
Zodiac Signs • Page 28

10 Obvious Signs Aries Man is Not Interested (in You)

An Aries man won’t usually pretend to like someone when he doesn’t. If someone he isn’t interested in tries to pursue him, he’ll let them know he’s not interested most of the time. If an Aries man can’t be direct for some reason, it will still be obvious that he doesn’t like somebody. He won’t […]

Will a Taurus Man Give An Apology After Upsetting You?

A Taurus man won’t apologize after an argument if he thinks he was right. He might acknowledge that you’re upset. He may try to cheer you up. He won’t apologize if he feels like he did nothing wrong. Your Taurus man will need time even if he does decide to apologize. He wants to calm […]

Will a Libra Man Give An Apology After Upsetting You?

Some zodiac signs are too proud to admit it when they do something wrong, and others are too insensitive to realize it when they’ve hurt somebody. So, can you count on your Libra guy to tell you he’s sorry after hurting your feelings, or will he be too proud or insensitive to apologize? Once you […]

January Aquarius vs February Aquarius

Every sign is separated into three sections (called decans). January Aquarius people are in the first section, the “Aquarius-Aquarius” decan. These people tend to have more stereotypical Aquarius traits. Aquarians born in February fall into the second and third decans of Aquarius. These are the “Aquarius-Gemini” decan and the “Aquarius-Libra” decan. These people typically have […]

What to Expect From a Sagittarius Man After He Breaks Up

Sagittarius men are distant in love. After you break up with a Sagittarius man, he doesn’t waste time pining for you. He moves on right away. You may question if he cared about you when you see how he reacts to the relationship ending. Sagittarius men aren’t sentimental. Their style of handling a breakup seems […]

10 Obvious Signs Virgo Man is Not Interested (in You)

A Virgo man will not feign interest for the sake of being polite or keeping the peace, but he also won’t be directly confrontational when he’s not interested in someone. He’ll give you a lot of hints. When a Virgo man isn’t interested, he won’t seek you out. He will not start conversations, offer to […]

8 Clear Signs That a Capricorn Man Loves You Like Crazy

When a Capricorn man is in love with you, he doesn’t show it in conventional romantic ways. Capricorn men are too sensible to get carried away with emotions. Men born under this sign refuse to lose control even when they fall in love. You must know his subtle cues, or else you’ll miss the signs […]

Should You Chase a Libra Man? Does He (Really) Like It?

Do Libra men like being chased? It’s not easy to definitively say yes or no. Libra is a sign that is all about balance. He won’t like being chased constantly. He’ll want to do the chasing sometimes. If you are pursuing a Libra man, give him time to respond to your efforts. Chase him a […]

10 Gemini Spirit Animals (Definitive Answer)

When you want to determine a sign’s spirit animal, all you have to do is compare the traits and behaviors of that sign to various members of the animal kingdom. Gemini is a multi-faceted and complicated sign, so there are many animals that match the different aspects of Gemini’s personality. Once you have a better […]

Guide For When a Taurus Man is Giving Silent Treatment

Try to be patient if a Taurus man gives you the silent treatment. You can reach out to ask if something is wrong or offer reassurance. If he’s still quiet, though, just give him space. Focus on yourself if a Taurus man ignores you for a long time. Have fun with your friends. He can […]