
Easy Guide To Elicit a Text Response From a Scorpio Man

Updated February 22, 2025

A Scorpio man’s text response won’t always come immediately. You might have to wait, so be patient and don’t try to rush him!

Don’t always expect an immediate response from your Scorpio man, even if he does sometimes respond to you right away.

A Scorpio man is more likely to respond immediately if you time things correctly and send a message that requires a response. Don’t demand an answer, though, or he’ll ignore you!

Try asking your Scorpio man a direct question or requesting advice. You can also keep him engaged by flirting, joking around, and talking about things that interest him. He’s more likely to respond if he enjoys the topic you’re texting about!

Be mysterious as well. Your Scorpio man will have to respond if he has follow-up questions about something you said.

Text With A Purpose

Why do Scorpio men ignore texts sometimes? Your Scorpio man might not respond immediately for a variety of reasons. If he ignores a specific text, it might be because he doesn’t think it requires a response.

A Scorpio man might also ignore you if he’s busy and your text doesn’t seem to have a “purpose.” If you text him to say good morning or make small talk, he might not respond if he’s busy or preoccupied with something else.

Text your Scorpio man about a topic you’re both interested in. Follow up about something you two spoke about in person, or ask for more information about something he mentioned.

If you don’t know what to text a Scorpio man, wait to text him. You’re more likely to elicit a response if you are genuinely interested in chatting with him. He’ll be able to tell if you’re making small talk or seem unsure.

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Ask Him A Direct Question

If you want to know how to make a Scorpio man respond, you’re more likely to get a response to a direct question. That will show your Scorpio man that you require an answer without you having to demand one.

It’s usually best to ask a question that you can’t find the answer to easily by yourself. Try asking your Scorpio man a question about a topic he’s an expert in, or ask his opinion about something.

If your Scorpio man never responds to your questions, that could be a sign that he’s not interested in chatting with you, but it could also mean you’re asking the wrong questions. Something that can be answered with a quick search online is a bad thing to ask him.

You can add that you’ve looked everywhere for the answer and can’t find it, or tell your Scorpio man that you know he’s the best person to go to about this topic. Boost his ego a little bit, and that will get a response from him!

Ask For Advice

Scorpio men love giving advice to others, especially those they care about. If your Scorpio man might have some insight into your problem, text him about it!

Your Scorpio man will reply if you ask him for advice. Knowing that you value his opinion will boost his ego, and it will make him feel good that you would reach out to him specifically.

Scorpio men tend to be intuitive and are highly in touch with the people around them, so they are great people to go to about interpersonal issues. Ask your Scorpio man what he thinks about a problem you’re having with a friend, and he’ll respond.

You can also ask your Scorpio man for advice related to his career or other interests of his. He might wait to reply, especially if he needs to think things over, but he will respond. He won’t want to leave you hanging!

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Be Flirtatious

If you only ever text a Scorpio man about serious things, or you always ask him for advice, he might honestly stop replying after a while. You need to show him that you’re interested in him, not just what he can do for you!

Lighten things up sometimes when you’re texting your Scorpio man. Be a little flirtatious and show genuine interest in him as a person.

You want your Scorpio man to feel like you enjoy texting him because you actually like him. He’ll respond to questions and typically be happy to offer advice or chat about topics you’re both interested in, but he wants to have fun sometimes too!

If you flirt with a Scorpio man who likes you, he’ll definitely respond! He will appreciate you reaching out and showing interest, and he’ll want to ensure that he shows he returns your feelings.

Time Things Correctly

Should you text a Scorpio man first? You definitely can! If he enjoys talking to you, he’ll always be happy to see a text from you. Sometimes, getting a response is all about timing things correctly and not necessarily what you say.

Pay attention to your Scorpio man’s texting habits. If he never responds during certain hours, he’s probably busy at work, sleeping, or preoccupied with something else. He will be more likely to ignore texts during those hours.

Try to text your Scorpio man when you know he’s likely to be free. He’ll respond to you if you text him while he’s busy, but he likely won’t respond right away.

If you want to start a conversation with your Scorpio man, make sure you’re texting when he can respond. He’ll appreciate it when you respect his time and when you seem to know his schedule.

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Be A Little Mysterious

Sometimes, the best thing to say to a Scorpio man to get his attention is something that leaves out a little bit of information. If something you text is a little mysterious, your Scorpio man will respond to get more information.

Don’t tell your Scorpio man your whole life story right away, and don’t send him a wall of text recounting the entirety of an interesting situation that happened to you recently.

Instead, text your Scorpio man a teaser of your story. Tell him that something odd happened at the park or that a strange customer spoke to you at work.

Your Scorpio man will likely respond to ask for further information. He’ll be intrigued and want to know the rest of your story, so he will reply to tell you that he’s paying attention!

Keep Him Engaged

If you want to text a Scorpio man, keep him engaged. He doesn’t get bored as quickly as Gemini or Sagittarius men do, but he won’t keep responding to someone if the conversation is dull.

Don’t message your Scorpio man about the same thing all the time. He might be able to chat for hours about a specific topic, but even he will get bored if that is all you ever talk to him about.

Keep your Scorpio man engaged by revealing things about yourself or introducing new topics. He loves to learn, and he’ll always appreciate it when you give him a chance to do that!

You can also keep your Scorpio man engaged by sending him photos or interesting articles you’ve come across. You don’t have to constantly mix things up, but mix things up just enough to keep it interesting.

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Joke Around

If you aren’t sure what to text a Scorpio man, try sending a joke! Sometimes, that will be just the thing you need to get his attention.

Scorpio men can sometimes seem severe and intimidating, but they have a soft side and love to joke around. Show your Scorpio man that you aren’t intimidated by him and that you have an excellent sense of humor by texting a few jokes.

If a Scorpio man is feeling overwhelmed or is having a bad day and you send a joke or a funny image, he’ll appreciate it! He’ll be more likely to respond to you, even if he’s avoiding his other messages.

Your Scorpio man will also love talking to you more when he knows you won’t be serious all the time. He’ll respond more often if he can relax and joke around with you.

Don’t Demand A Response

A Scorpio man’s texting style is reliable. If your Scorpio man isn’t responding to you, there’s a reason why! He might just be busy, and he’ll respond again later.

Never demand a response from a Scorpio man, or he’s more likely not to respond to you. If you constantly get angry with him for not responding, he’ll start to pull away from you.

If your Scorpio man enjoys texting you, you don’t need to try too hard to elicit a response! He’ll respond when you text him, even if he doesn’t respond immediately.

A Scorpio man isn’t going to ignore you for no reason. If you notice that he hasn’t responded as often lately, reach out to see if he’s okay instead of getting angry or accusing him of ignoring you.

Your Scorpio man will appreciate it when you’re patient with him. He’ll respond to you more when he knows there is no pressure to respond immediately.

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