
10 Sure Signs a Scorpio Man is Serious About a Relationship

Updated March 11, 2025

A serious Scorpio man will show many signs that he’s ready to settle down with you.

Once a Scorpio commits, he’s all-in. It might take him a while to get to that point, but he’ll give you his whole heart when he’s ready.

Scorpio men don’t trust easily. It takes them a long time to warm up to somebody. Once your Scorpio man starts sharing secrets and showing you his true self, he’s serious about the relationship.

A Scorpio man in love can be intense. He will only have eyes for you and give you a lot of attention and affection. He will do anything he can to show you that he cares.

Commitment is a huge deal for a Scorpio man. If he talks to you about moving in together or marriage, he’s in it for the long haul.

1. Shows You His True Self

How do you know if a Scorpio man is serious about your relationship? He will show you his true self.

Your Scorpio man will feel comfortable being his genuine self around you when he loves you. If he wants to be in a long-term relationship with you, he’ll be fine opening up and letting you see his different sides.

Scorpio men do not show their inner selves to everyone. A Scorpio man isn’t lying or pretending to be somebody else, but you’re often only seeing the tip of the iceberg unless you two are close.

When a Scorpio man is serious about you, he will slowly reveal more and more about himself to you. He will want you to see him for who he truly is.

This can be scary for a Scorpio man. He risks showing you something that makes you change your opinion about him. He is willing to take that risk when he cares about you.

This magic will make your Scorpio man want a relationship with you.

2. Shares His Secrets

Scorpio men are some of the most secretive people you will ever meet. A Scorpio man might keep something a secret that doesn’t seem like a huge deal to you.

A Scorpio man won’t share all his secrets with just anyone. He might share some with his closest friends, but his life partner is likely the one who will know most of the things he keeps secret.

If a Scorpio man starts sharing secrets with you, he trusts you. This is a huge deal!

Your Scorpio man might start sharing little secrets with you to make sure that he’s correct to place his trust in you. This is a sign that he’s beginning to think seriously about your relationship.

Once he knows he can tell you his secrets without worry, you will likely start hearing more and more from him. He will open up when he’s serious about you.

3. Puts Full Trust In You

How do you know a Scorpio man is serious about you? He will put all his trust in you when he’s serious.

One of the signs a Scorpio man is serious about you is that he will trust you with things he never trusts anyone else in. He will give up some control and let you help him with something he usually does by himself.

Many Scorpio men prefer to do things for themselves. They are overly self-reliant and hate relying on other people to do something for them.

A Scorpio man will trust you to do things for him when he’s serious about your relationship. He’ll be okay with not handling every single thing all by himself. He will trust you to support him when he needs it.

Is your Scorpio man not communicating with you? Here's the trick to reel your Scorpio back in.

4. He’s Highly Attentive

When a Scorpio man is serious about you, he’ll be highly attentive. You will be one of the top priorities in his life.

When a Scorpio man loves you, he will be in tune with you and your needs. He’ll pick up on your emotions and will know when you need comfort or support without you needing to say anything.

Scorpio men are very observant people. A Scorpio man will show you that he cares about you by observing you and noticing little things that not everyone sees.

You might not need to tell a Scorpio man what you want for your birthday because he will see the things that catch your eye. He’ll show up with a necklace you’ve wanted without you needing to say a word.

5. He’s Intense

A Scorpio man in a serious relationship can be intense at times. Scorpio men can sometimes be obsessive or possessive on the negative end of things. They aren’t always like that, though.

Scorpio men just have big feelings. Scorpio is a water sign! His emotions run deep. He won’t genuinely be able to hide how he feels when he loves you.

When a Scorpio man is serious about you, you’ll definitely know. He’ll do everything he can to show you that he loves you. Your Scorpio man will not want to leave any room for you to doubt his emotions.

A Scorpio man’s intensity can intimidate some people. Don’t let it turn you off, though. That is just how he shows his love.

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6. Texts You Constantly

When a Scorpio man is seriously in love, he’ll often want to be around the object of his affections. You might notice that your Scorpio man texts you constantly when the two of you aren’t together.

A Scorpio man isn’t necessarily looking for you to reply to every text he sends. Scorpios are notorious for double-texting. This is just part of their texting style.

If your Scorpio man sees something that reminds him of you, he’ll text you. He will send you memes or jokes he thinks will make you smile.

He might just send you texts about how his day is going. If you seem down or off, he will send you things he thinks will cheer you up too.

7. Only Has Eyes For You

Dating a Scorpio man is often a great experience because when a Scorpio man loves you, he only has eyes for you.

Some people might say that Scorpio men are cheaters, but this is often not true! Scorpio men are very loyal and dedicated partners.

Faithfulness in a relationship is essential to a Scorpio man. He is fine casually dating around, but he’ll likely want to be exclusive when he is serious about you.

You will always be the most beautiful person in the room when a Scorpio man loves you. He won’t be able to take his eyes off you, and his love for you will be written all over his face.

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8. Talks About Commitment

If you’re in a relationship with a Scorpio man and he starts talking about things like moving in together, getting married, or having kids, even hypothetically, he’s serious about you.

A Scorpio man will not bring up significant commitments if he’s not serious about you. He will likely avoid all talk of marriage or other huge steps in a relationship if he has no intention of being with you long-term.

If your Scorpio man starts talking about how he’d like his wedding to be or asking you about what kind of ring styles you like, he’s serious about you.

He is likely dropping hints to see how you react. A proposal may be on the way if you react the way he wants.

If a Scorpio man doesn’t want to be with you, he won’t talk about huge commitments. This is a sure sign he’s serious about your relationship.

9. Takes You Out Constantly

Scorpio men love to treat the people they care about. He might not always take you on glamorous, expensive dates as a Leo man would, but he will take you out often when he’s serious about you.

Your Scorpio man will want to spend as much time with you as possible when he loves you. He will also want to take care of you and make you feel good.

You might notice that your Scorpio man frequently buys tickets to see your favorite bands. If he knows you love going to a particular bar or restaurant, he will often take you on dates there.

Quality time is one way a Scorpio man shows his love. Even something as simple as going for walks together or hanging around the neighborhood park will be fun activities for him, as long as he’s with you.

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10. Showers You In Affection

When a Scorpio man is serious about you, he will shower you in affection. He’ll do everything he can to show you how deeply he loves you.

One of a Scorpio man’s love languages is acts of service. Your Scorpio man might show you affection by running errands for you or doing other things to help you out.

Your Scorpio man will also be physically affectionate. If he ever has trouble telling you how he feels, he will show you instead.

It will be undeniable when a Scorpio man cares about you and is serious about your relationship. He will be far more open and affectionate with you than anyone else, even his close friends.

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