
10 Obvious Signs Pisces Man is Not Interested (in You)

Updated September 5, 2024

When a Pisces man is not interested in somebody, he might act out of character.

He’ll try to be nice about it at first. If you aren’t getting the hint, he might start to do things that go against his regular nature.

Pisces men hate conflict. He might not want to outright tell you that he’s not interested in you romantically. This is especially true if you two are friends or if you have any mutual friends.

If he is constantly avoiding you or making excuses not to hang out with you, that might be a sign he’s not interested. He will avoid the situation instead of being direct with you about his disinterest.

If you keep pushing the matter, he might start to get rude. He may even do things to make you angry.

1. Avoids Conflict

If your relationship has gone sour, breaking up with a Pisces man is usually something you’ll have to do. He hates conflict. He won’t want to be the one to break up with you.

If you are pursuing him and he’s not interested, he won’t always tell you that outright.

He hates confrontation. He doesn’t want to see you upset if he tells you that he doesn’t like you the same way you like him.

If you two are friends, he will try even harder to avoid conflict. He doesn’t want to ruin your friendship by saying the wrong thing or being too harsh when he turns you down.

He will honestly just hope that you get over your crush on him. He wants you to be the one to decide a relationship with him actually might not be a good idea.

This magic will make your Pisces man want a relationship with you.

2. He’ll Ignore You

How does a Pisces man test you? One of the ways he does this is by purposely ignoring you. This is also a way he’ll show you that he’s not interested in you.

If he’s just playing hard to get or testing you, he’ll play hot and cold. If he always ignores you, he’s likely not interested.

He does this as a way of avoiding conflict. If he never sees you, he never has to deal with your feelings for him.

He will ignore any attempts at flirting with him. He will act as if he doesn’t notice that you’re flirting with him.

He does notice. He just doesn’t want to acknowledge your attempts at wooing him.

He will do whatever he can to avoid your attempts at romance.

3. He’ll Brush You Off

If a Pisces man is making excuses all the time for why he can’t hang out with you, he might not be interested in you.

He’s not a highly social person. He’s not always going to be busy. If he is constantly responding that he’s “busy all week” or that he “doesn’t have any weekends free for a while”, he is probably not that interested in you.

If he wants to make time for you, he will. If he legitimately is busy, he is usually more specific. He’ll tell you the time and days that do work for him.

He will also physically brush you off of him when you try to be physically affectionate with him.

Pisces men are fine with being physically affectionate with their friends. They will even hug to greet acquaintances of strangers.

If he quickly pulls out of a hug or avoids it altogether, that is a definite sign that he is not interested in you.

This one weird trick is the only way to attract a Pisces man.

4. He’ll Avoid You

If a Pisces man’s disappearing act is a frequent occurrence, it might be because he’s not interested in you.

If he sees you at a party, he’ll walk off in the other direction. He’ll go to a different room or even leave entirely.

If you notice that he is always walking away when he sees you, take the hint.

If things get drastic, he might even start avoiding places he knows you both go. If you go to the same gym, he’ll switch gyms. If you two like the same coffee shop, he’ll pick another one.

He will go to any length necessary to not have to deal with your crush on him.

5. He’ll Encourage You To Date

If a Pisces man is not ready for a relationship, he’ll encourage you to date other people.

He might like you as a friend. If he does, he’s not going to push you away or ignore you entirely. He still wants to be friends with you! He’s just not interested in dating you.

He might try to set you up with a friend of his. If you show any interest in somebody, he’ll gladly tell you to go after them.

If a Pisces man loses interest in you after previously expressing interest, he might feel bad about it. He’ll try to push you toward somebody else to rid himself of any guilt he feels.

Use these secrets to make your Pisces man love you (they work like magic)

6. He’ll Push You Away

If he is actively pushing you away, leaving a Pisces man alone is usually the best course of action. Don’t throw yourself at him if he’s showing no interest in you.

He will push you away by ignoring your messages when you text him. He’ll avoid answering personal questions.

If he’s upset and you offer support, he will turn you down. He won’t want to accept your comfort because he doesn’t want to give you the wrong idea.

Again, he may also physically push you away. He won’t be violent or anything. He will just shrug you off if you try to hug him. If you are trying to flirt by placing a hand on his knee, he’ll move your hand aside.

7. He’ll Make You Angry

How does a Pisces man act when he likes you? He’ll be very considerate of your feelings. He won’t want to do anything to hurt you.

Pisces men try to be considerate of the emotions of everyone, not just their loved ones. They hate to see people upset because they are highly empathetic people.

If he’s not interested in you or if he actively dislikes you, he might try to make you angry on purpose.

He will do this if he wants to drive you away completely. He’ll casually say things that he knows will upset you.

A Pisces man won’t try to get into a confrontation with you. He won’t directly call you out. He doesn’t want it to be obvious that he’s purposely trying to make you angry.

If he says something hurtful and tries to play it off as a “joke”, he is probably trying to make you angry. If he says something hurtful and doesn’t apologize, he’s being hurtful on purpose.

Is your Pisces man painfully distant? Rekindle your love.

8. He’ll Lie

The reason behind a Pisces man’s silent treatment doesn’t always have to do with you or how he feels about you.

If he’s not interested in you, though, he might lie about why he’s been absent or not replying to your messages.

Pisces men are terrible liars. It will be obvious if he’s lying to you. If you two are friends, it’s going to be even more obvious!

If you want to hang out Friday night and he’s free, he’ll lie and say he has a party to go to. If you ask if you can tag along, he’ll tell you it’s a private party for somebody you don’t know.

You won’t see any hint of this party, though. It likely doesn’t exist.

9. He’ll Be Childish

Sometimes when Pisces men are upset or stressed out, they act out childishly.

If he is frustrated by your advances and you just aren’t getting the hint that he’s not interested, he might not be mature about it.

He might do something like get a friend of his to tell you he’s not interested. He might even get a pretend girlfriend just so that you get off his back.

The hurtful comments he makes will also likely be childish. He’s not going to say deeply cutting things. He’s going to insult you and deal out low blows to your ego.

Is your Pisces man not communicating with you? Here's the trick to reel your Pisces back in.

10. He’ll Be Rude

If a Pisces man is acting strange and unlike himself, it might be because he’s not interested in you.

Pisces men hate conflict, as mentioned. Most of the time, they will be polite to everyone around them. He might even be polite to people he doesn’t like just to keep the peace.

If he’s always rude to you, he doesn’t like you and he is trying to make you go away.

When you say hi to him, he’s not going to greet you back. If you ask to tag along when your mutual friends are going somewhere, he’ll turn you down.

He will also do things like block your number. Even if he doesn’t block you, he’ll purposely ignore and delete your messages.

If being nice and just avoiding the issue doesn’t work, he will do things to try and make you dislike him.

He won’t want to do this if you two are friends. If he wants to keep the friendship, he will continue to try and just ignore your advances.

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