
Maria Baker

Maria Baker
Maria is fascinated by Astrology, Tarot, Numerology, and anything related to the mystic arts. Maria has been featured on several publications such as Cosmopolitan, Glam, TheList, and WikiHow. She shares her esoteric studies on this website, as a mysticism enthusiast.

Recent Articles

10 Leo Spirit Animals (Definitive Answer)

If you want to learn as much about the Leo star sign as possible, then you need to know the Leo animal. Which creatures best symbolize the nature of this vivacious, flashy zodiac sign? When seeking a spirit animal, you don’t have to perform an elaborate ritual or take a test. You can find a […]

9 Surefire Techniques to Hurt a Capricorn Man (Beware)

If you’ve been burned by a Capricorn guy, you might be wondering about hurting a Capricorn man. What can you do to hit this zodiac sign where it hurts? Maybe you’re looking to get revenge, or perhaps you want to know what hurts a Capricorn guy because you love him and want to know which […]

Understanding The Type of Woman Attracting an Aquarius Man

The type of woman to attract an Aquarius man is often as eccentric as he is. Aquarius men need a woman who can keep up with them! An Aquarius man needs somebody who can keep him interested. He loves women who are creative, witty, and a little bit rebellious. Aquarius men are attracted to energetic […]

Risky Guide To Playing Mind Games With a Cancer Man

A Cancer man’s mind games can be hard to pick up on sometimes, but he definitely plays them sometimes! If you want to get back at a Cancer man, play mind games with him as well. If you do it right, you’ll always come out on top. You can play mind games with a Cancer […]

9 Secrets to Making a Virgo Man Obsessed (with You)

Be prepared to make an effort if you want to make a Virgo man obsessed with you! It might not always be easy. Show your Virgo man you are the ideal woman he’s looking for. Prove to him that you’re the one, and he’ll become obsessed. Try to look your best around your Virgo man. […]

Aquarius and Gemini • Compatibility in Love, Sex, and More

Aquarius and Gemini are a great match. This combination of air signs can be one of the best matches. These two signs have excellent compatibility on multiple levels, including communication, sex, and friendship. They understand one another on a deep level. Gemini and Aquarius are traditionally considered an excellent match for one another. They might […]

9 Secrets To Dating a Shy Gemini Man

Dating a shy Gemini man isn’t too tricky. If your Gemini man is shy, you might have to put in a little extra effort to help him open up. Your Gemini man is likely shy because he’s flustered around you or just shy about his emotions. While it’s not incredibly common for Gemini men to […]

Will Ignoring a Pisces Man Make Him Chase You?

Will ignoring a Pisces man make him chase you? Not necessarily. Pisces men are more likely to become upset when you ignore them. You need to be careful when ignoring a Pisces man. He is sensitive and may back off instead of chasing you. If you try to ignore a Pisces man to make him […]

Capricorn and Pisces • Compatibility in Love, Sex, and More

Capricorn and Pisces are very different people, but they can be surprisingly compatible in some ways. This relationship won’t be a perfect one. However, Pisces and Capricorn can balance one another out and can build a strong relationship if they want to. Earth signs and water signs tend to be compatible. They balance each other […]

10 Obvious Signs Scorpio Man is Not Interested (in You)

It’s obvious when a Scorpio man is not interested in you. If he’s not trying to play you, he’ll show plenty of signs. A Scorpio man won’t pretend to like you most of the time if he doesn’t. Instead, he prefers to be genuine. A Scorpio man will have no passion for you if he […]