
Zodiac Signs • Page 6

10 Secrets to Making a Virgo Man Miss You (A Lot)

If a Virgo man feels a strong connection with you, he’ll likely miss you if that connection ever goes away. He’ll miss being able to rely on you and open up to you. Your Virgo partner will miss you when you’re not around, but only if you give him a chance to miss you! Give […]

10 Aquarius Spirit Animals (Definitive Answer)

If you’re wondering, “What is the Aquarius spirit animal?” You don’t have to take a personality quiz or perform a ritual. All you need to do is compare the quintessential Aquarius personality traits to various members of the animal kingdom. By learning more about this zodiac sign’s typical characteristics and behaviors, you will be able […]

9 Tips To Seduce a Libra Man Through Texting

When seducing a Libra man over text, send lots of photos! Be light, flirty, and playful in the texts and pictures you send. Respond quickly to your Libra man. You want to show interest in him and make him feel like you enjoy talking to him. You’ll want to let him text first sometimes, but […]

10 Obvious Signs Cancer Man is Not Interested (in You)

Cancer men make loving, supportive partners and friends. If he cares about you, you’ll see his warm, nurturing side. When he’s not interested, though, he may seem cold and unsupportive. A Cancer man who isn’t interested might also constantly make excuses for why he can’t hang out with you. He may cancel plans at the […]

Easy Guide To Elicit a Text Response From an Aries Man

Aries men typically like to take the lead, so don’t come on too strong with your Aries man. You can text him first, but don’t overtext him. Give him a chance to respond. You can show your Aries man you want a response by asking for advice, asking about him, or messaging to discuss his […]

10 Secrets to Making a Scorpio Man Miss You (A Lot)

Making a Scorpio man miss you is easy if you understand his nature. Men born under this sign are secretive, mysterious, and intense. Making him miss you is an art. Most women make critical mistakes with Scorpio men because they aren’t patient enough to trigger their instincts. You have to hold back and let your […]

10 Sure Signs a Taurus Man is Dead Serious About You

Taurus men will take things slowly when they’re serious about somebody. Your Taurus man doesn’t want to rush into a relationship and risk messing things up with you. He will be more relaxed around you. A Taurus man will be perfectly comfortable in your presence when he cares about you. He’ll want to be around […]

10 Suggestions To Stop Gemini Man From Ignoring You

Gemini men have short attention spans. He may be interested in you one moment and silent the next. When he is distant, don’t jump to conclusions. Leverage his need for constant mental stimulation. You can beat a Gemini man at his own game by finding ways to lure him back. It’s easy to do if […]

Do Cancer Men Play Hard to Get? (An Explanation)

Some zodiac signs love the thrill of the chase when it comes to love. They like playing games and making the opposite sex work for their attention. So, does a Cancer man fit into this category, or will he be sincere and earnest if he likes you back? Once you have a better understanding of […]

9 Secrets to Making a Taurus Man Miss You (A Lot)

You can start making a Taurus man miss you before you’re even gone by being a bit mysterious, reminding him of the past, and using his senses to appeal to his nostalgic side. Keep yourself busy if you’re trying to make a Taurus man miss you after a breakup. Distance yourself, and don’t message him. […]