
How To Get a Pisces Man Back (After a Breakup)

Updated March 2, 2025

If you want to know how to get a Pisces man back after breaking up, be patient. Pisces men brood after a break-up.

Just because he avoids you, doesn’t mean he’s done with you forever.

After a break-up with a Pisces man, the best thing you can do is give him space. Pisces take time to digest their feelings. They are intense and empathic.

A Pisces man needs to sort through his complex emotions before he realizes that he doesn’t want the relationship to end. Don’t count on an immediate response.

Pisces men often come back on their own. Even if he doesn’t, there are simple tactics that help to encourage him to return after a breakup.

Guilt Trips

Pisces men are empathic. The fastest way to get a Pisces man back after a breakup is to put him on a guilt trip. When a Pisces man realizes he hurt you, he wants to make you happy.

He may even talk himself out of breaking up with you because he regrets hurting your feelings. Pisces men are terrified of being responsible for hurting anyone.

Making him feel guilty is the most efficient tactic possible. Pisces men often feel guilty for no logical reason at all. They wear their hearts on their sleeves and feel they must heal others.

They also always want to make peace and correct any wrongs they’ve done, even if their mistakes were unintentional. Convincing a Pisces man he’s done something wrong gets his attention.

You may wonder: Will a Pisces man come back if I ignore him? Ignoring him makes it easier for him to remain distant. Even when he wants you back, he gets lost in fantasies but never acts on them.

This is the #1 mistake women make with a Pisces man...

Appeal to His Compassion

Play up your vulnerability, and a compassionate Pisces man won’t be able to resist you. At least a few weeks after the break-up, but less than a month, hint at your ongoing wounds.

Let him know how devastated you’ve been since the relationship ended. Pisces men never ignore a plea for help. He instinctively feels he must try to heal your broken heart.

He may second guess himself, questioning if the relationship was that bad. He convinces himself to try again. He wants to show you love and compassion when you are hurt.

He may even downplay his memories of any bad times in the relationship. When you appeal to the compassion of a Pisces man, you can make him forget his reasons for breaking up with you in the first place.

If you want to know how to get a Pisces man’s attention again, try to appeal to his compassionate nature. He loves to extend his empathy while also helping you, even after the relationship is over.

Seduce Him

A more empowered approach to getting your Pisces man back is to seduce him. Rather than sulking, set to work improving your appearance. Get a makeover and look your best.

Then make sure you cross his path. Pretend it’s an accident when you run into him at his favorite spots. Initially, downplay your interest in him. Make him notice you but don’t act desperate.

Seeing you again allows him to fantasize about the good times you shared. Pisces men are idealistic dreamers. It’s easy to provoke their illusions.

A Pisces man who sees you looking your best and acting confident will want to start a conversation. From there, you can seduce him. He may be surprised by how much he misses you.

To understand why a Pisces man comes back, remember he feels spiritually and emotionally connected to the woman he loves. If you remind him what he’s missing, he can’t resist.

If you’re wondering how to make a Pisces man miss you, one way to get a response is to seduce him by playing to his fantasies. He is optimistic and assumes things will be better.

The simple secrets you can use to seduce and keep your Pisces man (they work like magic)

Play on His Sympathies

When a Pisces man breaks up with you, he tries hard not to think about how you’re faring. Deep inside, he fears you’re devastated. His worst fear is that you’re floundering without him.

Give him the impression his fears have materialized. When he asks how you’ve been, list all the horrible things that happened since he left you. Don’t outright say it’s his fault, but let him surmise that.

Play on the sympathies of a Libra man. You don’t have to connect the dots for him; he will automatically assume that he was the stabilizing force in your life. This is not the healthiest strategy, but it works.

When a Pisces man feels sorry for you, he won’t be able to stay away. He wants to bring healing and love into your life. Sympathy gets his attention. Don’t ignore a Pisces man if you want him back.

Go out of your way to get his sympathy. He’s too passive to take the initiative without a catalyst. Ignoring a Pisces man after a breakup will only encourage him to be more distant.

If you want to know how to get under a Pisces man’s skin, making him feel sorry for you is the best way. Sympathy is Kryptonite for a Pisces man. He is sensitive to others.


If you want to use an honest, direct approach, apologize to him. You may not think you did anything wrong, but if you reflect on the relationship, you’ll see that there are some mistakes you made along the way.

Apologize to him for whatever part you played in the difficulties in the relationship. If it wasn’t the ultimate catalyst, your apology impresses him. He will question if he misjudged you.

When you apologize to a Pisces man, he feels heard and validated. This is the most important reason for this tactic. You can take strides to reconcile with a Pisces man this way.

If you know how to win back a Pisces woman, you’ll know how to get a Pisces man back when he breaks up with you. Their motivations are almost identical.

Pisces men often wait for a sign that you’ve changed. If you apologize to a Pisces man, he will understand you have a new outlook on the relationship. He’ll take responsibility for his mistakes too.

This magic will make your Pisces man want a relationship with you.

Ask for Help

After at least a month has passed, if you haven’t heard from your Pisces ex, reach out and ask for help. You don’t have to be in a crisis. You may have a simple task you can’t do alone.

Maybe you need a ride somewhere because your car broke down. You may try to ask him for help in a way that flatters him and pinpoints his strengths. This plays to his ego and boosts his confidence.

Whatever problem you need to solve, he should feel like he’s the only one suited for the task. You need his sensitivity, creativity, perspective, or advice, for example.

If you practice a no-contact rule with a Pisces man, be brief. Don’t ignore him for more than a month. If you’re wondering, “Will a Pisces man come back to me after no contact?” The answer is no.

He needs something to trigger him to act. If you ignore him for too long, he has no reason to come back. Yet if you ask him a question or seek his advice, he then has an invitation to reconnect.

If you’re wondering what to say to get a Pisces man back, the best way to proceed is to ask for favors or advice. Make him feel needed and a Pisces man will return to you.

Make Him Jealous

One of the riskiest tactics you can use if you want your Pisces man back is to make him jealous. This can backfire if you aren’t careful. Only use this tactic if everything else fails.

Pisces men often go through a breakup while fantasizing about reuniting with the woman they love. They stay at a distance while romanticizing and fantasizing about getting back together.

They don’t anticipate the day comes when they no longer have that opportunity. If you make it seem like his chance is over, he will act faster to try to get back together with you.

How long will a Pisces man stay mad? Luckily, they don’t remain angry for long. They are quick to forgive and want to make peace. But if a Pisces man is distant and not pursuing you, jealousy can motivate him.

You can post photos of yourself with other guys on your social media. A Pisces man who has been quiet and distant is still likely to scroll through your posts.

He’ll see the photos and immediately jump to conclusions. This makes him want to reach out to you. He may tiptoe around the question rather than outright asking if you are seeing anyone new.

Once he thinks he may lose you for good, a Pisces man is more likely to step up to the plate. Making him jealous can also lead him to despair. He may assume his chances are over.

Thus, you must be careful when using this tactic. You’re playing with fire when you make a Pisces man jealous. This should only be done as a last resort.

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