
Are Cancer Men Generally Known as Control Freaks?

Updated March 3, 2025

If you’re dating a Cancer guy, you may wonder, is a Cancer man a control freak?

Is this zodiac sign controlling and commanding, or is it more submissive and laid-back?

Some star signs are naturally more controlling and dominant than others based on their personality traits and the astrological forces at work.

So, is Cancer one of the more relaxed and carefree signs of the zodiac, or does a Cancer guy crave power and control?

Once you have a better understanding of the astrological influences behind his sign, you will know whether or not a Cancer man is a control freak.

Their Modality Makes Them Strong Leaders

Every zodiac sign has one of three modalities: cardinal, mutable, or fixed. The modalities reveal how the zodiac signs deal with problems and move through the world.

Cancer is one of the four cardinal signs, and cardinal signs are known for being dynamic and action-oriented.

Cardinal signs attack problems directly instead of trying to negotiate or go around them, and they don’t wait for issues to resolve themselves. Cardinal signs are also natural leaders that tend to thrive in positions of authority and power.

His zodiac sign’s modality makes a Cancer man dominant. He can be a bit of a control freak because the stars have blessed him with such strong leadership skills.

He likes being in charge because he knows how to unite and guide others, so while he might be a bit controlling, he makes a wise and trustworthy leader.

A Cancer man is also very sensitive and empathetic, so he also makes a caring and considerate authority figure.

He’s the type of boss who takes his employees’ mental health and emotional well-being into consideration, and he always does what’s best for everyone, not just himself.

This one weird trick is the only way to attract a Cancer man.

They Can’t Control Their Emotions

Besides having a particular modality, every star sign also belongs to one of the four elements of nature: fire, water, air, or earth.

The natural elements tell us about the personality and emotional disposition of the signs. Cancer is a water sign, and water signs are known for being emotional, intuitive, and sentimental.

There is only one natural element in each modality category, which means that Cancer is the only cardinal water sign.

A Cancer man might be a bit of a control freak in other ways, but one aspect of himself he can’t control, no matter how hard he tries, is his emotions.

As a water sign, a Cancer man is highly sensitive, both to his own emotions and to the feelings of others.

It’s easy for him to get his feelings hurt, but it’s also easy for him to recognize how other people are feeling without them having to say a word.

His emotional nature makes him seem almost psychic at times because he can sense and predict other people’s feelings.

But a Cancer man has a hard time controlling his emotional reactions, and he suffers from intense mood swings. He might also struggle with anxiety and depression because he feels his emotions so deeply.

Besides being a water sign, another reason that a Cancer guy has difficulty controlling his emotions is his zodiac sign’s spiritual age.

Each sign has a mental or spiritual age determined by the order of the zodiac. As the fourth zodiac sign out of twelve, Cancer is one of the youngest star signs.

Young signs tend to struggle with emotional control because, like children, they haven’t yet learned how to rationalize their feelings and put on a brave face for the world.

If you want to know how to attract a Cancer man and keep him, you’ve got to embrace his emotional nature and appreciate his sensitivity.

Encourage him to open up and express himself rather than hiding and repressing his emotions.

They Use Substances to Lose Control

Because they are so sensitive and emotional, sometimes a Cancer man’s feelings become overwhelming for him. He will try to escape his emotions in sometimes unhealthy ways.

Because he is a bit of a control freak, he uses substances to lose control because it allows him to let go in a measured way.

He can control how many drinks he has or the amount of drugs he takes, so even when he wants to lose control, he still maintains a sense of control.

The typical Cancer guy will occasionally drown his feelings in drugs, alcohol, or other vices. Using substances helps him relinquish some control without giving it up completely.

A tiny trick to snatch your Cancer man's heart?... even if he's cold and distant...

They Are Controlling When Insecure

An important part of understanding a Cancer man is that he is secretly very insecure, even though he tries to act confident.

Getting jealous when the object of his affection talks to another man is a typical Cancer man’s behavior when in love.

He worries that his partner will find someone else who possesses all the traits he lacks and that his inadequacies will be brought to light.

A Cancer man becomes very controlling when he’s feeling insecure. He thinks if he can manipulate the situation or the people around him, he can hide the things he’s insecure about.

For example, if your Cancer guy sees another man flirting with you when you’re out at a bar with him, he might insist on leaving and taking you somewhere else.

He won’t admit that it’s because he’s feeling jealous and insecure. He will just say that the music is too loud or he doesn’t like the drinks there.

A Cancer man’s perfect woman recognizes his insecurities, no matter how hard he tries to hide them. She loves the things he’s insecure about and boosts his ego whenever she can.

If you want to keep your Cancer guy happy, give him frequent compliments and don’t compare him unfavorably to others

They Control through Emotional Manipulation

His need for control can bring out the dark side of a Cancer male. Because he’s so sensitive and good at reading other people’s feelings, he is a master of emotional manipulation.

He preys on other people’s feelings to get what he wants.

For example, if a Cancer man knows that his boss has a relative who suffers from a particular illness, he might lie and say he is going through a similar health scare to get time off work.

Instead of being straightforward and giving the real reason why he needs a break, a Cancer guy takes control by emotionally manipulating his boss.

He knows his boss is sensitive about this specific illness, and that mentioning it is sure to pull at his heartstrings and make him more lenient.

When a Cancer man is mad at you, he might use emotional manipulation to make you feel guilty.

If he knows you compare yourself to his ex, he might tell you how his ex would have never hurt him in the same way that you just did.

Be wary of your Cancer guy’s manipulative techniques and don’t let him exploit your sensitivities.

The simple secrets you can use to seduce and keep your Cancer man (they work like magic)

They Control to Guard Themselves

Each star sign is guided by a heavenly body that reveals something significant about that sign’s personality. Cancer is one of only two zodiac signs that isn’t guided by a planet, but by a different celestial body.

Cancer is ruled by the moon, which represents mystery, femininity, memories, and emotions.

The moon is almost always partially obscured by darkness, and a Cancer man similarly prefers to keep part of himself hidden in the shadows.

He is very mysterious and likes to keep people guessing. He can be very aloof and sneaky when he wants to be, and he’s great at keeping secrets.

If your Cancer man is acting distant and refusing to open up, it’s his way of controlling how you see him and how close to him you can get.

He won’t share his secrets and let his guard down for just anyone, so consider it a huge compliment when your Cancer guy confides in you.

They Control to Protect Others

Other than his guiding celestial body, another astrological aspect that makes a Cancer man so guarded is his zodiac symbol.

Each star sign has a unique symbol, typically an animal, that reveals some of the prominent personality traits of that sign.

Cancer is symbolized by the crab, and the crab is known for carrying its hard, protective shell everywhere it goes. The crab is also known for its claws and pincers, which it uses to snap at predators.

Just like the crab, a Cancer man will snap when he feels threatened. But his defensiveness doesn’t only apply to himself.

Protectiveness is one of a typical Cancer man’s traits. He is fiercely loyal and devoted to his loved ones, and he will do anything to keep them safe.

If you’re wondering, “How does a Cancer man act when in love?” The answer is that he can be a bit controlling of his partner in order to protect her.

He might insist on accompanying you when you walk anywhere at night because he wants to prevent anything bad from happening.

He may order you to wear a jacket or carry an umbrella even if you don’t want to because he can’t stand the thought of you being stuck in the cold rain.

He means well, but your Cancer guy’s controlling nature can get tiresome. Tell him that you appreciate his efforts to protect you, but you’re independent and strong enough to keep yourself safe.

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