
Aquarius and Cancer • Compatibility in Love, Sex, and More

Updated February 17, 2025

Aquarius and Cancer aren’t always a good match. Anyone can make things work if they want to, but these two tend to have low compatibility.

Cancer might feel emotionally neglected by Aquarius, while Aquarius might feel that Cancer is too clingy.

If you are an Aquarius in a relationship with a Cancer or vice versa, don’t take this to mean that your relationship can’t work out. It certainly can! Sun sign compatibility isn’t the only thing going on with astrological compatibility.

Compromise is vital if an Aquarius and Cancer want to have a successful relationship. Aquarius may need to learn to be more emotionally open and affectionate. Cancer needs to allow Aquarius to be independent.

Whether they are friends, spouses, or lovers, Aquarius and Cancer will need to work on trying to understand one another better.


Are Aquarius and Cancer compatible? Traditionally, these two signs aren’t considered to be compatible. They can make things work if they both want to be friends, though.

An Aquarius’ compatibility with someone, be it romantic or platonic, is often higher if that person is as extroverted as Aquarius is.

Aquarius and Cancer can become friends, but Cancer isn’t always the type to go on an adventure or party a lot. These two might struggle to find activities they both enjoy doing.

Cancer people make great friends. They are kind and caring. An Aquarius might not always realize it, but a Cancer may be just the person they need if they don’t have a lot of emotional support in their life.

If Cancer and Aquarius develop a close friendship, Cancer can help Aquarius open up more. They can show Aquarius how to be vulnerable and teach them that it’s okay to be emotional.

Aquarius and Cancer do not always understand one another. Even as friends, these two can have some trouble connecting and learning how to trust each other.

Cancer might not always feel like their Aquarius friend cares about them the way they need them to. Aquarius does not show love the same way a Cancer does, which can cause some disconnects.

Aquarius shows their love more practically. If they know their Cancer friend is having a rough time and needs some support, they might help them out by doing chores or other service acts.

To an Aquarius, doing something practical to help out a friend when they’re stressed is the best way to handle the situation. However, Cancer may want a shoulder to cry on.

Cancer might help a friend out by cooking them a meal, but they will also be there to listen to their friend.

Cancer expects the same in return and may not always feel like their Aquarius friend cares if they aren’t there to talk about their feelings.

Aquarius often needs to learn how to be emotionally supportive of their Cancer friend, while Cancer needs to learn how to accept how Aquarius shows love.


Just like these two have to compromise and learn how to understand one another to be friends, Aquarius and Cancer need to work to make a romantic relationship work.

Cancer’s compatibility with their partner is higher if they are emotionally open or at least willing to learn how to be. Unfortunately, the Aquarius personality tends to be pretty emotionally detached.

The Cancer personality is a sensitive, emotional one. An Aquarius might accidentally hurt a Cancer’s feelings or make them feel unloved if they don’t work hard to connect emotionally.

Aquarius needs to learn how to navigate Cancer’s emotions. Cancer will expect emotional support from their Aquarius partner and will be highly disappointed if they can’t get that support.

A Cancer in a relationship with an Aquarius needs to learn how to handle Aquarius’ practical nature. They also need to understand that Aquarius has a strong desire for independence.

Aquarius is not trying to neglect their partner when they do things by themselves. This can be difficult for a Cancer to understand at first, as they often prefer to spend a lot of time with their partner.

Things aren’t all bad in a relationship between a Cancer and Aquarius. If these two really try, they can learn to understand one another.

Dating Cancer can be an eye-opening experience for an Aquarius. Cancer can teach Aquarius how to feel their emotions and express themselves better if Aquarius is willing to learn.

Dating Aquarius can be exciting for Cancer! Aquarius is good at getting others out of their comfort zones. If Cancer is willing, Aquarius can show them the world in a way they’ve never seen before.

No relationship between Cancer and Aquarius will work out long-term without some compromise. Cancer will feel unloved and neglected if Aquarius refuses to be more open and continues to be overly independent.

An Aquarius and Cancer’s relationship won’t always be easy. There will be times when both partners will feel frustrated with the other. Both need to do a lot of work to have a functional relationship if that is what they truly want.


An Aquarius man and a Cancer woman’s compatibility in marriage is not always high. This doesn’t mean that they can’t ever get married. These two will just need to really work together to make things work.

A marriage between Cancer and Aquarius won’t work out if they do not take the time to understand one another before their relationship gets to the point of marriage.

Trust is one thing that can be difficult for an Aquarius and Cancer couple. Cancer might feel like Aquarius is constantly hiding things from them.

Aquarius will want a lot of time to themselves or to spend with other people. Cancer may have a hard time being apart and spend a lot of time wondering if their Aquarius spouse is cheating on them when they aren’t together.

Cancer also often wants a traditional marriage. They are more likely to want a monogamous partnership. They will expect a lot of emotional intimacy in their marriage too.

Aquarius doesn’t always want the same things from a marriage that Cancer wants. Aquarius might feel stifled or like they are losing their freedom if they tie themselves to Cancer.

Even when married, Aquarius still wants a high amount of independence. Many Aquarius people like open marriages for this reason. Even if they are monogamous, they will still not spend all their time with their spouse.

This can be difficult for Cancer to understand. When a Cancer loves someone, they want to be with them all the time! What Cancer sees as loving behavior, Aquarius may see as overly clingy.

Cancer wants a partner who makes them feel safe and secure. Aquarius wants a partner who can be flexible and allow them the freedom they desperately want.

An Aquarius married to a Cancer will need to make a concerted effort to make their Cancer spouse feel loved. They will need to give up some of their independence to make Cancer feel loved.

In return, a Cancer married to an Aquarius will need to learn to be more independent. They need to understand that Aquarius won’t want to spend every waking moment with them, but that doesn’t mean they love Cancer any less.

In Bed

A Cancer man and an Aquarius woman’s compatibility in bed can be pretty low. Cancer men like to take things slow and feel a genuine, intimate connection with their sexual partners.

On the other hand, Aquarius women don’t necessarily want a slow, gentle lover. They want excitement and passion, and they aren’t always good at emotional intimacy.

The same is true for Cancer women and Aquarius men. An Aquarius man might be too detached during sex for a Cancer woman to truly enjoy the experience.

Cancer usually needs to feel an emotional connection with the people they have sex with. They prefer to be in love with their sexual partners. Sex just feels better for them that way.

Aquarius is often the exact opposite! They can easily separate love and sex. Sex won’t be any less enjoyable for them just because they feel no emotional connection to their partner.

There can sometimes be miscommunications and disconnects between Cancer and Aquarius regarding sex.

A Cancer in a relationship with an Aquarius might assume that their Aquarius partner loves them if they have sex. On the other hand, Aquarius may think they are having a casual fling.

An Aquarius will have no trouble sleeping with a Cancer friend of theirs. That Cancer friend might feel like the nature of their relationship has changed after having sex, though.

Cancer isn’t as experimental or adventurous in bed as Aquarius is. Even if these two are on the same page, they can still have difficulty finding a way to ensure that both partners feel satisfied.

Aquarius might become frustrated if their Cancer partner always wants to do the same things in bed. Cancer may feel like Aquarius is pressuring them if they continuously ask for things Cancer doesn’t want to do.

Cancer can bring emotional intimacy to the bedroom and show Aquarius how to enjoy gentle, loving sex. Aquarius can make things more exciting for Cancer if Cancer is willing to get outside of their comfort zone.

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