If a Pisces man is slow to commit, it’s often because he’s afraid of something.
He might be scared to get hurt. He might be afraid of making a mistake. It might be commitment itself that is scaring him away.
Pisces men value commitment. If your Pisces man is afraid to commit, it might be because he is unsure about the relationship. He doesn’t want to make a mistake. He doesn’t want to make any promises he can’t keep.
A Pisces man also needs to feel a strong emotional connection before he will even think about committing. If he doesn’t feel that connection, he’s not going to want to commit to you.
Some Pisces men also love the freedom the single life gives them. They might get their emotional connections from friends and be fine without any commitments.
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Doesn’t Want To Get Hurt
A Pisces man’s behavior makes more sense when you understand that he is afraid of getting hurt.
Pisces men have big hearts. They are capable of giving somebody all the love and affection they could ever want.
Some Pisces men give their love away too freely and end up getting hurt.
If he’s been hurt in the past, he won’t want to keep making the same mistakes. He won’t want to dive into a relationship until he is sure you aren’t going to break his heart.
You’ll need to reassure him that you won’t do anything to hurt him. You will need to show him consistently just how much you care about him.
It’s not enough to give him a little bit of affection. Just saying that you love him also won’t be enough. You need to constantly show him that you care about him.
If he is sure of your love, he’ll become less scared of getting hurt by you.
This magic will make your Pisces man want a relationship with you.
Takes His Time
Even if a Pisces is falling in love with you, he might still be slow to commit.
A Pisces man being slow to commit doesn’t always mean he’s playing you. He might just be taking his time to make sure the relationship is right for both of you.
He wants to test things out and make sure the relationship will be a good one. He doesn’t want to get married just to end up divorced. He doesn’t want to move in with you just to end up moving out a few months later.
He wants to be as sure as possible that things will work out.
One of the signs a Pisces man is playing you is that he’ll make no effort to get to know you. If he’s not trying to become closer to you, he’s not just taking his time. He has no intention of committing.
Afraid of Mistakes
Sometimes a Pisces man doesn’t want a relationship because he’s afraid of making a mistake. He doesn’t want to start dating you only to realize that the relationship isn’t what he truly wanted.
If he’s made huge mistakes in relationships in the past, he’s going to be even more worried about making a mistake.
If he starts to see that he’s falling into the same patterns he fell into with his exes, he’s going to back off from the relationship. He doesn’t want to make the same mistakes twice.
You will need to reassure him if this is what he’s worried about. Let him know that you can’t always anticipate the future but that you think, at least for now, things are going to work out.
He is going to make mistakes along the way. So are you. You need to let him know that you’re there to support him and help him work through those mistakes.
This one weird trick is the only way to attract a Pisces man.
Getting To Know You
Getting to know a Pisces man very well is the best way to get him to commit. He won’t commit to a relationship with somebody to who he isn’t close.
He wants to know his partner inside and out. He wants them to know him better than anybody else as well.
If he doesn’t feel like he knows you well enough, he won’t want to make a huge commitment to you.
Take your time with him. Share everything about yourself that you’re comfortable sharing. Make sure he knows as much about you as possible. Listen to him when he tells you about himself as well.
When he feels like he knows you as well as he possibly can, he’s going to feel more comfortable committing to you.
Needs Emotional Connection
How long does it take for a Pisces man to fall in love? Some fall in love quickly while others take a long time. What matters more than time is the strength of the emotional connection he has with his partner.
Pisces men are emotional people. He is going to have a lot of feelings and he will need to talk about them with you if you two end up in a long-term, committed relationship.
He needs a partner who will be open with him about how they feel. He needs somebody that he can lean on when he’s sad.
If you can’t be emotionally open with him, he’s not going to commit to you. He needs to feel that connection.
You can work on your emotional connection by reaching out to him when you’re sad or upset about something. If he seems sad, you can let him know that you’re always there for him if he needs you.
Use these secrets to make your Pisces man love you (they work like magic)
He’s Sensitive
A Pisces man’s personality is a sensitive one. He’s often very in touch with his emotions.
As a water sign, he feels everything strongly. Unlike his fellow water sign, Scorpio, he doesn’t always try to hide how he feels either.
If he feels at all uncomfortable showing you the sensitive parts of himself to you, he’s not going to want to commit.
If you ever make him feel bad for his emotions, he definitely won’t want to commit to you. If you think he’s overly sensitive or dramatic, you two likely aren’t a good fit.
When he’s feeling down, try to be compassionate. Try to understand why he’s feeling the way he is. Offer him comfort and show him that you care about how he feels, even if you don’t always understand it.
Values Commitment
Pisces men in relationships take those relationships seriously. Commitment is very important to them. They don’t want to commit if they aren’t ready to give a relationship their all.
He doesn’t want to end up divorced. He doesn’t want to have to change “in a relationship” back to “single” on his social media pages.
He doesn’t take commitment lightly. He won’t want to make any big commitments to you if he’s unsure about your relationship.
Show him that you value commitment just as much. Make sure he knows that you are serious about him. Talk about the future you want to have together with him. Get him to understand that you are already committed to the relationship.
Is your Pisces man not communicating with you? Here's the trick to reel your Pisces back in.
Doesn’t Want To Rush
If a Pisces man is taking things slow, just be patient. He doesn’t want to rush into a serious relationship. He wants to be sure you’re the one for him.
He wants to take his time getting to know you. He wants to properly woo you and let you romance him in return.
He isn’t always in a rush. He will often be fine just dating for longer than other people are. If he’s having fun with you, he won’t see any need to rush.
Try not to be in a rush either. You don’t need to get married right away. You two can just enjoy one another. You can take the time that’s necessary to get to know one another.
Loves Freedom
Some Pisces men just really value their freedom.
They are dreamers. They have their heads in the cloud. They often have big ideas about how they want their lives to be.
They don’t want somebody to stomp on those dreams. He doesn’t want a partner who will try to convince him to set more “achievable” goals.
He doesn’t want somebody who will try to make him “grow up” and move beyond his daydreaming.
If he feels free with you, he’ll be more likely to commit. When he knows that he can be himself and that you aren’t going to stifle his creativity, he will want to keep you around.
Is your Pisces man painfully distant? Rekindle your love.
Even when a Pisces man has a crush on somebody, he can take a long time to make a move. Once he starts dating that person, he still might take a while to progress the relationship.
If he’s giving you mixed signals, it might be because he’s confused. He might feel like you’re definitely the one for him one day and then doubt your relationship the next.
The best way to help him make up his mind is just to be consistent, even when he’s not. Always show him that you love him. Be reliable. Show up for him when he needs you.
If he’s just feeling indecisive, he will be better able to make a choice about your relationship if he knows that you’re not going to suddenly change things around on him.
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