Making a Sagittarius man commit to a relationship is difficult. Many Sagittarius men are reluctant to commit.
Even if he loves you, he might take a while to be ready to commit to your relationship. He won’t commit until he’s ready.
Are Sagittarius men capable of committing to a relationship? They are! They are just often reluctant to commit for a variety of reasons.
Sagittarius men value their freedom and independence. They don’t want anything or anybody to have control over their lives. They want to be able to do what they want to do without worry. They want independent partners as well.
If you let him go at his own pace, he’ll feel more comfortable committing to you. Show him that he can commit to you and still be his own person.
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1. Live Separate Lives
Are Sagittarius men scared of commitment? Many of them are. One way to help him get over this fear is to make sure that you two still live separate lives outside of being a couple.
Make it clear to him that you don’t expect him to spend all his time with you. If he wants to go out with his friends, don’t make a fuss about it.
When he goes out without you, don’t just sit around at home waiting for him to come home! Make sure that you are also living your own life without him.
If he thinks that you’re reliant on him for all your social interaction, he won’t want to commit to a long-term relationship with you.
If he feels like you won’t let him go off on his own sometimes, that will make him less likely to commit as well.
You two can love one another and be a couple without spending every waking moment together. You should have interests and hobbies that you both do on your own. You should have other people in your lives to go hang out with.
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2. Adventure With Him
How does a Sagittarius man show interest in a woman? One way he does this is by taking her with him when he travels.
He’ll want you to go places with him sometimes. He’ll want you to have new experiences with him.
He won’t demand that you go everywhere with him but he will need you to go out with him from time to time.
This might be difficult for you if you’re more of a homebody. Make an effort to go try a new restaurant with him or go on a weekend trip from time to time anyway.
If your Sagittarius man can’t go have fun with you, he won’t want to commit.
If he never wants to go out with you or take you anywhere with him, that’s one way to know when a Sagittarius man is playing you. He’ll want to do things alone sometimes but if he cares about you, he’ll also want to spend time with you.
3. Value Freedom & Independence
Freedom and independence are important to Sagittarius men. They are free spirits and they need partners who understand that.
He won’t spend all his time with you, no matter how much he loves you. He will need alone time. He’ll need time with his friends and family.
This doesn’t mean that he won’t spend any time with you. He’ll still want you in his life and he’ll want to be with you. He just won’t want to be with you 24/7.
When he makes an effort to let you into his life, that is a sign a Sagittarius man is serious about you.
He’ll always want some level of freedom and independence. When he loves you, though, he’ll make sure to find time to do things together as a couple.
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4. Dream Big
Sagittarius men like to have ambitious partners. He wants to see that you have goals for yourself.
Don’t be afraid to dream big! If you want to achieve something, be confident in your ability to do it.
Tell him about your dreams. Include him when talking about future goals. That will let him know you’re serious about him.
When he starts sharing his dreams with you and including you in those dreams, that is one of the signs a Sagittarius man is interested in committing to you.
When he tells you his dreams, don’t ever be judgemental about them. Even if you think they aren’t feasible, support him. He legitimately thinks he can achieve anything he sets his mind to.
It’s easier to make a Sagittarius man want a relationship with you when you two share key values.
If you two don’t see eye to eye about key values, your relationship isn’t going to last. He won’t even want to commit to a relationship with you in the first place, depending on how important that value is to him.
This is of course easier said than done if your values don’t naturally line up. If he wants kids and you don’t, for example, that won’t be something you two can compromise on.
Values can change over time. Never lie to him and pretend that you agree with his values when you don’t, though. That will just make your relationship miserable for both of you.
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6. Respect Him
If you don’t respect your Sagittarius man, he is never going to want a relationship with you.
He wants to feel respected by his partner. This doesn’t mean that he wants control over them or that you have to treat him with respect if he disrespects you.
It means that you should respect his feelings and validate them when he shares them with you. It also means that you should respect any boundaries he sets with you.
If you ever do something to upset him or make him feel like you don’t respect him, be sure to apologize! Show him that you love him and that you never want to make him feel bad on purpose.
7. Value Knowledge
Sagittarius men value knowledge. They like to have intelligent, intellectual partners with who they can have deep conversations.
Your Sagittarius man likes to know about the world around him. He likes to learn about cultures and people who are different from him. This enables him to more fully experience the world around him.
He wants an open-minded partner as well. You two might not always have the same opinions but you need to be open to listening to ideas that differ from yours.
A Sagittarius man wants to know that he can talk to his partner about anything. He wants to know that they will listen to others and that they will always strive to build their knowledge.
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8. Don’t Be Clingy
Sagittarius men do not want clingy or needy partners. If he thinks you’re overly clingy, he is more likely to end the relationship than commit to you.
There will be times where you need help from your Sagittarius man. There will also be times where he needs your help. He doesn’t want you to be entirely reliant on him, though.
Don’t expect him to do everything for you. Don’t rely on him for all your social and emotional needs. Make sure that you have other people in your life you can rely on. Make sure you can do some things on your own as well.
You’ll be able to tell if a Sagittarius man is falling for you because he’ll want to spend more and more time with you.
He won’t spend all his time with you. If you expect that from your partner, a Sagittarius man is not the person for you.
9. Be An Optimist
If a Sagittarius man doesn’t want a relationship with you right now, that doesn’t always mean you should give up. He might just not be ready at the moment.
Be optimistic when it comes to your relationship with your Sagittarius man.
You might need to be in a casual relationship with him for a while. Even if you two are in a long-term relationship, he might also take a long time to be ready to be married.
You should be optimistic in general as well. Go through life assuming that things will work out the way they’re supposed to.
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10. Don’t Push
If your Sagittarius man is afraid of commitment, pushing him to commit isn’t going to make him get over that fear. If you’re too pushy with him that will just make things worse.
A Sagittarius man moving slowly in a relationship doesn’t necessarily mean that he doesn’t want to commit. He might want to but he’s just not ready yet.
If he thinks you’re pushing him or being controlling, he will end the relationship. He won’t commit to you just because you want him to.
You might be ready to move in together or get married. If he’s not, you need to be patient. Never try to force him to do something he’s not ready to do.
When he knows that you can be patient with him and go at his pace, he’ll feel more loved and cared for.
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