
9 Secrets to Making a Taurus Man Miss You (A Lot)

Updated September 16, 2024

If you want to make a Taurus man miss you, you must find a balance between getting his attention and keeping your distance.

A Taurus man who cares about you will likely miss you anyway when you’re not around. Just give him a chance to miss you.

You can start making a Taurus man miss you before you’re even gone by being a bit mysterious, reminding him of the past, and using his senses to appeal to his nostalgic side.

Keep yourself busy if you’re trying to make a Taurus man miss you after a breakup. Distance yourself, and don’t message him. Pull any support you used to give him.

If you want your Taurus friend or partner to miss you, just don’t be too clingy! Focus on yourself and allow him to miss you by not being with him all the time.

1. Make Use Of His Senses

If you want to know how to make a Taurus man miss you like crazy, use his sensuality against him! You can use a Taurus man’s strong tie to his senses to make him miss you.

Always wear a specific perfume when you’re with your Taurus man. Whenever he smells that perfume and you aren’t around, he’ll start to miss you!

A Taurus man will miss you when he drinks your favorite wine, sees your favorite color, or hears a song by your favorite band too.

Will a Taurus man miss you after a breakup? He will if you leave behind things that remind him of you!

Seeing something of yours sitting in his house will make a Taurus man miss you. He’ll also miss you if you wash some of his clothes and they smell like your detergent or when he eats a dish you used to cook for him all the time.

This one weird trick is the only way to attract a Taurus man.

2. Keep Yourself Busy

Your Taurus man will never miss you if you’re always with him. Why would he miss you if he knows you’re always available to him?

Keep yourself busy if you want your Taurus man to miss you. Make it clear that you’ve got other things going on in your life and that you aren’t always going to be available when he wants you to be.

Keeping yourself busy can make any Taurus man miss you, whether he’s a friend, partner, or ex.

Your Taurus man will understand when you’re genuinely busy. He might want to spend more time with you, but he’s unlikely to get upset. He’ll miss you and try harder to find his way into your schedule!

The key is to genuinely be busy with work, hobbies, and other commitments. If you don’t seem to be doing anything when your Taurus man reaches out, he’ll think you’re ignoring him and get upset.

3. Don’t Cling To Him

If you’re overly clingy and always hang around your Taurus man, he’ll never get a chance to miss you! Don’t cling to him if you want him to miss you when you’re not around.

If you and your Taurus man spend every waking moment together, he likely won’t miss you if you’re gone for a few hours or even a few days. He might be relieved to have some time to himself.

Balance your time with your Taurus man if you want him to miss you when you’re not around. He’ll miss you more if he’s used to seeing you frequently, but not too frequently.

If you want your Taurus ex to miss you, don’t cling to him! Don’t continue acting like you’re in a relationship with him. Keep away from him as much as possible, and allow him to miss your presence.

The less you cling to a Taurus man, the more he’ll miss you when you’re not around. He will enjoy every moment you have together more too!

The simple secrets you can use to seduce and keep your Taurus man (they work like magic)

4. Keep Your Distance

If you want to make a Taurus man regret losing you after a breakup, the best thing to do is keep your distance. Show him what he’s missing.

Your Taurus man isn’t going to miss you if you’re still around all the time. If a mutual friend invites both of you to an event, don’t show up. Stop going places like coffee shops that you know you both frequent too.

Will a Taurus man miss his ex? He likely will, but only if she’s not actually around. If you stay friends with your Taurus man and continue providing emotional support, he will never miss you or realize what he’s lost.

You want to distance yourself physically and emotionally if you want a Taurus ex to miss you. If he feels like he’s cut off from you, he’ll start to miss how close you two once were. If you’re still with him all the time, he’ll never miss you.

5. Get His Attention Online

Getting your Taurus man’s attention in a way that makes it seem like you’re not trying to reach out to him specifically is one of the best ways to make a Taurus man miss you.

You can get your Taurus man’s attention online by posting about topics you know interest him. You can also post photos of yourself visiting places you know he likes.

Your Taurus man will also notice if you are online frequently interacting with people who aren’t him. He’ll miss you and wish he was the one you were talking to!

If you want to make a Taurus man jealous while also making him miss you, post photos of you with other men.

Post a few innocent pictures of you hanging out with male friends or men you met at a bar. Your Taurus man will see that and wish he was the one in the photos with you!

This magic will make your Taurus man want a relationship with you.

6. Remind Him Of The Past

If you want to make a Taurus man think about you, try reminding him of the past. Appeal to his nostalgic side, and he’ll start to miss you any time you’re not around.

You can remind your Taurus man of the past in multiple ways. If you two are still in contact, you can ask if he remembers a specific restaurant you went to for a date.

Mention it offhand, as if you’re genuinely inquiring about the name or where it is, even though you’re really just trying to make him remember the date you two went on.

You can also remind your Taurus man of the past by posting photos of you visiting his favorite bar or hanging out at a park you two used to go to often.

7. Don’t Message Him Too Much

It’s sometimes best to have a no-contact rule with a Taurus man after a breakup. You need to give him a chance to miss you, so you shouldn’t message him too much, if at all.

The best way to make a Taurus man miss you over text is to avoid texting him directly while making it evident that you are available and messaging other people.

You can do this by responding to others in group chats or frequently posting online. You can also read your Taurus man’s messages if he reaches out to you, but only respond if you have to.

If you do message your Taurus man, do so sparingly. Only message him if you must, and don’t chat too much when you do. You want him to miss your conversations!

This is the #1 mistake women make with a Taurus man...

8. Focus On Yourself

You need to focus on yourself if you want a Taurus man to miss you after a breakup. Take time to do what you want to do and care for yourself instead of worrying about anyone else.

If you always focus on your Taurus man, he might start to take you for granted. He won’t necessarily miss you when you’re not around because he’ll assume you’ll be back at any moment.

Focusing on yourself after a breakup can help you become a better version of yourself. It will help you get back in touch with all your best qualities and cheer you up too!

When your Taurus man sees you focusing on yourself and having a good time without him, he’ll start to miss you. He’ll wish that focus was on him again, and he’ll miss having you around.

9. Be A Little Mysterious

You can make your Taurus man miss you if he never truly knows what you’re up to. If you’re a bit of a mystery, especially if you used to be an open book, he’ll miss knowing what you’re up to.

Be vague when your Taurus man asks what you’re up to. If you post pictures online of a trip you’re on, don’t reveal everything about what you’re doing.

Your Taurus man will miss you more when he doesn’t know everything you’re up to. If he knows every little detail of what you do when he’s not around, he’ll feel like he’s there with you, and he might not miss you as much!

One of the signs a Taurus man misses you is that he’ll start reaching out more to see what you’re up to. Don’t give him what he wants too easily, though. Keep being mysterious and make him miss you even more.

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