
Risky Guide To Playing Mind Games With a Sagittarius Man

Updated September 24, 2024

A Sagittarius man playing mind games on purpose is pretty uncommon. Many Sagittarius men hate playing mind games.

You risk pushing him away if you play mind games with a Sagittarius man. Beware if that’s not what you want to do!

Sagittarius men are direct. They prefer being with people who don’t play mind games with them. It’s relatively easy to mess with a Sagittarius man’s head if you know what to do.

Many Sagittarius men hate being wrong, for example. If you constantly tell a Sagittarius man he’s wrong, that will mess with his head, especially if he genuinely thinks he’s right.

You can mess with a Sagittarius man by crossing his boundaries, canceling plans with him, and constantly changing your personality so that he never really knows what to expect from you.

Don’t Respect His Boundaries

Playing mind games with a Sagittarius man is easy if you know him well. You’ll likely know where his boundaries are, and you’ll be able to mess with him by not respecting those boundaries.

Sagittarius men are good about setting boundaries with people. They are direct about where their lines are and won’t hesitate to call people out if they cross them.

You’ll mess with your Sagittarius man’s head if you show a complete disregard for his boundaries. He’ll be confused if you constantly ignore them and act as if he hasn’t made his boundaries clear to you.

Be careful with this one. If a Sagittarius man hasn’t been respecting your boundaries, ignoring his boundaries is an excellent way to get some revenge. If you continuously disregard his boundaries, though, he might start avoiding you.

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Make Him Second-Guess Himself

Sagittarius men tend to be pretty confident in themselves, at least outwardly. If a Sagittarius man states something as fact, he likely fully believes that he’s correct.

You can mess with a Sagittarius man by making him second-guess himself. If he tells you something, ask him if he’s sure he’s correct. Imply that you doubt what he’s said, even if it is accurate.

Question the validity of his facts. Pester him for sources, even if it’s not necessary. Even if you both know he’s right, shed doubt on what he says anyway.

It will start to get to him if you constantly question everything a Sagittarius man says. He might begin to second-guess himself without you even saying anything.

You can make him second-guess himself by being judgemental as well. Criticize his opinions, and he may start to wonder if he needs to reconsider them.

Question His Motives

Do Sagittarius guys play mind games? They sometimes do. Most of them prefer to be direct and transparent with their motives.

You’ll mess with his head if you constantly question a Sagittarius man’s motives. This is especially true if he thinks he’s being sincere and obvious about his intentions.

Accuse a Sagittarius man of using you or having an ulterior motive behind dating you. Refuse to believe that he is being honest, no matter how much he tries to defend himself.

If a Sagittarius man is using you, he’ll likely be embarrassed that you figured it out. If he’s not using you, he’ll be extremely confused about why you don’t trust him.

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Be Passive-Aggressive

Sagittarius men hate it when people are passive-aggressive. Some Sagittarius men are terrible at picking up when people are acting that way, so it’s an easy way to mess with them.

Sagittarius men are direct. They expect everyone around them to interact similarly. If a Sagittarius man says something to you, you can usually take it at face value. There’s no hidden motive.

You can easily play mind games with a Sagittarius man if he never knows what you mean when you say something. If you are always indirect in expressing your emotions to him, he won’t know what to expect from you.

Backhanded compliments are one way you can mess with a Sagittarius man. He’ll start to wonder if every compliment from you has a hidden meaning. Compliments might stop feeling good to him if he knows there may be an insult underneath.

Challenge Him

Does a Sagittarius man play games with people? He prefers not to, but it’s not unheard of for a Sagittarius man to play games. Call him out on it if you think a Sagittarius man is playing games with you.

If a Sagittarius man is playing mind games with you, the best way to get back at him is to beat him at his own game. You can mess with him if you constantly challenge him and draw attention to his behavior.

Sagittarius men can be very competitive. Your Sagittarius man might like some friendly competition in your relationship, but he likely doesn’t want you challenging him all the time.

Sagittarius men also like to be in control. If you constantly challenge his authority or try to take power away from him, that will mess with him.

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Tell Him He’s Wrong

Sagittarius men hate being wrong. Telling him his facts are incorrect or his opinion isn’t valid is an example of what not to say to a Sagittarius man.

A Sagittarius man likely won’t want to admit he’s wrong, even if he knows he is. He might just hope that nobody notices if he says something incorrect.

Whenever you notice that a Sagittarius man is wrong about something, call him out on it. It will get to him if you always point out his flaws and mistakes.

If a Sagittarius man isn’t wrong, and you say he is, he’ll likely become defensive and frustrated. Refuse to admit that he’s right, and you’ll play with his head.

Cancel Plans Last Minute

If a Sagittarius man is playing mind games with you, an easy way to get your revenge is to cancel plans at the last minute constantly.

A Sagittarius man will wonder if something is wrong if you’re generally reliable. You’ll confuse him and toy with his emotions if you suddenly start canceling on him all the time. He might wonder if you’re upset with him or losing interest.

Do Sagittarius men like playing hard to get? They think it’s fun sometimes! A Sagittarius man will grow exasperated if you take it too far, though.

Be careful about canceling plans too much if you’re doing this to mess with a Sagittarius man. When a Sagittarius man is done with you, he’ll stop making plans with you completely. If that’s not what you want, be careful.

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Break Promises

What pushes a Sagittarius man away? Sagittarius men value honesty in a relationship. If you constantly break promises or lie to your Sagittarius man, you’ll mess with his head, but you may also push him away.

A Sagittarius man will feel like you’re toying with him if you suddenly start breaking all your promises.

It takes a long time for a Sagittarius man to trust somebody. If he trusts you, he’ll be hurt to find that you’re suddenly not reliable.

You need to be careful with this one as well. It might mess with a Sagittarius man’s head when you break a promise to him, but if you never follow through on your promises, he’ll just stop trusting you completely.

Change Your Personality

Are Sagittarius men manipulative? Most of them aren’t. What you see is what you get, for the most part. You can play with a Sagittarius man’s head and manipulate him by constantly changing your personality on him.

If you are generally calm and pleasant to be around, a Sagittarius man will be extremely confused if you suddenly become a loose cannon.

You can toy with a Sagittarius man by responding with anger to something you usually don’t mind. Don’t react to his jokes the way you typically do. Get mad at him over something you typically let slide.

A Sagittarius man will start to feel like he doesn’t actually know you if you suddenly start treating him differently. He likes to mix things up, and he understands that people change over time, but he’ll be extremely confused if your entire personality changes overnight.

This magic will make your Sagittarius man want a relationship with you.

Be Unimpressed By Him

Sagittarius men might not be as flashy or attention-seeking as Leo men, but they do love attention! If a Sagittarius man likes you, he wants to impress you.

Always act unimpressed by your Sagittarius man, no matter how impressive something he does is.

Act bored while a Sagittarius man tells you about a trip he went on recently. He might be excited to tell you everything that happened, but his excitement will quickly fade away when he sees that you don’t care.

If a Sagittarius man tells you about his achievements, you can show him you’re unimpressed by one-upping him. You can also bring up a more impressive achievement another man in your life made recently.

A Sagittarius man will notice when you’re never impressed by him. He might start trying harder to impress you if he likes you. He’ll wonder why he can’t seem to get your attention!

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