If the Cancer guy in your life has upset you, you might wonder whether or not you can expect a Cancer man’s apology.
Does this zodiac sign admit it when they’ve done something wrong?
Some star signs are more humble and able to acknowledge their faults than others.
So, is Cancer one of the signs that are likely to issue an apology after upsetting you, or will you be waiting until the end of time for your Cancer guy to say he’s sorry?
Once you learn more about his zodiac sign’s typical personality traits and psychological characteristics, you will be able to predict if a Cancer man will apologize after upsetting you.
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He Apologizes If He Knows He’s Wrong
Once a Cancer guy knows for certain that he has done something wrong, he won’t be too proud to apologize.
The problem with a Cancer man is that he’s good at finding reasons and excuses for why he’s not the one who should apologize.
He likes to make himself the victim and he can be a bit manipulative. Even if he knows he’s wrong, he will search for a reason why you need to apologize to him, as well.
If your Cancer guy refuses to apologize after upsetting you, state your argument for why he owes you an apology calmly and rationally. Don’t let him bait you into an argument, and don’t get carried away by your emotions.
Sometimes, a Cancer man needs time to think before he will come to the conclusion that he’s in the wrong and needs to apologize.
Give him a little space after making your argument, and he will probably come back to you with a sincere apology when he’s ready.
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He Apologizes for Repeated Mistakes
When a Cancer man has to apologize for something, he takes note of the wrong behavior and tries not to repeat it.
He hates it when others repeat the same transgressions against him, so he tries not to do the same thing.
When a Cancer man recognizes that he’s making the same mistakes that hurt you before, he will apologize again. He feels bad that he didn’t learn his lesson the first time and is causing you more pain.
Gently remind your Cancer guy that he has promised not to hurt you the same way again, and tell him that you hope he can keep from repeating his mistakes.
Don’t rub it in his face and be unkind when he hurts you the same way again.
He already feels bad about repeating his mistakes, and if he keeps doing it in spite of telling you he’s sorry, he probably won’t change.
He Apologizes for Hurting Your Feelings
Cancer is one of the most emotional signs of the entire zodiac. It’s easy to hurt a Cancer man’s feelings, so he rarely intends to hurt someone else’s because he knows how much pain it can cause.
If you’re wondering how to deal with a Cancer man and make him apologize to you, you’ve got to let him know how much he hurt you.
Don’t hide your feelings from him or act tough. Let him see you crying, or tell him directly that he has deeply hurt your feelings.
Even if he doesn’t think he was in the wrong for whatever he did to upset you, he will still apologize for hurting you.
He never wants to hurt his loved ones, so while he might not apologize for the initial transgression, he will sincerely apologize for causing you pain.
But if he is unmoved by your tears and doesn’t care about hurting your feelings, it’s one of the signs a Cancer man doesn’t like you very much.
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He Apologizes with Words and Actions
When a Cancer man apologizes, he shows how sorry he is through more than just words. He will give you a verbal apology, but his truest apology comes in the form of actions.
Your Cancer guy will want to show you how sorry he is and make it up to you by going out of his way to be kind to you.
He will check to see how you’re feeling more frequently, and he will defer to your choices on how you spend your time together.
He will become more generous with you by insisting on paying for everything and giving you gifts to show you how much he cares about you.
If you want to know how to make a Cancer man happy, tell him that you recognize all of the sweet gestures he’s making to show you that he’s sorry.
Tell him that you love how he uses more than just words to apologize, and you know he truly means his apology.
He Apologizes When He’s Hypocritical
A Cancer man can’t stand it when other people are being hypocritical, so he tries hard not to do it himself. He thinks hypocrisy is a highly unattractive trait and he never wants to act that way.
Your Cancer man will apologize quickly when he realizes he’s being hypocritical because he thinks it’s a repulsive way to behave.
For example, if your Cancer man yelled at you because you didn’t do the dishes, yet you’ve been asking him politely to clean the bathroom for days, he will see that he’s in the wrong.
He might still try to get out of the apology by pointing out all the other chores you have neglected.
But once you point out his hypocrisy and he has some time to think about it, he will tell you he’s sorry.
Just make sure that you don’t escalate the argument by shouting or getting too emotional. It’s important for him to see when he’s hurt you, but you don’t need to make the situation worse than it already is.
When he recognizes his hypocritical behavior, your Cancer guy will be sure to apologize for upsetting you.
This magic will make your Cancer man want a relationship with you.
He Apologizes to Please You
Ultimately, all Cancer men want is to please their partners. Your Cancer guy might say he’s sorry, even when he’s not, just to appease you.
A Cancer man can be proud and stubborn, but he wants a peaceful household and a loving, healthy relationship more than he wants to be right.
He will apologize for upsetting you because he never truly wants to hurt you. He just wants to make you happy and keep the peace.
While this may seem nice, it also means that a Cancer guy sometimes apologizes when he doesn’t really mean it.
If you suspect that your Cancer man is saying sorry just to placate you, make sure he understands what he’s apologizing for and ask him to promise not to do it again.
Even if he doesn’t mean his apology, he will try not to repeat his mistakes because he doesn’t want to upset you further.
He Apologizes for His Mood Swings
The typical Cancer man’s personality is very moody and temperamental. He feels his emotions profoundly, and he often swings widely from one emotion to the next.
A Cancer man when hurt might try to make the other people around him hurt too, and when a Cancer man is angry with you he might lash out cruelly.
While his mood swings can be difficult to navigate, his sensitivity also makes a Cancer man very understanding and sympathetic.
You never have to worry about telling a Cancer man how you feel because he understands every feeling on the emotional spectrum and relates to anything you feel.
He knows he’s a moody guy, so he will apologize for upsetting you with his temper. He’s self-aware enough to realize that he sometimes lashes out when he’s cranky.
Be kind and gentle, but point it out to your Cancer man when he’s being temperamental. Ask him if there’s anything you can do to help his mood, and his apology for upsetting you will come even faster.
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He Punishes Himself as a Form of Apology
A Cancer man can be a bit of a martyr and he likes to victimize himself. If you are wondering how to make a Cancer man feel guilty for hurting you, you don’t have to do anything at all.
He puts plenty of guilt on himself when he hurts someone because he is so deeply sensitive himself.
Your Cancer guy might apologize by punishing himself as a way to show that he genuinely feels bad for upsetting you.
For example, if he upset you by spending the night out with some friends without telling you where he was, he might apologize by sleeping on the couch for a few nights.
Or if he upset you by eating your leftover takeout food without asking, he might apologize by getting you takeout food for the rest of the week and nothing for himself.
He wants to show you how guilty he feels and make up for it, both to you and himself, by punishing himself.
If you notice your Cancer man exhibiting these kinds of behaviors, tell him that you understand he’s sorry and he doesn’t have to discipline himself to prove it to you.
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