
August Virgo vs September Virgo

Updated February 14, 2025

August Virgos and September Virgos might be born under the same star sign, but they can differ in some obvious ways at times!

Not all Virgos are the same. They might all be known for being critical, rational perfectionists, but they have some differences.

There are many reasons why people with the same sign might have different personalities. One specific reason why August and September Virgos can be different has to do with planetary rulership.

The planet Mercury rules Virgo. August Virgos do not have a subruling planet, while September Virgos have one of two subrulers. Either Saturn or Venus influences September Virgos, depending on their exact birthday.

Some of the differences between Virgos are drastic, while others are more subtle. Virgos born in both months can have stereotypical Virgo traits, though August Virgos are more likely to.

Frugal vs Materialistic

The way they spend money and their views about material goods is one area where August Virgos and September Virgos can differ.

The August Virgo personality tends to be extremely frugal. August Virgos are excellent at managing their money.

August Virgos tend to be good at budgeting their money. When an August Virgo is in a relationship, they are often the one who manages the household budget. This isn’t just something they excel at. It’s something they enjoy.

You can trust an August Virgo with your money. Some August Virgos end up working in finance-related professions. Even if they don’t, they might be the ones their friends and loved ones ask for financial advice.

Some August Virgos can be too frugal. They may hesitate to spend money on themselves, even if they can afford to. An August Virgo might feel guilty for splurging on something for themselves.

The September Virgo personality isn’t necessarily terrible regarding finances, but they tend to be more materialistic. They are often more willing to spend money to get what they want.

A September Virgo won’t think twice about spending money on themselves when they have some extra cash. Once they pay their bills, they will be perfectly fine with buying themselves a few things.

September Virgos prefer to have nice things. An August Virgo might choose the less expensive option every time, but a September Virgo will select the option that will make them look their best.

September Virgos often have all the nicest things. Their clothes are brand-name, they have the latest technology, and they decorate their houses with carefully chosen, expensive items.

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Flexible vs Stubborn

Why are August Virgos and September Virgos different? One reason, as mentioned, has to do with planetary rulership.

September Virgos who are subruled by Venus tend to be more stubborn. This is a trait they share with their fellow earth sign, Taurus, though they aren’t stubborn to the same degree.

It can be difficult getting a September Virgo to change their mind about something. You might be able to do it, but you need to appeal to their logical side and persuade them that your way is best.

September Virgos believe that they know best. They’ve often thought (and overthought) about something so much that they think they know it inside and out.

August Virgos are often flexible. They aren’t wild, and they don’t always go with the flow, but they can make adjustments as they go along.

An August Virgo will make a plan and have everything scheduled out, but they are also prepared for if something goes wrong. They often have a million backup plans and won’t stress if they have to change something at the last minute.

August Virgos are also willing to be flexible if it means making life easier for the people they care about. Virgos tend to be very nurturing people. They can put aside their own needs and adjust things if someone they love asks them to.

Mentally Perceptive vs Visually Perceptive

All Virgos are perceptive, but one of the differences between August and September Virgo is that August Virgos are more mentally sharp and September Virgos are visually perceptive.

All Virgos are keen and insightful. They tend to pick up on things that other people don’t always notice. They each use slightly different skills to pick up on what is happening.

August Virgos are very intellectual. They are quick on their feet and have analytical minds. They are often great at problem-solving because they can see the entirety of a situation in ways other people can’t.

August Virgos are good at learning things quickly because of their perception skills. If you tell them how to do something once, they will often be able to do it without a problem almost immediately.

September Virgos are more visually perceptive. They take in everything that is happening around them. They are also more into aesthetics than August Virgos are.

A September Virgo might notice little details like what specific colors someone tends to wear. They might not always use their perception skills to solve problems, but they will use them to get to know other people better.

September Virgos often have to watch someone do something before figuring out how to do it. They won’t always be able to figure out how to do something just by hearing someone explain it the way an August Virgo can.

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Hard On Others vs Hard On Themselves

Being critical is one of the similarities between September and August Virgos. This is a typical Virgo trait that both September and August Virgos have.

One typical August Virgo characteristic is that they are tough on those around them. They might be hard on themselves as well, but they are very vocal about their criticisms of others.

An August Virgo will have no issue pointing out perceived flaws in other people. They don’t do this to be cruel, though. An August Virgo typically thinks they are helping when they criticize someone.

Your August Virgo friend might criticize your cooking because they want to help you improve. They may point out that the way you do a particular chore is inefficient because they want to make life easier for you.

August Virgos might have trouble understanding why people sometimes get mad at them for their criticisms. In their minds, they are being constructive, not rude or overly judgmental.

September Virgos aren’t as vocal about their criticisms of others. Self-deprecation is a common September Virgo characteristic.

The way a September Virgo criticizes themselves is cruel and unhelpful sometimes. They can bring themselves down by being overly judgmental about everything they do.

A September Virgo will have trouble accepting themselves as they are. They are often trying to live up to some unrealistic ideal of how they should be.

Love Making Plans vs Love Following Plans

Being good with plans and scheduling is a typical Virgo personality trait. You can always rely on a Virgo to be where they say they will be when they say they will be there.

The Virgo personality is very organized. That is true for both August and September Virgos. One difference they have related to this trait is that August Virgos love to make plans, while September Virgos prefer to follow others’ plans.

August Virgos are excellent project managers. Whether planning a birthday party or a corporate event, you can trust that an August Virgo will have everything planned out perfectly.

An August Virgo won’t feel stressed out trying to plan something at the last minute. They thrive in fast-paced environments. They are also good at thinking on their feet, so they can easily make a new one if a plan does fall through.

September Virgos might prefer to follow the plans other people have made. They can schedule things for themselves, but they don’t always want to plan a party or be in charge of handling everything for another event.

The nice thing about all Virgos is that you can rely on them to be where they say they will be. Whether or not a Virgo is the one who made plans, you know they’ll follow through on them.

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Disciplined vs Indulgent

How are August and September Virgos different? One significant difference is that September Virgos tend to be more indulgent than August Virgos.

Virgos are rarely indulgent to a fault, even the more indulgent September Virgo. August Virgos are just bad at indulging themselves, even when it would be perfectly acceptable.

August Virgos often think it is more mature to be as disciplined as possible. They may overwork themselves because they believe it’s a bad thing to take a break. They see discipline as a virtue.

An August Virgo is often afraid of being seen as lazy. Even if it would be okay to indulge in some dessert or some shopping for themselves, they might feel guilty.

September Virgos, on the other hand, are perfectly fine indulging. If they want to go to a nice restaurant, they’ll do it without feeling guilty.

A September Virgo will happily buy themselves nice things, while an August Virgo will usually hesitate before doing anything nice for themselves.

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