Be open-minded if you want to get a Sagittarius man back after a breakup. You might not always win him back the way you had him before.
Be open to a new relationship with him instead of holding on to how things used to be.
Don’t be too clingy with your Sagittarius man if you want him back. Don’t try to manipulate or pressure him, or you’ll push him further away.
Focus on yourself and on fixing what went wrong with your relationship. You should also focus on your friendship with your Sagittarius man. Apologize if necessary and try to build a new bond with him.
Be optimistic. It might take a while to win your Sagittarius man back. Your relationship might not be the same as before, so be willing to accept that and focus on building a new one.
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Don’t Manipulate Him
You cannot manipulate him if you want to attract a Sagittarius man again. If you’re dishonest or acting a certain way to win him back, he’ll eventually realize your deception. When that happens, he’ll leave for good.
Be open and honest if you want to win back a Sagittarius man. He won’t come back because of a lie, so don’t bother. If you can’t win your Sagittarius man back by being honest, there’s no point winning him back.
Certain things need to change if you want to win your Sagittarius man back. You must be willing to make those changes, though! Don’t pretend you’re someone you’re not just to get him back.
Your Sagittarius man will have no issue leaving you again if he finds out you lied or tried to manipulate him. Get back together with him honestly, or don’t get back with him at all.
A tiny trick to snatch your Sagittarius man's heart?... even if he's cold and distant...
Don’t Be Clingy
Will a Sagittarius man come back to you after a breakup? He might, but he’ll never return to you if you are too clingy or pushy.
Sagittarius men need their freedom. They don’t want partners who are overly reliant or cling to them too much. If your Sagittarius man broke up with you because you were too clingy, you must show him you’ve changed.
Give your Sagittarius man his space. Don’t immediately try to win him back, even if you think the breakup was a mistake. Allow him to take some time and process things first.
If you stay friends with your Sagittarius man after your breakup, show him you can be independent. Do things on your own and don’t bother him too much, or he’ll never return to you.
Focus On Yourself
If you want to know how to make a Sagittarius man regret losing you, you need to focus on yourself and become the best version of yourself that you can be.
Focusing on yourself and fixing potential issues is the best way to make a Sagittarius man miss you. He might realize he made a mistake if he sees you thriving and living your best life.
When you focus on yourself, you’re showing your Sagittarius man that you can be independent and focused on growth. He might want to try again if he sees you’re becoming a better person.
Focusing on yourself can also help you process the breakup and feel better if things don’t work out how you want them to.
Don’t Pressure Him
Pressuring a Sagittarius man or trying to control him is a surefire way to ensure he runs in the other direction instead of returning to you.
Sagittarius men do not want to be controlled. They want their freedom, and they want to be able to make decisions on their own time and at their own pace.
If your Sagittarius man turns you down, you don’t need to give up, but you shouldn’t pressure him. Just keep focusing on building a bond with him and bettering yourself instead.
Pressuring a Sagittarius man to get back together will never work. He’ll just avoid you if you don’t take no for an answer. He won’t stick around and let you pressure him into something he doesn’t want.
Be Optimistic
If you want to get a Sagittarius man to chase you again and you haven’t been successful yet, don’t give up. Remain optimistic and be patient. You might not win your Sagittarius man back immediately.
Optimism can go a long way toward winning a Sagittarius man back! Sagittarius men try to look on the bright side of life and gravitate toward others who do as well.
If your Sagittarius man ended things because you were dragging him down with your pessimism or negative attitude, you should fix that. Try to be more optimistic.
Focus on the good things from your relationship with your Sagittarius man. If all he wants to do right now is be friends, be happy with that! Remain optimistic, and don’t get upset.
Use these secrets to make your Sagittarius man love you (they work like magic)
Show Him You’re Open-Minded
If you want to know how to make a Sagittarius man want you back, you must show him that you’re open-minded. If he left you because you were too closed off, show him you can be more open.
Sagittarius men are adventurous and want to experience the world around them. He might think you’re incompatible if you’re not open-minded and prefer to stay in your comfort zone.
Prove that you’re open-minded by listening to others, trying new things, and being willing to go with the flow sometimes. Your Sagittarius man won’t want to get back together if you’re too strict.
You should also be open-minded about your relationship. Don’t expect to have the same one as before. Your Sagittarius man might want to get back together, but it may not be the way you initially hoped for.
Be Flexible
You must be flexible if you’re trying to win a Sagittarius man back. You might not always get precisely what you want from him, and you need to be okay with that.
Your Sagittarius man might say he’s fine trying again, but that doesn’t mean he’ll pick up exactly where you left off. He might want to take things slower or have a casual relationship instead of a committed one.
If you can’t be flexible, it might be time to move on! If you’re not okay with taking things slow and your Sagittarius man wants to, he likely won’t pick up the pace just because that’s what you want.
Your inability to be flexible or compromise might have ended your relationship before. You and your Sagittarius man will never be happy if you can’t be more adaptable.
A Sagittarius man who loves you and wants to make things work will try to be flexible. He’ll want to make you happy but won’t let you control him or call all the shots. You have to be flexible too!
Is your Sagittarius man painfully distant? Rekindle your love.
Focus On Your Friendship
Sometimes, the best way to win a Sagittarius man back is to focus on building your friendship with him.
Your Sagittarius man might not want to get back together if he doesn’t trust you. He may be fine casually hooking up but won’t want to commit to you again. If you want a serious relationship, you need to bond with him!
You should genuinely be okay with just being friends with your Sagittarius man. If you reach out and ask to be friends but are only interested in a committed relationship, you’ll both end up disappointed.
Sometimes, a new relationship will grow from your friendship with your Sagittarius man. You two will be able to bond and trust one another more than you did the first time you dated. However, don’t push for that or expect it. Just enjoy your friendship first.
Apologize If Necessary
Will a Sagittarius man forgive you for breaking up with him? Sagittarius men can be forgiving, but you have to be willing to apologize!
If you did something to cause your breakup, be ready to apologize for that. This can be a significant first step toward repairing your relationship with your Sagittarius man.
Your Sagittarius man will likely appreciate your apology, even if he isn’t expecting one. If things end poorly, this will be an excellent way to show him that you’re working on yourself and want to fix things.
When a Sagittarius man is done with you for good, he’ll let you know. An apology won’t fix anything, and he won’t pretend like you still have a chance with him.
This magic will make your Sagittarius man want a relationship with you.
Fix What Went Wrong
If you don’t fix what went wrong in your previous relationship, you will likely break up with a Sagittarius man again. Winning a Sagittarius man back is pointless if you can’t repair the issues you two have.
You can likely fix things if you two break up because of communication issues. Focus more on communicating with your Sagittarius man in a way he understands, and show him you’re willing to keep working on that.
If you two had significant incompatibilities, reflect on those. If you broke up because of a difference in values, you likely won’t be able to fix that unless one of you changes your values.
Don’t completely change yourself just to get back together. Work on minor issues that can be fixed without compromising who you are.
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