Some differences between a September Libra and an October Libra can be subtle. They might be different types of Libras, but they still have many similarities.
October Libras often have some traits typically associated with the other air signs. September Libras are more stereotypical Libras.
The ruling planets of the other air signs, Aquarius and Gemini, can influence October Libras. This influence gives them a flair that September Libras don’t have, as only Venus influences September Libras.
Each sign in the zodiac has three subsections. These are known as decans. Most September Libras are in the first decan of Libra. These Libras have the most stereotypical Libra traits.
October Libras are in either the second or third decan of Libra. These are the “Aquarius” decan and the “Gemini” decan.
While they are still Libras, October Libras may have traits more commonly associated with Aquarius or Gemini.
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Venus vs Uranus & Mercury
Some of the differences between October Libras and September Libras are due to how planetary rulership works in astrology.
Venus rules the sign of Libra. As mentioned, Libra has three different decans. Each decan has a subruler, in addition to a ruler. The first decan has Venus as both a ruler and subruler.
The second decan of Libra has Uranus as a subruler. The third decan has Mercury as a subruler. This system of rulership and sub-rulership means that multiple planets, not just Venus, influence October Libras.
September Libras have the most typical Libra traits because they only have the influence of one planet. These Libras appreciate beauty, relationships, and art more than October Libras do.
The influence of Mercury can make October Libras extremely chatty. The power of Uranus can give October Libras a rebellious nature as well.
October Libras will still have typical Libra traits, of course. Venus still influences them. They just have an extra flair to them that you won’t see in a September Libra. They have a few extra traits thrown in.
If you ever meet a Libra that seems more like a Gemini or Aquarius, they are probably an October Libra. They tend to express some of the traits of those signs.
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Charming vs Flirty
Some September Libra and October Libra differences are subtle. September Libras tend to be more charming, while October Libras are more flirtatious.
This might not seem like a big difference, but you can see it in how they interact with people.
September Libras have a natural charm, and many people are drawn to them because of their amiable, people-pleasing nature.
They make the people around them feel valued. Their need to please everyone around them also adds to their charm.
October Libras are also friendly, but they are more chatty and love to flirt more than September Libras do. People feel good when in the presence of an October Libra.
The Libra communication style is typically friendly and agreeable. The influence of Mercury can make some October Libras extra chatty. Combined with the power of Venus, this means that October Libras tend to flirt a lot.
Of course, September Libras can also be flirty. They don’t flirt like an October Libra flirts, though. October Libras tend to be more forward and talkative when flirting. They may also be more tactile and affectionate.
Peacekeepers vs Freedom Fighters
September Libras and October Libras are both focused on justice and balance. The way they seek justice can be different, though.
September Libras tend to be peacekeepers. This is often one of Libra’s positive traits, though some September Libras can take it too far.
A September Libra focused on keeping the peace might become a people-pleaser. They may tell one person something and tell someone else a completely different thing if they think it won’t rock the boat.
September Libras can flip-flop between views because of their peacekeeping nature. They want to keep everyone happy and won’t always be able to do that through compromise or sticking to their values.
October Libras tend to be freedom fighters. This is especially true for October Libras born in the Aquarius decan. October Libras aren’t always afraid to cause a bit of discord.
An October Libra might not always be vocal about their actual views, but they also don’t want to compromise them. If it truly matters, they aren’t going to give up on what they think is right to keep the peace.
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Values Relationships vs Loves Being In Love
The Libra personality is focused on romance. This is because of the influence of Venus. The way Libras focus on romance can be different depending on their birth month.
September Libras value relationships. They are more likely to wait around for “the one” instead of having a string of casual relationships.
A September Libra wants the stability of a relationship. They will take their time getting to know someone before giving away their hearts.
Romantic relationships aren’t the only type of relationships September Libras value. They also prioritize their friendships, family relationships, and relationships with people they work with.
October Libras love to be in love. They are more likely to be serial monogamists or to have many casual relationships.
An October Libra falls in love more quickly than a September Libra. Many October Libras also mistake infatuation for love.
They aren’t always focused on developing a stable, lifelong relationship. They want to be in love more than anything else.
This doesn’t mean that October Libras aren’t capable of having lasting relationships. They can sometimes take longer to find a long-term relationship instead of a casual one.
Bossy vs Easy-Going
You might not always think of bossy as a Libra trait, but many September Libras can be bossy, especially under stress or when leading a project.
Being controlling is one of Libra’s negative traits that you don’t always see. Libras don’t want you to see it! Their bossy nature only comes out in specific circumstances.
Libras have a strong sense of justice. A September Libra might want to keep the peace, but sometimes, they do that by bossing others around and getting them to comply.
The bossy nature of a September Libra isn’t aggressive or angry. They can be firm when they are trying to get what they want. They may even seem stubborn.
October Libras tend to be more easy-going than September Libras. They use other means to get what they want most of the time.
An October Libra prefers it when people see them as fun and carefree. That is often how they get what they want. People are more likely to do someone a favor if they have a friendly relationship.
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Calm vs Energetic
September Libras tend to be more calm and level-headed compared to October Libras. They are still fun and friendly, but they aren’t always loud or wild.
A September Libra can be serious and diplomatic when they need to be. These are Libras who can easily manage professional settings where they need to be highly business-like.
The calm nature of a September Libra is also how they can keep the peace between people. Even if they are being bossy or demanding, it won’t be in a loud or aggressive way. They get what they want by being sweet.
The influence of Mercury for Libras in the Gemini decan can give them an energy that September Libras don’t always have. These Libras are loud! They can be wild and extremely friendly.
Many people love being around October Libras because of their energetic nature. It is infectious. October Libras can quickly draw people in and get them to join in on whatever they’re doing.
This energy, combined with their easy-going nature, makes October Libras very friendly. While September Libras can have a calming effect on people, October Libras are easily able to get people excited.
Generous vs Fearless
September Libras tend to be very generous. They strive to be fair in all aspects of life. If they have something that others do not, they will try to share it with them.
A September Libra wants the people around them to be taken care of. Libra enjoys living a life of luxury, but a September Libra will be happier when their loved ones can also have that luxury.
September Libras give great gifts. These are the people who always outdo everyone else on holidays and birthdays because their presents are often more extravagant than what everyone else brings.
October Libras are fearless. This is true for both those in the second and third decans. They aren’t afraid to go out into the world and get what they want.
This fearless nature makes October Libras incredibly extroverted and adventurous. An October Libra will boldly stand up for what they believe in. Instead of waiting around for it to come to them, they will take what they want.
If an October Libra sees that someone else lacks a necessity, they will do something to remedy that. They won’t necessarily do this with generosity.
They will try to fix whatever problem is causing their loved ones to lack certain things in their lives.
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