
Zodiac Signs • Page 6

Is Sagittarius Man Jealous and Possessive in a Relationship?

Sagittarius men value freedom in their relationships. They will end a relationship if they think their partner is too controlling or too reliant on them. This means he’ll try to never act jealous or possessive. When he trusts you, that will make him less likely to become jealous or possessive. Even if you’re talking to […]

Possible Reasons Why a Pisces Man Stopped Texting You

Some Pisces men are unreliable. You just can’t trust them to always reply promptly. He often has his head in the clouds. He might have imagined that he messaged you back while he was daydreaming. If he is angry, hurt, or upset, he might also take a while to reply. He’s not the type to […]

What Should You Expect From an Upset Libra Man?

A Libra man might seem calm even when upset. He wants to appear happy and pleasant to those around him, so he might hide his feelings. He won’t always want you to know he’s upset. A Libra man might also be passive-aggressive if he’s upset. He won’t confront you or lash out directly, but he’ll […]

Sagittarius Man Kissing Style & Expectations (Preferences)

A kiss from your Sagittarius man feels like a dream come true. Sagittarius men are amazing kissers. But if you don’t understand his kissing style, you may alienate him. You don’t want to bore him while kissing. You may miss an opportunity to thrill him if you don’t understand what he craves. His kissing style […]

10 Suggestions To Stop Aquarius Man From Ignoring You

The first thing you should do if an Aquarius man is ignoring you is to figure out why he’s ignoring you. If he’s ignoring other people, that’s a sign he’s not upset with you specifically. Don’t be pushy and don’t be too needy if you’re being ignored by an Aquarius man. He might be overwhelmed […]

What to Expect From a Gemini Man After He Breaks Up

A Gemini man prides himself on being unpredictable, so it’s no wonder you’re curious about how your Gemini ex is acting now that you’re no longer with him. Is he out partying and chasing other women, or is he at home alone brooding and drowning in sorrow? You can use astrology to predict what happens […]

What to Expect From a Scorpio Man After He Breaks Up

Scorpio men can be incredibly possessive and obsessive people, and that might not stop after a breakup. Don’t be surprised if your Scorpio man keeps tabs on you or acts jealous when you’re with others. A Scorpio man might rebound and pretend he’s moved on, but it will take him a while to genuinely move […]

July Leo vs August Leo

July Leos are stereotypical Leos, meaning they are attention-seeking, dramatic, and loud. You will notice these Leos, and they stand out from the crowd. These Leos are the most creative, charming, and confident. August Leos can also have the same traits as July Leos. However, they might also be less egotistical and more fun-loving. They […]

Will Ignoring a Taurus Man Make Him Chase You?

Taurus men crave stability. They want reliable partners who make them feel comfortable and secure. If you play games with a Taurus man and ignore him to make him chase you, he might run off. Taurus men can be insecure at times. You might make your Taurus man feel bad if you start ignoring him, […]

Understanding a Distant Pisces Man (Why? How To Fix?)

Sometimes, a Pisces man is distant in response to something you did. If you’ve been distant lately, he’ll respond by distancing himself as well. He will also distance himself if you do something to upset him. Pisces men are emotional. If your Pisces man feels overwhelmed or depressed, he might distance himself from you instead […]