Ignoring a Capricorn man in order to get him to chase you is often not the best idea.
Why? He’s not the kind of man who likes games. He’s more likely to just leave you alone than chase after you.
Should you play hard to get with a Capricorn man? More often than not, the answer is a definite no.
Capricorn men don’t have time to play games. He’s busy with work. He’s got goals and he’s got plans. If he thinks you’re not interested in him, he’s not going to bother chasing after you when he has other things to do.
Ignoring him will most likely backfire on you if you choose to do this. He’ll assume you’re not interested and back off. He might also just assume you’re unreliable or fickle and that will turn him off.
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Respects Boundaries
When a Capricorn man respects you, he’s going to respect any boundaries you set.
Capricorn men are all about respecting boundaries. They expect people to obey the boundaries they set and they will obey any boundaries the people around them set as well.
You might be playing hard to get but he may mistake that as you setting a boundary. If he thinks you don’t want to talk to him, he’s not going to bother you.
If you start ignoring him, he will try to figure out why. He may look at his last conversation with you and decide he must have crossed a line with whatever he was talking about.
He might assume you just don’t want to talk to him during certain times. If he sees you are spending time with another man, he might think that you’re getting serious with him and that you’re pulling away from him.
The simple secrets you can use to seduce and keep your Capricorn man (they work like magic)
He’s a Busy Man
Playing hard to get with a Capricorn man often doesn’t work because he might not always realize that’s what you’re doing.
He’s a busy man. He’s got a lot going on and his schedule is often full to the brim. If you’re not reaching out to him, he might not even see that as you ignoring him. He may not even notice!
Because he is a busy person, he’s also understanding when other people are busy. If you’re ignoring him, he might just assume that you have other things going on. He’s not going to take it personally.
Even if he does realize you’re ignoring him on purpose, he might not do anything about it.
A Capricorn man is a workaholic. If you’re ignoring him, he’s not going to bother chasing after you. He’s got work to do.
Logic & Reason
Understanding the Capricorn man is easier when you know that he is all about logic and reason.
He isn’t always a logical or reasonable person, of course. Everyone gets emotional sometimes! These are things he values, though, and he tries to behave in a logical way at all times.
If you ignore him, that might upset him. He’s not going to show you that he’s upset, though.
He’ll try to behave as rationally as possible. He’ll ignore his emotions. He’ll dive deeper into work to distract himself from any hurt feelings.
He may also think that your behavior is immature and unreasonable. Logically, it would make more sense for you to just tell him that you’re interested instead of playing hard to get.
Use these secrets to make your Capricorn man love you (they work like magic)
Hates Unreliable People
If you want to know How to make a Capricorn man chase you, you need to understand that playing hard to get and ignoring him might actually turn him off.
If he makes plans with you, he expects you to stick to those plans. If he says your date is at 7:00 PM, he’s going to be there on time. He’ll expect you to be on time as well.
If you are constantly showing up late or blowing him off, he’s going to stop making plans with you.
Ditching him isn’t going to make him chase after you. He’s going to think you’re unreliable. He doesn’t want to be with somebody who he can’t rely on.
If he can’t rely on you to be on time for a date, how can he rely on you for anything else? How can he trust you?
Sticks to the Schedule
If you’re trying to make a Capricorn man want you, ignoring him or blowing off plans is the last thing you should be doing!
When a Capricorn man likes you, he’ll go out of his way to try and make time for you. He’ll schedule dates. He’ll set aside time in his day to chat with you.
If you are constantly breaking those plans, he’s just going to think that you’re not interested. He’s not going to think it’s cute and he’s not going to chase after your affections.
When he builds time for you into his schedule, that’s a sign that he cares about you and wants to spend time with you. If you blow him off, you’re just going to hurt his feelings.
Even if you want to play hard to get, breaking plans isn’t the way to do it. Stick to the schedule if you’re with a Capricorn man.
This is the #1 mistake women make with a Capricorn man...
He’s Pessimistic
If a Capricorn man thinks you’re ignoring him, he’s going to assume the worst. This is especially true if he knows that you’re not busy and that you’re communicating with other people.
Capricorn men are pessimists. They are prone to bouts of depression and insecurity.
He’s not going to think that you’re playing hard to get. He’s not going to realize that you just want him to chase after you.
He may end up thinking that you don’t like him. He might think that you’re just using him if you’re being hot and cold with him too.
Ignoring him is one of the worst things you can do if you’re trying to build a relationship with a Capricorn man.
Instead of ignoring him, think of things to say to your Capricorn man to show him that you’re interested. You want to build up his confidence, not smash it.
He’s Sensitive
He’ll try to pretend otherwise but a Capricorn man is deeply sensitive.
He hides his emotions and tries to ignore them but if you ignore him, you’re likely to hurt his feelings.
He’ll be upset if you don’t return his calls and he knows that you’re not busy with something else.
If you are constantly blowing him off and telling him you’re too busy to see him, he might take that personally. This is especially true if he sees that you’re spending time with other people.
He’s an understanding person. He knows that people get busy. If he thinks you’re ignoring him, though, he’s going to take that personally.
This one weird trick is the only way to attract a Capricorn man.
He’ll Withdraw
If a Capricorn man doesn’t initiate contact after you’ve been playing hard to get, don’t be surprised. He’s not going to chase after somebody that’s not interested in him.
Instead, he’s going to withdraw from you.
Capricorn men don’t trust people easily. They are afraid of getting hurt. They don’t want to give somebody their heart or their affections just to have it blow up in their face.
If you show interest in him and then suddenly start ignoring him, he’s going to assume you’re not interested anymore.
If you hurt his feelings, he’ll likely distance himself from you instead of going after you. He’ll dive into work. He’ll distract himself with other activities.
Just be upfront with a Capricorn man if you’re interested in him. Otherwise, you’re going to push him away.
Hates Games
A Capricorn man’s communication style is straightforward and to-the-point. When he says something, it’s what he means.
He’s not going to play games and he’s not going to look for hidden meanings in what you say. He doesn’t want to try and decipher your actions either.
If you’re ignoring him, he’s going to assume that you don’t want to spend time with him. If you’re constantly canceling plans, he’s going to think that you’re not interested in him.
When you give him the cold shoulder, you’re not saying “chase me” to a Capricorn man. You’re saying “leave me alone”.
He will leave you alone if he thinks that’s what you’re telling him. If you’re ignoring him, you aren’t giving him any reason to think that you’re interested in him.
Is your Capricorn man painfully distant? Rekindle your love.
Hates Childish People
Be mature and be respectful when you’re trying to show a Capricorn man that you’re interested in him. Instead of ignoring him, pay attention to him. He’ll be more likely to chase after you if you’re just honest with him.
If a Capricorn man realizes that you’re ignoring him in order to get his attention, he’s not going to be happy.
He hates it when people play hard to get. He thinks playing games in relationships is childish and immature.
He doesn’t want to be with a childish person who plays games with his emotions.
If you’re playing hard to get, he’s not going to go after you. He’s more likely to decide that it’s not worth it to pursue you.
He won’t find it attractive when you purposefully ignore him. He won’t think you’re being cute or coy. He’ll just think you’re being immature.
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