
10 Sure Signs a Virgo Man is Dead Serious About You

Updated February 16, 2025

When a Virgo man is serious about you, that’s a big deal! Virgo men don’t open their hearts to everyone.

Your Virgo man will treat you well when he’s serious about you. He’ll spoil you and even ease up on criticisms.

Virgo men are busy people. They are hard-working and often have a lot packed into their schedules. One sign a Virgo man is serious about you is that he’ll always be sure to make time for you.

A Virgo man will also want to know everything there is to know about you. He’ll want to know your hobbies, goals, and dreams for the future. He’ll help you meet those goals too.

Your Virgo man will open up to you too. He’ll be more vulnerable with you than he is with anyone else.

1. Makes Time For You

When a Virgo man is in love, he’ll do everything he can to make time for you. Even if he’s busy, he’ll do what he can to schedule time for your relationship.

Virgo men usually have packed schedules. They are often busy with their careers and other responsibilities, in addition to any social events they have planned.

A Virgo man who is serious about you will make sure he always sets aside some time for you. Even if it’s just a couple of hours at the end of the time, he’ll make sure he can see you or talk to you frequently.

If you live together, he might always set aside time to have dinner with you. Your Virgo man might have a set time where he calls you each day to check-in if you two are long-distance.

Your Virgo man will likely set aside a specific date night for you two as well. No matter how busy he is, he will do his best to never miss it.

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2. Learns About You

When a Virgo man loves you, he’ll want to know everything about you. A Virgo man will show he takes your relationship seriously by learning all there is to know about your life.

Virgo men are curious people. They like to ask questions and learn about the world around them.

This curiosity is one of the ways a Virgo man shows he’s serious about someone. He won’t want to simply know you on a surface level. He will want to know you deeply and intimately.

Your Virgo man will learn all about your preferences, so he knows the best gifts to give you. He will learn what kinds of things you like to talk about so you two can always have an exciting conversation.

He will actively listen whenever you talk, especially when talking about yourself. Your Virgo man will find anything you have to say interesting.

3. He Spoils You

The way a Virgo man acts when he likes a woman is very obvious in some ways. One of the more obvious ways he’ll show he’s serious about you is that he’ll spoil you.

Virgo men aren’t the most extravagant people. They are responsible with their money, and they like to do everything in moderation.

Your Virgo man will be willing to splurge on you when he’s serious about you. He will want to share all his wealth and success with you.

He might take you out to expensive restaurants or frequently give you high-quality, expensive gifts.

He will also spoil you with time and affection. Virgo men aren’t always affectionate with the people around them. He will be with you when he loves you.

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4. Puts You First

How does a Virgo man show affection? He won’t always show it physically. He will show his love for you by putting you first.

Your Virgo man will show you he cares by putting your needs ahead of his at times. If you need him to be there for you, he’ll drop everything he’s doing so he can care for you.

You will be one of the top priorities in his life. Your Virgo man will turn to you before he makes any serious decisions. He will always try to have your best interests at heart.

This isn’t to say that a Virgo man will always put you first without question. He won’t blow off work for a date night just because you ask. He might take a day off work to spend time with you if you’re sick, though.

5. Lightens His Criticisms

One of the signs a Virgo man is serious about you is that he’ll become less critical of you.

He won’t avoid all criticisms. Your Virgo man might still have some comments here and there. They will just be less harsh.

Your Virgo man will do his best to think before he voices any judgments to you. If he does have to criticize, he will try to soften it. He’ll try to be constructive, not cruel.

He will also listen to you if you ask him not to voice any criticisms about certain things. If you don’t want him to criticize your fashion choices, for example, he won’t say a word about your clothing.

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6. Gets Vulnerable With You

Vulnerability is a sign a Virgo man is in love with you. Virgo men don’t open up to everyone. Some of them won’t even be vulnerable with their close friends.

Virgo men like to keep their emotions to themselves. They don’t trust easily. They also don’t want to ruin the “logical” image they show the world.

Your Virgo man will be vulnerable with you when he cares about you. Even if it’s hard for him, he’ll do his best to open up with you. He will want to share his inner self with you and allow you to see parts of him nobody else does.

When a Virgo man says I love you, that is one way he shows you his vulnerable side. Virgo men have big hearts. When he gives you his heart, he’s showing that he trusts you.

7. Tells You His Secrets

Understanding a Virgo man can be difficult sometimes. Virgo men are private people. You’ll know he’s serious about you when he starts telling you his secrets.

A Virgo man might start spilling more minor secrets about himself at first. He does this to test you and see if you’ll keep his secrets.

As he starts to trust you, your Virgo man will open up more. He will tell you facts about himself nobody else knows.

You will know your Virgo man is serious about you when he can come to you about anything. He will tell you secrets about himself even if they make him look bad. He will trust you with his “ugly” side.

This magic will make your Virgo man want a relationship with you.

8. Supports Your Goals

Ambition is one of a Virgo man’s characteristics. He doesn’t just apply this ambition to himself. He wants the people around him to feel supported in their aspirations.

If you ever need help reaching your goals, your Virgo man will help you out. He is excellent at planning and working out steps for achieving the things he wants. He’ll teach you how to do this as well.

Your Virgo man will always have your back. If you ever feel discouraged, he will be there to remind you that you have what it takes to reach your goals.

9. Establishes A Routine With You

How do you tell if a Virgo man is in love with you? One way to tell he’s serious about you is that he’ll establish a routine with you.

Routine is important to a Virgo man. He likely had an established routine before he met you. If he starts establishing a different routine that incorporates you, he wants you in his life long term.

He might do simple things to establish a routine at first. He might always send you a good morning text, for example.

Your Virgo man may also set aside a specific night for date night with you. If you don’t live in the same city, he might have a regular time set aside to do a video call with you.

He will let you into his life more and more. Soon, his routine will be full of little things he does to have contact with you.

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10. Brings You Into His Inner Circle

Virgo men often have a small inner circle of friends and loved ones. Even if they have many friends, they are only close to a handful of people.

A Virgo man will introduce you to his closest friends when he is serious about you. He’ll also bring you home to meet his family.

Your Virgo man will invite you to intimate parties and hangouts with his inner circle. He will want you to know the people he cares about most.

When a Virgo man brings you into his inner circle, he’s showing you that he’s serious about you. He will only do this if he wants you in his life permanently.

You can show your Virgo man you care about him as well by trying to get along with his inner circle. Try to get along with his friends and family. Hang out with them when your Virgo man invites you to.

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