
Aries Compatibility with All 12 Signs (Best to Worst)

Updated February 21, 2025

Aries compatibility is based on chemistry. People born under this sign instinctively know what they want.

They are attracted to people who balance their intense nature. You must understand unique Aries characteristics to know if you’re a good match.

Aries people are best suited for people born under air and fire signs. They need partners who can handle their intense energy. Aries is a passionate sign.

Their ideal partner is patient, thoughtful, and won’t try to upstage them. Aries people need to be in charge. Their most compatible matches understand and respect this.

People born under this sign need a partner who can keep up with their active lifestyle. They become bored if routines are too repetitive and predictable.


For an Aries man, compatibility is about opposites attracting. A Libra woman is his best love match. Aries and Libra are opposites in the zodiac. Aries compatibility with Libra is exceptional. He’ll find the compassion and empathy he needs.

Aries women are also compatible with Libra men. Women born under the sign of Aries appreciate the gentle, kind Libra man’s personality. An Aries woman loves to take the lead. A Libra man doesn’t question her authority.

They have opposite personalities, which keeps them both fascinated with each other. Aries needs a challenge, and understanding Libra’s easy-going personality provides a change of perspective. Libras love people who are assertive and direct.

Left to their own devices, Libra people can be complacent and procrastinate on working toward their goals. But an Aries partner motivates Libra people. Aries needs help slowing down, and Libra helps them become more thoughtful.


For an Aries woman, compatibility requires shared desires. Aries women need partners who are optimistic and enjoy being active. A partner who is too emotional or needy will overwhelm an Aries woman.

Aries men are attracted to women born under the sign of Leo. Leo women challenge Aries men. Women born under the sign of the lion keep Aries men on their toes. This pair can be passionate but may also clash.

An Aries man and Leo woman may have a passionate love affair. Yet this couple can become argumentative as each will try to dominate the other. They need to learn to cooperate and avoid power struggles.


People born under the sign of Gemini are charming and curious. Their intellectual prowess matches Aries’s physical stamina. Though they are highly compatible, these two signs are also different enough to inspire each other.

Aries men are attracted to Gemini women because they are playful and flirty. Gemini women love the strength and vitality Aries men possess. Gemini women are accommodating, blending well with Aries men who are assertive.

Aries women love the playful, carefree nature of Gemini men. Gemini men admire the courage and audacity of Aries women. This pair encourages each other to travel, learn new things, and expand beyond their limitations.

While the romance between Aries and Gemini can be hot and intense, their sexual compatibility varies. Gemini people go through phases of needing more or less sexual fulfillment.

Aries people have steadily high sex drives. An Aries person in a relationship with Gemini may become restless if their partner goes through a sexual dry spell.


People born under the sign of Aquarius rank high on the Aries compatibility chart. Aries and Aquarius form a bond based on intense attraction. They may be obsessed with each other. Their relationship is dynamic and can be chaotic.

People born under the sign of Aries are determined. They are loyal and charismatic. Aquarius people are erratic and exciting. When Aries and Aquarius get together, anything is possible. They can run hot and cold.

Aries people charm Aquarius. Aquarius may initially love an Aries person’s protective and obsessive nature. Eventually, Aquarius will want space. When an Aquarius pulls away, Aries becomes insecure and jealous.

Aries women and Aquarius men need to work on finding the balance between her need for approval and reassurance and his occasional need for space. Aries men with Aquarius women can compromise easily.


Aries compatibility percentage is higher with fire signs than with earth and water signs. People born under the sign of Aries easily understand Sagittarius’s independence and passion. Both bring excitement to the relationship.

Aries and Sagittarius are transparent about their desires. They encourage each other and can be idealistic. They aren’t always realistic, especially with money and other practical matters.

Yet an Aries and Sagittarius couple will work hard to make each other’s dreams reality. Each brings out the other’s confidence. They can be an uplifting, inspiring couple.

Aries men and Sagittarius women are a great match. A Sagittarius woman is independent; but not as emotionally aloof as a Sagittarius man. She gives Aries space when he needs it. She arouses his chase instinct because she isn’t needy.


An Aries man’s personality can be intense, causing friction in a romance with an Aries woman. This relationship can be volatile. Aries men and Aries women in love can motivate each other but also provoke jealousy.

Aries women are not accommodating. Like Aries men, Aries women want to have control. Both may struggle to take the lead in the relationship. Jealousy and power struggles are likely.

Yet if an Aries man and Aries woman are both devoted to each other, the benefits far outweigh the challenges in the relationship. Some friction can help maintain their interest in each other.


Aries compatibility with Scorpio can be exciting albeit challenging. They have little in common; though both are intense, powerful, and assertive. Scorpio is far more emotional and sensitive, however. Scorpio is strategic while Aries rushes to make decisions.

Yet an Aries person’s impetuous nature entices Scorpio. A Scorpio’s deep and brooding emotional nature can overwhelm Aries. But Aries is also attracted to Scorpio’s sex appeal and intense energy.

Aries men and Scorpio women are attracted to each other at first sight. The romance burns out quickly. Scorpio women aren’t trusting. He’s offended by her suspicious nature.

She’ll try to get a firm commitment from him; this makes an independent Aries man feel suffocated. They can thrill each other, but practical differences make long-term romance difficult.

Aries women and Scorpio men have slightly better chances of success. An Aries woman will entertain a Scorpio man’s insecurity long enough to convince him to drop his guard. If he comes to trust her, this relationship can thrive.


Aries compatibility with Taurus can be challenging. This pair has little common ground. Aries is adventurous, outgoing, and takes initiative. An Aries person may act on instinct before gathering all information. Taurus is different.

People born under the earthy sign of the bull are patient, practical, and grounded. They wait for problems to solve themselves, exerting their effort only when necessary. Taurus can be hard-working, but their approaches are different.

A Taurus woman is materialistic. An Aries man sees her as superficial. He’ll grow impatient with her need for reassurance. She’ll become frustrated with his carelessness.

An Aries woman and Taurus man are just as likely to clash. She wants excitement and drama. He will hide from her intense nature. He may ghost her or make excuses to keep himself at a distance.

She’ll resent his lack of affection, praise, and attention. This partnership is not likely to last. If both partners make significant efforts to meet each other’s needs, this relationship may have a better chance.


Relationships between an Aries and Virgo are slightly worse. Virgo is also an earth sign. Virgos are relentlessly picky: Their perfectionism grates on Aries person’s nerves.

Aries compatibility with Virgo must be earned through hard work. It doesn’t come naturally. Aries feels stifled by Virgo’s pickiness. Virgo seems like an elitist to this impulsive sign.

An Aries man and Virgo woman have a chance of success. The Aries compatibility percentage gets a boost because Virgo women hold back criticism easier than Virgo men. Virgo women still have little in common with Aries men, though.

Aries women with Virgo men will feel suffocated and bored in the relationship. She needs passion and excitement. He is methodical and married to his routines. She wants romance; he is too practical.

Aries and Virgo also have a low compatibility score in the bedroom. Virgos are modest and inhibited. Aries people want to push the limits and show off their prowess.


An Aries man’s love language is so foreign to a Capricorn woman: As if they inhabit different worlds. Aries women and Capricorn men are also not likely to build a lasting romance.

They are attracted to each other initially, but their needs and motivations clash. Aries loves attention and can be dominating. Capricorn can’t relate to this need for admiration. Aries continually feels disappointed by Capricorn’s emotional distance.

An Aries man is jealous of Capricorn’s devotion to her career. He’ll feel slighted by her commitment to helping others. He expects to be her top priority.

An Aries woman may make the mistake of giving a Capricorn man an ultimatum to try to get his attention. Rather than playing into this manipulation, a Capricorn man will cut ties with his Aries partner.

Aries compatibility with Capricorn is achieved under rare circumstances. Usually, Capricorn sees Aries as too needy and dramatic. Aries views Capricorn as restrictive and dull. Both partners are stubborn and will resist any effort to change.


When an Aries man respects you, he’ll do all he can to make you happy. Yet even an Aries man in love with a Cancer woman won’t be able to reassure her of his devotion. She’s extremely sensitive and emotional.

Cancer women need to feel emotionally secure and nurtured. Aries men move too fast to notice the subtle cues women born under this sign give. He’ll hurt her feelings accidentally. She’ll hold a grudge.

If you’re a Cancer woman, and you think you see signs an Aries man is using you, no amount of explanation will make you trust him. Aries men are dominating, and Cancer is too sensitive for their style.

Aries women clash with Cancer men. He tries to teach her how to treat him. But his nurturing makes her feel smothered. She tries to motivate him to pursue his dreams, and he thinks she’s criticizing him.


Aries compatibility with Pisces is unpredictable. This couple is not typically compatible. Sometimes, an Aries and Pisces pair will beat the odds. When this partnership succeeds, it’s because Aries is motivated to overcome the challenge, and Pisces is flexible.

An Aries man and a Pisces woman are most compatible for this sign combination. She is willing to let him lead. Her emotional depths intrigue him. She must accept his style of showing love.

Rather than opening up and sharing his vulnerable feelings, an Aries man will show his feelings by doing things for his Pisces love. If she doesn’t understand his love language, he’ll see her as ungrateful.

But if she can accept his bold and carefree style, they may have a chance. An Aries woman and Pisces man are also mismatched. But in rare cases, she can help him build confidence.

An empowered Pisces man balances the intense energy of an Aries woman. This pair needs to work on learning to compromise, but balance and harmony are possible. They must learn to appreciate each other’s interests and unique perspectives.

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