Ignoring a Cancer man to make him chase you is usually a bad idea. Some men love it when women play hard to get. Most Cancer men do not.
If you constantly ignore a Cancer man, he’s more likely to give up than chase after you.
Many Cancer men dislike it when women play hard to get. They don’t have time for games! A Cancer man can play them, but he usually doesn’t want to.
Cancer men are often insecure. A Cancer man might think you’re ignoring him because you don’t like him. He won’t necessarily think you’re trying to get him to chase you.
You may end up hurting a Cancer man’s feelings if you ignore him because he’s sensitive. He might get upset if you ignore him too much and he will become angry if he thinks you’re toying with his emotions.
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Dislikes Playing Hard To Get
Ignoring a Cancer man won’t make him chase you. Many Cancer men hate it when people play hard to get.
Cancer men don’t want to guess whether or not you like them. Most of them would prefer you just tell them how you feel!
Playing hard to get with a Cancer man is risky. Some Cancer men will play games with you. Many won’t.
Cancer men are capable of playing hard to get, of course. You just have to make it extremely clear that you like them first. Even then, your Cancer man is likely to give up if you’re too hard to get.
A Cancer man wants to form a connection with anyone he might potentially date. That’s hard to do if you’re always ignoring him. You’re better off getting to know him instead of playing hard to get.
Is your Cancer man not communicating with you? Here's the trick to reel your Cancer back in.
He’s Insecure
What happens when you ignore a Cancer man? You might make him feel bad about himself. Many Cancer men are insecure. Ignoring him will play with his insecurities.
Many Cancer men are already insecure about whether or not the people around them like them. Your Cancer man likely isn’t convinced that you are interested in him, even if you think you’ve made that obvious.
Ignoring an insecure Cancer man is one of the worst things you can do. He won’t chase after you. He’ll convince himself that you don’t like him.
If you’ve triggered a Cancer man’s insecurities, don’t expect him to go after you. You will need to reach out to him to salvage your potential relationship.
One sign that your Cancer man is feeling insecure is that he’ll seem unsure when he’s around you. You’ll need to reassure him that you enjoy being around him.
He Values Honesty
A Cancer man’s communication style is pretty honest and direct. He would prefer that you tell him how you feel rather than play games with him.
If a Cancer man thinks you’re playing with his emotions or being dishonest, he’s unlikely to want to be in a relationship with you. He can’t be with you if he can’t trust you.
You will confuse a Cancer man if you are constantly playing hot and cold. He may start to think that you’re not sincere or honest when you say you like him.
It’s always better to tell your Cancer man how you feel about him. He will chase after you if he knows you like him! He won’t if he’s unsure about your feelings.
This is the #1 mistake women make with a Cancer man...
He Loves Attention
How do you make a Cancer man chase you? Don’t ignore him. Give him attention instead!
Cancer men love attention. They don’t have the same attention-seeking behaviors as a Leo man, but they love to receive attention from people they care about.
Your Cancer man will feel like you don’t care about him if you’re always ignoring him. If you two don’t know each other well yet, he will assume you aren’t interested in getting to know him.
Give your Cancer man attention instead of ignoring him. Send him a text to let him know you’re thinking about him. Talk to him when you see him at a party, especially if you see him sitting by himself.
When you give a Cancer man your attention, he will be much more likely to go after you. You don’t need to ignore him.
Hates Being Ignored
Giving a Cancer man the silent treatment will usually annoy him. He hates being ignored.
Cancer men have a fear of being hurt or abandoned. If you ignore your Cancer man, he might fear that you’re going to end up leaving him.
A Cancer man will usually only ignore you if he’s upset. He might assume that something is wrong if you’re ignoring him. If nothing seems wrong in your life, he will assume that you’re upset with him.
Being ignored makes a Cancer man feel terrible. He will start to think that you don’t like him, that you’re angry with him, or that you don’t want to spend time with him.
You are always better off giving a Cancer man attention instead of ignoring him!
The simple secrets you can use to seduce and keep your Cancer man (they work like magic)
He’s Sensitive
Cancer is one of the most sensitive signs of the zodiac. Cancer men are highly emotional.
A Cancer man won’t automatically assume that you’re playing hard to get if you start ignoring him. He’s not going to immediately guess that you want him to chase you.
He is more likely to think that you’re mad at him or that you’re not interested in him. He will likely assume that he’s done something wrong to deserve your behavior.
If you brush him off when you see him in public, he’s not going to push you to talk to him. He’s more likely to get upset about the way you’re treating him.
His sensitivity means that he might also get upset if he finds out you’re just playing with him. A Cancer man doesn’t like it when people toy with his emotions!
He’s Self-Conscious
Are Cancer men shy? Many of them are. They also tend to be self-conscious. If you ignore a Cancer man, he may assume that you don’t like him.
Many Cancer men have low self-esteem. They have to actively work on building up their egos. Ignoring a Cancer man will just confirm all his bad thoughts about himself.
A Cancer man will start to think that people don’t like being around him if he’s being ignored. He might think back on all your interactions and wonder if he did something wrong.
You need to reassure a Cancer man that you like him. You need to let him know how much you enjoy talking to him and being around him. If you ignore him, he will think that you don’t want him.
This one weird trick is the only way to attract a Cancer man.
He’s Passive-Aggressive
Cancer men prefer when others are open with them about their emotions. Unfortunately, Cancer men don’t always confront people when upset or angry.
If you ignore your Cancer man, he might become upset. He may also get angry at you if you ignore him too often. He won’t appreciate you playing games with him.
He isn’t going to tell you that, though. Your Cancer man is more likely to keep his anger to himself. He’ll act passive-aggressively toward you.
You’ll be able to tell when giving a Cancer man the silent treatment has backfired. He will sulk and mope whenever you’re around.
Your Cancer man won’t tell you that you’ve upset him. He might tell other friends, though. He may also act angry around you, but he’ll refuse to tell you what’s wrong.
He’ll Be Hurt
When you pull away from a Cancer man, he won’t necessarily think you’re playing hard to get. He might think that you’re no longer interested in him and get his feelings hurt.
Ignoring a Cancer man will make him feel bad about himself. It won’t drive him to chase after you. It will likely make him give up entirely.
You don’t want to hurt a Cancer man’s feelings if you’re trying to make him chase you! Ignoring him will do that.
If you’ve already hurt your Cancer man by ignoring him, apologize. Let him know you made a mistake. Tell him you love being around him.
It is easy to hurt a Cancer man’s feelings. He will start to pull away from you if you do it too many times.
Is your Cancer man painfully distant? Rekindle your love.
He’s Not Competitive
Will a Cancer man chase you if you ignore him for other men? Most of the time, he won’t. Cancer men don’t tend to be competitive.
Being competitive isn’t often part of a Cancer man’s personality. He would rather spend his time on people who are willing to make time for him. If he thinks you’re interested in someone else, he’ll back off.
A Cancer man might get jealous if he sees you with other people while you’re ignoring him. That won’t make him chase after you, though.
Your Cancer man might assume that you want to be with the people you’re interacting with instead of him. He will step aside if he thinks that’s what you want. He’s not going to fight for someone he thinks doesn’t like him.
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