantic sign. Their love language is often quality time, and they will feel like their partner doesn’t love them if they don’t spend a lot of time with them.

Pisces will show their love by trying to be with their spouse as often as possible. They will want to go on dates and spend quiet nights at home.

Aries might feel stifled by their Pisces spouse’s need to be together constantly. Pisces thinks they are showing affection, but Aries will likely think they are controlling or clingy.

Aries and Pisces need to balance their time together to make a marriage work. The Aries partner will need time alone and with their friends, but they still need to make time to be close to Pisces if they want a successful marriage.

In Bed

Aries and Pisces in bed don’t always see eye-to-eye. These two can have a powerful connection in bed, but they have to work hard.

Pisces’ compatibility with someone in bed is higher if that person is willing to take their time. Aries isn’t always able to do this, as they can become highly impatient in the bedroom.

Sex is not just a physical act for Pisces. It can be a highly emotional and even spiritual thing. Pisces rarely has sex for the sake of having sex because they want to feel an intimate connection.

An Aries man and Pisces woman’s compatibility in bed can be low because Aries isn’t always good at pleasing Pisces. Aries is often too in a rush for Pisces to truly feel satisfied.

A Pisces woman might feel like her Aries partner is a terrible or selfish lover because of the quick pace Aries prefers. Pisces will often be left unsatisfied long after Aries has finished with sex.

Pisces might have to take care of themselves when with an Aries partner, which likely won’t end well. Pisces would often rather not have sex than have sex with a selfish partner.

Pisces isn’t always good at asking for what they want, unfortunately. If Pisces is genuinely comfortable with someone, they will tell them all their fantasies and desires. A Pisces won’t feel comfortable with an Aries until Aries works to establish an emotional connection, though.

If Aries can learn how to slow down and be more tender, these two can eventually have a great sex life. Aries needs to take the time to think about their Pisces partner’s needs.

Pisces doesn’t always ask for what they need, so they must learn how to do that. Aries isn’t a mindreader, and they are unlikely to figure out what Pisces wants if they don’t tell them.

Pisces is not a vanilla person at all when it comes to sex. Neither is Aries. If Aries can figure out how to please Pisces the way they need to be pleased, Pisces will gladly indulge Aries in all kinds of fantasies.

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