A Virgo man’s silent treatment doesn’t always mean you’ve done something wrong. Sometimes, a Virgo man just needs space. He might feel overwhelmed, and socializing can make it worse.
Whether he’s giving you the silent treatment on purpose or not, remain calm.
You should always respect a Virgo man’s boundaries. If he’s upset with you or just upset in general, pushing him to talk to you won’t make anything better.
Never assume a Virgo man is ignoring you on purpose. Do not react to his silent treatment with anger. That won’t make him want to talk to you sooner.
You can check in with a Virgo man at first but then leave him alone. Don’t pester him with texts or requests to talk. Give him time, and he will eventually come to you.
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Check-In With Him
If a Virgo man is suddenly ignoring you, it might be a good idea to check in on him.
Sometimes Virgo men ignore the people around them because they are going through something. A Virgo man won’t always know how to reach out when he’s feeling down.
Virgo men are also likely to get busy and not realize they’re ignoring their friends. If you reach out and let him know you’re thinking about him, he will appreciate it.
Don’t be overbearing or send too many messages. Just send something simple. You can ask how your Virgo man is doing or say that you miss him since you two haven’t talked in a while.
Checking in might not always result in your Virgo man talking to you. If he’s upset with you, he might ignore the message. If he’s busy, he might not see it right away. Just check in once and then wait for him to reply.
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Don’t Make Assumptions
When a Virgo man ignores your text, don’t immediately assume that he’s being rude or that he’s ghosting you. There are many reasons why a Virgo man might be silent.
Virgo men don’t usually give the silent treatment to be vindictive. They aren’t the type to leave you on read or ignore you over minor slights.
Your Virgo man might be busy with work. He may be focused on conversing with the people he’s currently with. He may also just want some alone time.
Most of the time, a Virgo man is not giving you the silent treatment on purpose. Don’t read too much into his actions each time he ignores a message or takes a while to call you back.
Offer To Help Him
A Virgo man might be giving everyone around him the silent treatment because he’s overwhelmed. Replying to messages or reaching out to people will feel like just another chore if he’s already stressed out.
You can offer to help your Virgo man when he’s stressed out, and that might end his silent treatment. He may happily accept your offer and stop ignoring you when he knows you can help him out.
If you offer to help a Virgo man, he won’t always accept your offer. He will let you know he appreciates the offer if he’s not giving you the silent treatment on purpose, though.
You’ll know if a Virgo man is pushing you away because he won’t even respond to offers of help. If he does, he won’t show any gratitude.
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Give Him Space
Sometimes when a Virgo man goes silent, it’s because he needs some space. He might be giving you the silent treatment because you’ve been too pushy lately. He might also just be overwhelmed in general.
If you are frequently too pushy or clingy with your Virgo man, he might start to give you the silent treatment as a way to get some space from you.
You can avoid getting the silent treatment in the first place by backing off and giving your Virgo man space when you think he needs it.
When a Virgo man knows you’ll give him space when he needs it, he’ll be less likely to give you the silent treatment.
If he’s already ignoring you, though, respect his need for space, and he’ll come back once he’s relaxed and recharged.
Respect His Boundaries
What is the best thing to do when a Virgo man is distant? Respect his boundaries and give him the space he needs.
A Virgo man might withdraw if he’s feeling overwhelmed. Sometimes, Virgo men need time to themselves. If you respect the boundaries he’s put in place, he’ll appreciate it.
Your Virgo man might give you the silent treatment if you frequently push or step over his boundaries. He will withdraw from you if he doesn’t feel like you respect him.
Show him that you can respect any boundaries he puts in place. He will be more likely to start talking to you again when he knows you respect him.
If your Virgo man is giving you the silent treatment because he’s angry at you, you should still respect his boundaries. Pushing him to talk to you will make him angrier.
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Don’t Push For A Reply
If your Virgo man ignores your texts and calls, don’t demand that he reply to you. That will make things worse!
If A Virgo man is giving you the silent treatment on purpose, bothering him won’t make him start talking to you again. It will likely make him ignore you more.
Don’t send messages commenting on how long it’s been since your Virgo man replied. Don’t leave voicemails demanding that he call you back.
When you see your Virgo man in person, you don’t need to mention that he hasn’t replied to a few text messages. If it was an accident, you’ll make him feel bad. If he’s doing it on purpose, he’ll be annoyed that you’re bothering him.
The best thing to do is wait until your Virgo man is ready to reply to you. You will overwhelm him if you’re constantly bugging him to respond to you.
Don’t Overtext
You can text a Virgo man once or twice to check in with him when he’s giving you the silent treatment. Do not send more texts than that until he replies to you.
If a Virgo man acts uninterested in you, you’re not going to change his mind by blowing up his phone. You might make him ghost you entirely if you bother him too much.
Sometimes when a Virgo man is not texting you back, it’s because he’s busy. Many Virgo men also aren’t big texters. He might not see your messages right away.
If he is giving you the silent treatment, texting him too much will worsen things. Just leave him alone until he is ready to reply.
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Stay Calm
If a Virgo man is suddenly distant, stay calm. Don’t immediately get upset until you understand the situation.
A Virgo man might be giving you the silent treatment because he’s upset with you. He may also be quiet for dozens of other reasons.
You will overwhelm your Virgo man and upset him further if you freak out about his silent treatment.
If a Virgo man is overwhelmed and you come at him with nervous energy, that will make things worse. He won’t want to be around you if you’re not calm.
You should remain calm for yourself too. There is no sense in getting too worked up when a Virgo man gives you the silent treatment. Just live your life as usual until he decides to talk to you again.
Be Patient
When a Virgo man is giving the silent treatment, be patient with him.
Try to show your Virgo man compassion regardless of why he’s been silent. Even if he’s giving you the silent treatment on purpose, show him that you can be patient and wait until he’s ready to talk to you about what’s bothering him.
You can send your Virgo man a message letting him know that you’re available if he needs you. Leave it at that. The ball will then be in his court, and it will be up to him to reach out to you.
When a Virgo man is no longer interested in you, he’ll usually show signs other than the silent treatment.
He might start criticizing you or explicitly tell you that it’s not going to work out between you two. If all he’s doing is being silent, be patient and wait for him.
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Don’t Get Mad
When a Virgo man is quiet, don’t get mad at him. That won’t make anything better.
Sending angry messages won’t make him give in and message you back. It will likely make him ignore you even more! He won’t want to deal with you if you’re angry.
Don’t complain to mutual friends if a Virgo man gives you the silent treatment either. He hates it when people gossip about him.
If you’re upset with him, you can talk to him about it once he’s done giving you the silent treatment.
You will make your Virgo man feel bad if you get mad at him when he was just busy too. Don’t get angry every time he fails to reply to one of your messages.
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