What body an Aquarius man likes can vary. Aquarius men are unpredictable in everything, including their preferences!
It can be hard to pinpoint an Aquarius man’s likes and dislikes regarding physical appearance. He doesn’t have just one type.
Many Aquarius men have some unconventional preferences. They like unique women. An Aquarius man’s preferences often don’t fit conventional standards of beauty.
One key feature an Aquarius man is attracted to is confidence. He loves women who can walk into any room as if they own it, regardless of their appearance!
What will attract an Aquarius man is anyone’s guess. He might be attracted to certain traits one day, only to be attracted to the opposite characteristics the next. He likes women with a wide variety of looks.
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1. Unique
What is an Aquarius man attracted to? Aquarius men love unique women. They prefer people who go against the grain and aren’t like everyone else.
It can be hard to pin down an Aquarius man’s preferences. There often aren’t specific features he prefers across the board because he loves the things that make a woman unique!
What body type does an Aquarius man like? There isn’t one specific body type that he’s attracted to. He can find something to love about all body types.
You can usually get an Aquarius man’s attention by highlighting any unique features of your body. You don’t need to look a specific way. You just need to look like you!
Are you particularly tall? Don’t try to hide that. Draw attention to it! Some men might be turned off by tall women wearing high heels or reveling in their height, but an Aquarius man will love it.
Do you have an interesting body shape? Don’t be embarrassed by it. You don’t need a perfect hourglass shape to get an Aquarius man’s attention. You’ll be able to get his attention better if you’re not the “ideal” shape.
Use these secrets to make your Aquarius man love you (they work like magic)
2. Unconventional
What does an Aquarius man find attractive? Many Aquarius men are attracted to women with unconventional appearances.
For example, a more symmetrical face is usually considered conventionally attractive. A more asymmetrical face might attract an Aquarius man, though. He loves unconventional looks!
If you’ve got dimples on one side of your face, a scar on one cheek, or another feature that makes each side of your face look different, that will attract an Aquarius man.
Depending on your culture, particular noses are considered more attractive than others. If you’ve got a large nose and small noses are usually considered more attractive where you are, don’t worry! Your Aquarius man will probably love your nose.
An Aquarius man is more likely to be attracted to things others don’t find attractive. If your body type is considered less attractive in your culture, that might be what attracts an Aquarius man to you. He doesn’t like the same things as everyone else!
Aquarius men go against the grain. Some people might think they have strange preferences, but that won’t bother them! An Aquarius man will never be embarrassed for liking a woman with an unconventional appearance.
3. Confident
Confidence is what an Aquarius man likes in a woman more than almost anything else. He’ll notice if you can convey how confident you are with your body.
Your Aquarius man will be attracted to your confidence regardless of your body type. Even if he does have particular preferences, you’ll catch his eye even if you don’t tick all his boxes.
There are many ways you can show off your confidence in your body. Posture is a huge part of showing off confidence, for example.
When you walk into a room, walk as if you own it. Hold your head high. Keep your shoulders up, and don’t slouch.
Sway your hips and smile too. Your Aquarius man will be drawn to you if you can walk confidently.
You can also show that you’re confident with your body by wearing well-fit clothing. You don’t want to hide your form. You want to flaunt it!
Highlight whatever areas of your body you like best. You can also highlight the parts of you that make you unique. Dress confidently and trust that your Aquarius man will be attracted to you for you.
This one weird trick is the only way to attract a Aquarius man.
4. Flexible
Flexibility is one of an Aquarius man’s turn-ons in more ways than one.
You can show off your flexibility to an Aquarius man by doing activities such as yoga. Invite him to your yoga class so that you can show him how flexible your body is.
Any body type can be flexible. You don’t have to have a particular body shape to develop flexibility, so this is a trait that anyone can have. You can also gain flexibility, so don’t worry if you’re not naturally flexible.
Aquarius men are often attracted to flexible women because this opens up more room for exploration in the bedroom. He’ll find it incredibly sexy if you’re flexible enough to get into any position he might want to try.
An Aquarius man’s preferences are flexible as well. If you ask him what he likes in a woman, he might give a completely different answer depending on the day, if you can get a straight answer out of him at all!
You do not need to look a specific way to attract an Aquarius man. He’s flexible about what he finds attractive. He might even find himself attracted to things he considered unattractive in the past under the right circumstances.
5. Feminine
What attracts an Aquarius man? You can attract him by showing off your femininity. The key is to show it off in a way that still makes you unique.
Aquarius men know that there are different ways to be feminine. They love it when women play with their femininity as well.
A Taurus man might be attracted to someone who is stereotypically feminine in a gentle, passive way, and a Leo man might be attracted to a woman with a curvy, feminine form. An Aquarius man needs more than that!
You can wear a flowy, feminine dress and pair it with combat boots and a leather jack. You can highlight your big eyes and full lips by wearing bright, bold eyeshadow.
An Aquarius man’s favorite body part on a woman is often her calves. You can highlight this area and show off your feminine side by wearing high heels or fishnets.
Aquarius men are also attracted to women who are comfortable in their femininity regardless of their actual looks.
Even if you have certain features that are not considered to be feminine, own them! Short hair can be just as feminine as long hair. A strong jawline can be beautiful and feminine, just like a soft one.
This is the #1 mistake women make with a Aquarius man...
6. Diverse
An Aquarius man’s likes and dislikes often vary. It’s likely that none of the women an Aquarius man has dated in the past look the same.
You won’t attract an Aquarius man by looking exactly like his ex. You’re more likely to attract him if you look nothing like her!
Sometimes, an Aquarius man will seek out women who look nothing like the last woman he dated. He doesn’t want to date the same person twice. He wants diversity amongst all the people he’s dated.
Aquarius men love women of all shapes and sizes. They are incredibly open-minded and won’t discount somebody as a potential partner just because they don’t have a specific feature Aquarius is usually attracted to either.
You don’t need to change yourself to attract an Aquarius man, and you shouldn’t. You might turn him off if you look just like everyone else around you!
Aquarius men love it when women highlight their diversity too. Draw attention to what makes you different. Don’t hide it.
If you ever catch your Aquarius man looking at a woman who looks nothing like you, that doesn’t mean he’s not attracted to you. He’s attracted to you. He just also finds people with different features attractive too.
7. Bold
What does an Aquarius man like in a woman? He loves bold women. If you have a bold style, bold personality, etc., you’ll likely be able to attract an Aquarius man.
Regardless of your exact body type, bold fashion is one way to get an Aquarius man’s attention. He’s not looking for someone who follows the latest trends or plays it safe with fashion. He wants someone who takes risks.
You can wear loud, bright colors when you’re with an Aquarius man. You can break fashion “rules” and do whatever you want! The sky’s the limit.
Bold makeup is another way to attract an Aquarius man. It’s a great way to show off your creativity and draw attention to your features in a unique way.
Many Aquarius men are also attracted to bright, unconventional hair colors. Aquarius men often like women with tattoos because that shows off their unique style and creativity.
A bold personality will help too, of course. If you’ve got a unique, bold look but a boring personality, that will turn your Aquarius man off. You need to be bold in more ways than one!
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