
Maria Baker

Maria Baker
Maria is fascinated by Astrology, Tarot, Numerology, and anything related to the mystic arts. Maria has been featured on several publications such as Cosmopolitan, Glam, TheList, and WikiHow. She shares her esoteric studies on this website, as a mysticism enthusiast.

Recent Articles

Will a Pisces Man Give An Apology After Upsetting You?

A Pisces man’s apology is pretty easy to come by. If he upsets you, he’ll feel bad enough to apologize! Your Pisces man might not always apologize directly, but he will apologize if you tell him he upset you. Pisces men are compassionate and empathetic people. If you are upset, your Pisces man will likely […]

9 Secrets to Making a Taurus Man Obsessed (with You)

You don’t always need to work too hard to make a Taurus man obsessed with you. Many Taurus men have naturally obsessive personalities. Show your Taurus man that you’re the perfect match for him. He won’t be able to get enough when he feels good whenever you’re around. Taurus men want romantic, sensual, ambitious partners […]

What to Expect From an Aries Man After He Breaks Up

If your relationship with an Aries guy has just ended, you are probably wondering what happens to an Aries man after a breakup. How does this zodiac sign react to losing a romantic partner? Every star sign reacts differently to breakups, and each sign also has various ways of coping with the pain and discomfort […]

Possible Reasons Why a Taurus Man Stopped Texting You

If a Taurus man stops texting, don’t freak out. He could be angry or upset with you, but that’s not always the case! Taurus men aren’t always good at texting in the first place. Not all the reasons a Taurus man stops texting are bad. A Taurus man might stop texting if he is busy […]

10 Pisces Spirit Animals (Definitive Answer)

If you want to learn everything there is to know about Pisces, then you need to determine the Pisces animal. Which creatures best match this zodiac sign’s personality? When you want to figure out someone’s spirit animal, you don’t need to go on a quest or perform a ritual. All you have to do is […]

How Does a Libra Man Act When He Likes You?

When a Libra man likes you, it is usually pretty obvious. Libra men are romantic. They won’t be able to hide their feelings. A Libra man might not tell you that he likes you, but you’ll be able to tell if you know what to look for. Pay attention to how your Libra man acts […]

Understanding a Distant Capricorn Man (Why? How To Fix?)

It’s not unusual for a Capricorn man to be distant. He’s not a very emotional person and sometimes he just gets caught up with work. If he’s not usually distant, though, him withdrawing is usually a sign something is wrong. A Capricorn man might suddenly become distant for a variety of reasons. Not all of […]

Guide For When a Cancer Man is Giving Silent Treatment

Don’t freak out when a Cancer man gives you the silent treatment. Try to think of why he might be ignoring you first. Cancer men are highly sensitive. He might be ignoring you because something is wrong. It’s always a good idea to check on him. Never make assumptions when a Cancer man is giving […]

Risky Guide To Playing Mind Games With a Taurus Man

Do Taurus men play mind games? Some do. They play mind games more subtly and less intense than other signs. You can easily play mind games with a Taurus man. Be careful if he catches on, though! The key to playing mind games with a Taurus man is making him feel unstable. Taurus men crave […]

Taurus and Taurus • Compatibility in Love, Sex, and More

Taurus and Taurus can have a beautiful relationship together as long as they don’t let their stubborn natures get in the way! Not everyone who shares a sign gets along, but Taurus is often highly compatible with other Taurus people. A relationship between two Taurus people can be a beautiful one. Nobody appreciates life quite […]