If an Aquarius man is ignoring you, don’t freak out. The best thing to do is to remain calm and to focus on other things.
He might just be going through something. Once he’s feeling better, he’ll usually come back.
The first thing you should do if an Aquarius man is ignoring you is to figure out why he’s ignoring you.
If he’s ignoring other people, that’s a sign he’s not upset with you specifically.
Don’t be pushy and don’t be too needy if you’re being ignored by an Aquarius man.
He might be overwhelmed or he might be ignoring you because he thinks you’re pushy or needy. Just remain calm.
You can reach out once to make sure he’s okay. The best thing to do, however, is to just focus on other things and be patient with him.
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1. Find Out Why
Before you freak out or accuse him of purposely ignoring you, figure out why he might be ignoring you.
If an Aquarius man is acting weird, it might be because something is going on in his life. He may simply not be ready to talk about it. He’ll ignore people around him until it’s resolved or he’s ready to discuss whatever it is.
If he’s ignoring people other than you, don’t take it personally. If he is only ignoring you, try and think about why that might be. Did you two fight recently? Have you been treating him differently than you normally do?
If you can’t figure out why you can try asking him. If he doesn’t respond, you’ll need to just let it go for now.
When an Aquarius man ignores your text, that doesn’t always mean something is wrong. Everyone misses a text sometimes or just gets caught up with something else and forgets to respond.
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2. Don’t Be Pushy
An Aquarius man’s silent treatment can be frustrating. Don’t push him, though. If he really doesn’t want to talk to you, trying to force him to will only make him ignore you more.
If an Aquarius man is feeling overwhelmed, getting constant texts from people will not make him feel any better.
He might be ignoring people because he’s stressed out or upset for some reason. The last thing he needs is people accusing him of ignoring them or demanding that he talk to them.
If you see him in person and he doesn’t seem like he’s in a social mood, don’t push it. Wave hello and then leave him alone unless he approaches you first.
Don’t blow up his phone or bother him on social media. That will only stress him out more and may make him ignore you longer.
3. Don’t Be Needy
Sometimes, an Aquarius man pulls away because he thinks somebody is too needy.
If you rely on an Aquarius man a lot and constantly go to him for help or support, he might be overwhelmed. You may need to back off and go to somebody else with your problems for a while.
He is not responsible for all your needs and he shouldn’t be the only person you spend time with.
If you’re overwhelming him, he’ll pull away from you.
You want to show him that you’re not needy and that you are capable of giving him a break. Let him have his alone time.
If he stops ignoring you, don’t go back to bothering him 24/7. Establish boundaries and know that sometimes, you need to deal with things yourself or go to someone other than him.
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4. Give Him Time
The best way to handle a distant Aquarius man is often just to give him time. He may simply need to be alone for a while.
If he’s ignoring people other than you, then it’s not you that’s the problem. He may just not be feeling social.
He may be busy with work or something else. If he needs to work on something because of a deadline, he may ignore people and hold back from going to parties until he’s finished his project.
He also sometimes just wants time for himself. That’s fine! You shouldn’t expect him to be available to you 24/7.
If he’s been ignoring you for a few days and you know he’s talking to other people, you should still try and give him space.
If he’s upset with you, he might just need some time to calm down before he can talk to you about it.
5. Focus on You
If an Aquarius man is ignoring you, one of the best things you can do is take some time to focus on yourself.
If he’s ignoring you because he’s upset with you, reflect on why he’s upset. If you were rude to him or did something to make him angry, there might be some aspect of your personality that you need to improve on.
If you normally spend most of your time with the Aquarius man who is ignoring you, take some time to be your own person. He may be ignoring you because he needs some time away from you.
Take this as an opportunity to become more independent from him. Your relationship will be better if you are capable of being by yourself sometimes.
This magic will make your Aquarius man want a relationship with you.
6. Hangout with Others
If an Aquarius man is ignoring you, use that as an opportunity to hang out with other friends and reach out to people other than him.
This is especially important if you’re dating an Aquarius man and you spend almost all your time with him. It’s healthy to spend some time apart. It’s better for your relationship if you have other friends.
This will also make you feel better if you’re upset about being ignored. Find people who want to spend time with you and who can cheer you up if you’re sad about Aquarius ignoring you.
This will also show him that you’re independent and that you’re capable of handling yourself. Don’t sit around moping if he’s ignoring you. Have some fun. Spend time with other people you care about.
He might also see how much fun you’re having and want to join in at a later time.
7. Reach Out
If an Aquarius man is not texting back, reach out one time to make sure he’s okay. After that, the ball is in his court. Don’t constantly message him.
It’s a good idea to reach out right when you notice that he’s ignoring you.
If it’s a misunderstanding and he isn’t actually ignoring you, you’ll be able to clear that up right away. Maybe he just missed a text from you. Perhaps he legitimately forgot he had plans with you.
If he’s angry with you, he might respond to let you know that’s what is going on. After that, you can do what you need to do to apologize for whatever you did.
If he’s just feeling antisocial, he may also let you know that. Then you can leave him alone until he’s ready to hang out again.
If he doesn’t respond, leave it at that. Don’t continue to pester him.
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8. Offer More Attention
Sometimes, an Aquarius man will ignore you because he’s not getting enough attention from you. He wants you to notice that he’s ignoring you and he wants you to feel bad about it.
Ignoring an Aquarius man back in this scenario won’t solve the problem. If you haven’t been spending as much time with him as usual, reach out and see if he’s needing more attention.
Again, just reach out to him once if you think he’s ignoring you. You can even frame it in a way that doesn’t accuse him of ignoring you.
Message and say that you’re sorry you haven’t been spending as much time with him lately. If you’ve been busy or have another reason, tell him the reason. Offer to hang out with him soon.
If he just wants more attention, he’ll respond to your apology. He’ll be open to making plans with you.
9. Be Patient
If an Aquarius man is suddenly distant and you can’t figure out why you’ll need to be patient with him.
When an Aquarius man is angry, he doesn’t always tell the person he’s angry with right away. He usually likes to sort through his feelings and calm down before discussing anything with them.
An Aquarius disappears and comes back on his own most of the time. You may not need to reach out or even apologize for anything.
He just needs to be by himself now and then. He’ll come back when he wants to.
Is your Aquarius man not communicating with you? Here's the trick to reel your Aquarius back in.
10. Be Independent
You are your own person. If you normally chat with an Aquarius man constantly and spend a lot of time with him, you need to learn how to be independent from him.
If you can be alone, it won’t be as upsetting if an Aquarius man is ignoring you.
When you can spend time with other people and get emotional needs met by multiple people, you won’t need an Aquarius man to chat with you all the time.
Show him that you’re independent and that it doesn’t bother you that he’s ignoring you. If he’s just being petty, this will make him stop ignoring you.
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