Understanding a distant Libra man can be challenging at times. You won’t always know why he’s acting distant.
If your Libra man is suddenly distant, stay calm. Try to figure out what might be wrong with him, then focus on fixing it.
Sometimes, your Libra man will need space. He might also be busy or want to spend time with other people if he’s seen you a lot lately.
Show your Libra man that you care about him. Offer support, and apologize if you think you’ve done something wrong. If he does want space, respect that and give him the space he needs.
The best thing to do sometimes is just to be patient! Your Libra man might be distant, then come back as if nothing happened. Don’t bother him too much, and he’ll return on his own.
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He Might Need Space
Why are Libra men so distant sometimes? Your Libra man might need some time to himself. No matter how much he enjoys being with you, sometimes it’s nice to have some alone time.
While Libra men tend to be incredibly social, they can sometimes overdo it. A Libra man who has been running around going to multiple events might wear himself out.
Libra men also tend to be people-pleasers, and that can wear them out too! If your Libra man has been taking care of everyone else’s needs, he might need some space to take care of himself for once.
If your Libra man needs space, all you can do is give him that space. You can reach out and tell him you’re available if he needs anything, but respect his need to be alone. Let him recharge, and he’ll stop being so distant.
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He May Be Emotional
When a Libra man is upset, he might deal with that by distancing himself from you. He will not always reach out for support.
Like all air signs, Libra men can be emotionally distant at times. They don’t always know how to deal with their emotions and might try to hide when they are feeling angry or sad.
If a Libra man is hiding his feelings, he’s likely ashamed of them for some reason, or he doesn’t feel he can go to you about them. Libra men don’t always like revealing exactly how they feel, especially when they are highly emotional.
Your Libra man might run off and ignore everyone whenever he gets sad or when something disappointing happens. If he cannot ignore it or act okay, he’ll distance himself from everyone.
Showing your Libra man that he can go to you when he’s emotional might help him to become less distant. Otherwise, he’ll distance himself and come back when he feels better.
He Might Be Mad At You
When a Libra man ignores you and distances himself after a fight, he might be upset with you. It might not always be evident that a Libra man is mad at you.
Many Libra men hate confrontation. They might like friendly debates, but actual arguments are something they try to avoid. If your Libra man is mad at you for some reason, he’s likely to distance himself.
Instead of confronting you or letting you know what’s wrong, your Libra man will probably pull away. He might cancel plans or talk to you less.
You might know what you did to make your Libra man mad, but you won’t always. If your Libra man seems like he might be upset with you, reach out to apologize and see if you can make things right.
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He Might Be Busy
Sometimes when a Libra man is distant, he’s honestly not intending to be. Your Libra man might just be busy and unable to spend as much time with you as usual.
Libra men usually have a lot going on in their lives. They have active social lives and multiple hobbies, and they often do things like volunteer to try and help out their communities.
If your Libra man is incredibly busy, he might not notice that he’s distancing himself. He may just be trying to deal with things that are the highest priority.
Don’t get mad at your Libra man if he is distant because of work or other obligations. He will likely return to you as soon as everything is handled and he’s less busy!
If your Libra man is frequently busy and never seems to prioritize you, try talking to him. He might not realize he’s doing anything wrong, especially if stressed out.
He Might Need Time With Others
If a Libra man is suddenly distant and you can’t figure out why it might just be that he wants to spend some time with other people.
Libra men typically prioritize their romantic relationships, but that doesn’t mean they don’t want to spend time with their friends and family! If your Libra man always hangs out with you, he might need time with other people.
Your Libra man might sometimes be a little clingy with you, but he still needs time with other people. He can’t be with you 24/7, and you shouldn’t expect him to.
If your Libra man has been spending a lot of time with you lately and suddenly becomes distant, it might be because he needs a break. Don’t get upset. Just let him hang out with his friends.
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Show Him You Care
If your Libra man is acting distant because he’s upset or having a hard time, sometimes all you need to do is show him that you care.
Your Libra man might return to you when he knows he can reach out to you for support. When you show that you genuinely care about him and his emotions, he’ll be less likely to distance himself in the first place.
Make sure your Libra man knows he can talk to you about anything. Tell him that you love him and will never judge him for having emotions.
Your Libra man might distance himself if he thinks you only like being around him when he’s happy. When he knows that you care about him no matter what, he might stop distancing himself when upset.
You can show you care by messaging your Libra man and asking if you can do anything to cheer him up. Tell him you’re available to talk if he needs it and that you’ll be around whenever he’s ready to come back to you.
Apologizing to Libra man might be the best way to make him stop being so distant. If he’s angry at you, you should definitely figure out what’s wrong and apologize.
If your Libra man seems mad, reach out to see if you did something to upset him. If you two fought or you think you might have said something insensitive, offer an apology right away.
Your Libra man might not tell you immediately that he’s mad at you or explain why.
If that’s the case, let him know that you care about him and that you’re sorry you’ve upset him. Ask him to tell you what’s wrong so that you can make things right.
When a Libra man is done with you for good, he’ll keep distancing himself no matter how much you apologize. If he accepts your apology, you’re probably fine. He’ll come back once he’s calmed down.
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Give Him Some Time Alone
You might not always know what to do when a Libra man pulls away. Sometimes, there isn’t anything you can do. You might need to give him space while he works things out himself.
If your Libra man is overwhelmed and needs some time to himself, constantly reaching out to him will make things worse. If you’ve asked if he needs anything and he’s declined your help, leave him alone.
Listen to your Libra man if he explicitly tells you he wants some time to himself. Do not continue to bother him or insist that he talk to you. Even if talking about what’s wrong might help, he won’t see it that way when you’re bugging him.
Sometimes, your Libra man will stop being distant as soon as he’s had some alone time. He’ll feel recharged, and he’ll come back to you.
Offer Support
If your Libra man is suddenly distant, you should reach out and see if he needs support. Tell him you’re thinking about him and you’re there if he needs you.
It can be difficult knowing when to leave a Libra man alone and when to offer support. Typically, the best thing to do is to reach out once to let your Libra man know you’re there for him.
Offer your Libra man support, but also tell him that you’re willing to give him space if he needs it. Make sure he knows that he has the option to talk to you but that you won’t bother him to do so.
If your Libra man is not responding to your messages, don’t keep bugging him. He doesn’t have to accept your support just because you offer it. Respect his need for space if that’s what he wants, but keep communication open if he needs you.
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