If a Capricorn man is jealous or possessive in a relationship, he isn’t likely to actually show that he is. He’ll make every attempt to hide it.
Capricorn men try to remain calm and logical even when their emotions are running high.
Are Capricorn men jealous and possessive in relationships? Some of them are, some of them aren’t. Even the ones who are aren’t likely to act on those feelings of jealousy or possessiveness, though.
Capricorn men value independence. He isn’t going to assume you’re cheating on him just because you’re doing things without him. He’ll also do things without you.
On the other hand, Capricorn men are also prone to pessimism. He might need a lot of reassurance that you care about him and that you’re serious about the relationship.
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Capricorn men are usually calm people. They are capable of being calm even in times of high stress.
Even if a Capricorn man isn’t calm, he’ll at least appear to be to the people around him. It’s often difficult to tell when he’s angry unless his emotions are running very high.
He is capable of setting aside his emotions when he needs to. Even if he’s angry, he’s not likely to fly off the handle.
If he’s jealous, he’s not going to act aggressively about it the way an Aries man might. He’s not going to react by getting angry.
He hates it when he loses control so he will do everything in his power to remain calm. He’s more likely to walk away from a situation where he feels jealous than to confront anyone about it.
He will try to calm himself down instead of acting on any feelings of jealousy.
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Capricorn men are known for being rational and logical people. They think with their heads, not with their hearts.
He will try to act rationally in every situation. If he starts to feel jealous, he’s going to try to think through why he’s feeling that way instead of acting on the emotion.
He will try to find a rational reason for why his partner is acting a certain way.
If they are ignoring him or paying more attention to another man, for example, he’ll try to come up with an explanation for that instead of jumping straight to being jealous.
His rational nature can work against him sometimes, though.
A more pessimistic Capricorn will use logic to justify why he should be feeling jealous or possessive.
He might convince himself that he has every reason to be jealous because his partner is doing something to make him feel that way.
Are Capricorn men possessive? Even ones who are aren’t necessarily going to act like they are.
Capricorn men are reserved people. Even if they feel possessive or jealous, they aren’t going to act on those feelings.
He is highly aware of himself and the people around him. He knows how his actions will come across so he thinks carefully before he does anything.
He knows that if he tells you that you can’t talk to somebody, everyone is going to think he’s being controlling.
Even if he has a good reason for not wanting you to talk to that person, he’s not likely to tell you what to do (at least not in front of other people).
He knows that if he gets jealous about every single man you talk to, you’re going to think he’s being unreasonable and overly possessive.
Even if he does get jealous about the way you talk to other men, he’s not likely to tell you that. He will try to get over his jealousy because he doesn’t want you to think he’s being ridiculous.
This one weird trick is the only way to attract a Capricorn man.
Ignores Emotions
It’s often hard to see signs a Capricorn man is jealous because he does everything he can to hide his emotions.
He ignores his emotions so much sometimes that not even he knows how he’s feeling!
Jealousy and possessiveness are “negative” emotions. Everyone feels them sometimes but a Capricorn would rather not acknowledge it when he feels them.
Some Capricorn men are better at ignoring their emotions than others. Sometimes, they’ll be able to ignore them successfully until they can properly deal with them.
Other times, all those ignored emotions just build up and then explode when you least expect it.
If your Capricorn man never acts jealous and then he suddenly starts getting jealous over everything, he has probably felt jealous about something for a long time. It’s just coming out now because he can’t hide it any longer.
Needs Reassurance
A Capricorn man isn’t possessive of his partner most of the time but he does often need reassurance of their love for him.
Capricorn men are insecure. They are prone to pessimism and negative thoughts. If he’s feeling down, he might convince himself that you don’t love him or care for him the same way he cares for you.
If he comments that you’ve been spending a lot of time with another man recently, he’s not necessarily trying to be possessive. He’s not trying to be jealous.
He just wants reassurance that you also like spending time with him! Take some time to give him the attention and love he needs.
Some Capricorn men are better about asking for reassurance than others. When a Capricorn man misses you, he might reach out more or try to plan dates more often than usual instead of just saying he misses you.
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Capricorn is an earth sign. Like Virgo and Taurus, this is a sign often associated with grounded personalities.
Capricorn men are grounded in reality. They don’t spend their time with their head in the clouds.
They like to feel stable, in their relationship and their own emotions.
Capricorn men generally consider jealousy to be a sign of instability.
If he is confident in himself and his relationship with you, he’s not going to be jealous. If he does get jealous, he’s going to let the feeling pass instead of acting on it.
Doesn’t Play Games
You should never try to make a Capricorn man jealous. You might like playing hard-to-get and even enjoy a jealous partner now and then but Capricorn men hate games.
Ignoring a Capricorn man, flirting with other men in front of him, or doing other things to make him jealous will backfire on you in a big way.
What happens when you ignore a Capricorn man? If he notices you’re ignoring him, it will just upset him. He might assume you’re not interested in him or that he’s done something wrong.
Flirting with other men in front of him might make him jealous but that’s not going to end well for you.
He might think you’re done with him and back off from the relationship. He’s not going to chase after you if he thinks you’re interested in somebody else.
Is your Capricorn man painfully distant? Rekindle your love.
If a Capricorn man loves you, he’s going to be completely loyal to you. You’ll always be able to depend on him.
He expects the same level of loyalty and reliability from his partner.
If you’ve earned his trust and you’ve never done anything to break it, he’s less likely to get jealous even if you are talking to other men and spending time with them.
He’ll respect your independence and he won’t worry that you’re being unfaithful to him when he trusts you.
Even if he does get jealous, he’s not going to lash out at you or act on those feelings. He knows that feelings aren’t always rational and that even if he feels jealous, that doesn’t mean you’ve done anything wrong.
High Expectations
Capricorn men have high expectations for themselves. They like to appear in control of themselves at all times.
A Capricorn man will be disappointed in himself if he lets any of his emotions get the best of him.
If he starts to feel jealous about your relationship with a male friend of yours, he’s going to do everything in his power to remain calm and rational. He won’t want to act on that jealousy.
This is especially true if you haven’t done anything to make him think you’re cheating. You’re allowed to have male friends and he doesn’t want to tell you that you can’t have them.
If he ever feels like he’s being irrational or like he’s letting his emotions control him, he’s just going to be upset with himself.
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Some Capricorn men can be controlling but they often only want control over themselves and their immediate surroundings, not necessarily the people in their lives.
If you think he’s being possessive or controlling, take a step back. Is he trying to control you or is he just trying to control a situation he’s found himself in?
A Capricorn man’s behavior in love isn’t always going to make sense. He’s a complicated person and he won’t always act the way you would in situations.
He might act jealous out of nowhere even though he normally doesn’t act that way. You might suddenly find that he’s jealous of a friend of yours when he wasn’t before.
Emotions aren’t always rational, even though Capricorn would like them to be.
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