
Will Ignoring a Libra Man Make Him Chase You?

Updated February 11, 2025

It’s risky if you ignore a Libra man in order to make him chase you. Playing hard to get works sometimes, but you have to be careful.

A Libra man won’t chase you if you constantly ignore him. You need to make sure he knows you’re interested first.

Libra men like the chase, but they don’t love it. You need to respond when a Libra man chases you. Make sure he knows you’re interested.

Constantly ignoring a Libra man won’t make him chase you. Instead of outright ignoring him, just tell him that you’re busy with other things. Respond to his messages after a few days instead of not responding at all.

A Libra man doesn’t want to start drama with other men. If you try to make him jealous, that might backfire. He won’t chase you if he thinks you’re dating someone else.

He’s In No Rush

Do Libra men like playing hard to get? Some of them like to play it because they aren’t in any rush when it comes to relationships.

Libra men love relationships, and they love to be in love. Most Libra men are willing to wait for “the one,” though. Some of them might play the field, but they aren’t going to jump into a relationship until they’re ready.

A Libra man won’t mind if you play hard to get sometimes. He’ll think it’s fun! As long as he knows you’re interested, he’ll play games with you for a bit.

Do not worry about your Libra man immediately running off with someone else who isn’t playing hard to get. He will be willing to chase you if he’s interested.

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Likes The Chase

Ignoring a Libra man can sometimes make him chase you. Libra men like the chase now and then, but they don’t love it the way a Leo or Sagittarius man might.

Your Libra man might have a fun time playing hard to get back-and-forth. He may ignore you for a bit, too, to see if you’ll chase him.

The thing about Libra men is that they might chase after a few people simultaneously. Unless he is in a committed relationship with you, don’t expect your Libra man to only chase after you.

A Libra man might be playing the field while you’re ignoring him. Even if he knows you’re interested, that doesn’t mean he’ll tie himself down to you without a proper relationship.

If you are okay with potentially being just one of multiple potential partners, go ahead and ignore your Libra man. If you want more from him, you should be more outright in your interest.

Won’t Start Drama

Will a Libra man hide his feelings for you to avoid drama? He absolutely will. If a Libra man thinks you’ve got something going on with another man, he’ll back off.

Libra men understand that casual dating is a thing. That being said, he won’t fight with other men for your affections. If you are ignoring him to go on dates with other men, he won’t chase after you.

If another man tries to fight a Libra man for your affections, your Libra man won’t do it. He’ll step back instead. Make sure that any other man in your life won’t get in his face, or you will lose your Libra man.

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Don’t Play Too Hard To Get

Will a Libra man chase you if you play hard to get? He might. You can’t play too hard to get, though!

You need to strike a balance between ignoring your Libra man and showing interest in him. He will not chase after someone if he thinks they don’t want him to.

When a Libra man texts you, ignore the text at first. You wait a few hours or even a couple of days. If he continues to text or if it’s been a while, respond to him.

You want your Libra man to know that it’s okay to chase you. Be flirty and a bit coy, then cool off. Just make sure he knows that you’re not rejecting him altogether.

Don’t Ignore Him Constantly

How long should you ignore a Libra man? Waiting a day or two to respond to a message should do it. You should not ignore a Libra man completely.

You can ignore a Libra man at first when you two end up at the same party. Talk to some other people. Make your rounds through the crowd. If he approaches you, don’t shrug him off. You got what you wanted! Talk to him.

If your Libra man notices that you’re constantly avoiding him or refusing to reply to messages, he will eventually back off. It’s no fun chasing somebody if they give you nothing to work with.

Do not continue to ignore your Libra man if he tells you that he hates being ignored, either. He won’t think it’s cute if you continue to ignore him after he’s asked you to stop.

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Be Considerate

Don’t be rude to him if you want to make a Libra man obsessed with you! You can play hard to get, but you still need to be considerate.

Do not talk about your Libra man behind his back or say mean things to him. That is beyond playing hard to get! It’s just cruel, and it isn’t necessary.

Respect a Libra man’s boundaries. If he says it hurts his feelings when you constantly leave him on read, try not to do that. Just don’t read the message until you’re ready to reply or turn read receipts off.

Have A Packed Schedule

You can get a Libra man to chase you by having a packed schedule. Libra men love to socialize! Show him that you are an exciting person who always has something going on.

When your Libra man asks you on a date, and you need to turn him down, don’t just say no. Tell him why you can’t hang out with him.

If you are going to a concert, tell him that. When you can’t hang out with him because you’re already spending time with friends, make sure he knows that.

Show your Libra man all the exciting things you get up to. If he has you on social media, post pictures or updates about your nights out. He will see that you’re a fun person with a packed schedule. That will get him to chase you.

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Show Your Availability

If you want to know how to make a Libra man chase you, the most important thing to remember is that you need to be available. He won’t chase you if he thinks you’re in a relationship with someone else.

Of course, if you aren’t available, don’t make a Libra man believe you are. He doesn’t want to be the “other man.” He will likely be upset if he goes after you only to find that you aren’t single.

You can list yourself as single on social media or outright tell your Libra man that you’re available. If you two have mutual friends, make sure they also let him know that you’re single if he asks.

You need to be single if you want to make Libra man chase you after a breakup. He won’t bother trying to get back together with you if you’re seeing other people.

Don’t Outright Reject Him

Rejecting a Libra man will not make him chase you. If you say you’re not interested, he will take your words at face value.

Libra men don’t have time to chase somebody who doesn’t want them. They are not going to force themselves on people who genuinely aren’t interested.

If you need to turn down a date from a Libra man because you’re busy, tell him that you’re busy. Don’t just say no. Leave open the possibility of having a date with him at a later time.

A Libra man will respect your boundaries. If you say you don’t like him or don’t want to talk to him, he will respect that!

Playing hard to get and rejecting someone are two different things. Make sure you’re still showing interest and letting your Libra man know that you’re not outright rejecting him when you play hard to get.

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Respond When He Chases You

Do Libras like being ignored? They don’t like being ignored all the time. If your efforts get him to chase you, you need to respond to him.

If you have been ignoring a Libra man and he reaches out for a date, accept him. If you do, he’ll think you’re legitimately not interested in him.

You need to show interest in your Libra man sometimes. Let him take you on a date or go hang out with him.

The point of ignoring your Libra man is to get his attention. Once you’ve got his attention in the way you want, don’t keep ignoring him.

Respond to your Libra man’s text messages instead of always ignoring them. Let him get to know you.

Once you’ve got him chasing you, there’s no need to keep ignoring him. Show interest in him and maybe start chasing him back a bit too.

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