
9 Tricks to Win an Aquarius Man Back (Easy To Do)

Updated February 23, 2025

If you want to win back an Aquarius man, be prepared to work on yourself. He doesn’t want to go back to the same old relationship he had before!

Keep communication open and try to stay friends, but don’t force anything on him. Give him space if needed.

After a breakup with an Aquarius man, try to play it cool. Don’t get overly emotional or beg for him to come back. You can keep communication open, but don’t overdo it.

You should be open and honest with your Aquarius man if you want him to come back. You’ll win him over easier if you can build trust again.

You should also work on yourself. You and your Aquarius man broke up for a reason! Show him that you can change and that things will be different the next time.

1. Stay Friends With Him

How do you fix your relationship with an Aquarius man? Sometimes, the best thing to do is to be his friend. Focus on building your friendship, and more may come later.

Aquarius men commonly date their friends. If you two already have a shared history and your friendship is strong, he may be willing to give your relationship another shot.

The key to this is that you genuinely need to be okay with just being friends with your Aquarius man. He’ll leave you behind if he thinks you’re only staying friends with him because you have ulterior motives.

Building your friendship is a great way to win an Aquarius man back. You can work on building your connection with him and establishing trust again. You can show him that you’ve grown and can be a better partner now.

When your Aquarius man already feels a strong bond with you, he’ll be more likely to accept if you ask him for a second chance.

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2. Don’t Be Overly Emotional

Will an Aquarius man come back after a breakup? It’s common for Aquarius men to return to their exes. Try not to be overly emotional after the breakup if you want him to take you back, though.

Aquarius men don’t do well with dramatic emotional displays. Try to remain collected when your breakup first happens, and don’t do anything you’ll regret later.

Show your Aquarius man that you can stay calm when you’re with him. Don’t get emotional and jealous if he’s talking to other women. Don’t start crying or begging for him back if he rejects you at first.

Your Aquarius man wants an emotionally mature partner who can control themselves. You’ll win him back when you show him that you won’t constantly act out, even if he doesn’t do what you want.

3. Give Him Space If Needed

Will an Aquarius man miss you after a breakup? He might! You need to give him the space to allow him to miss you, though.

You can keep communication open and remain friendly, but it’s usually best to give your Aquarius man some space right after a breakup.

Your Aquarius man will feel like you respect him if you give him space when he asks for it. He’ll be more open to getting back together when he knows you won’t be clinging or controlling.

Take the time to focus on yourself, and let your Aquarius man process the breakup. It will be easier to win him back later if you are both in a good headspace.

When your Aquarius man knows you’ll allow him to have his freedom, he’ll be more likely to give you a second chance. He values his independence, so show him you can give him that!

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4. Keep Communication Open

Keep communication open if you want a second chance with an Aquarius man. Don’t force anything, but let him know you’re available if he wants to stay in touch.

Many Aquarius men stay in contact with their exes as long as things don’t end terribly. Even if your Aquarius man broke up with you, he’ll likely still be fine staying in touch.

When you do talk to your Aquarius man, keep things interesting. You want him to be engaged in your conversations. You won’t win him back by being boring and predictable.

Your Aquarius man might have ended things because he wasn’t intellectually stimulated in your relationship the first time.

Show him that you can have enjoyable, stimulating conversations with him, and he might be willing to take you back!

5. Be Open & Sincere

If you want to win your Aquarius man back, you won’t do it by being secretive and deceptive. Be open with him and show him that you’re sincerely interested in trying again.

An Aquarius man might take you back temporarily if he thinks all you want is sex or you’re just lonely, but he won’t try having an actual relationship with you. He’ll have a fling and then move on.

If you still have feelings for your Aquarius man, be open about that. Tell him exactly what you want from him, and don’t try to hide anything.

Be open about what went wrong in your relationship the first time. If you broke up with your Aquarius man, tell him why. If he broke up with you, show him you’re sincerely willing to change and improve things this time.

Is your Aquarius man not communicating with you? Here's the trick to reel your Aquarius back in.

6. Be Honest With Him

How to get an Aquarius man back? If you want him back, you must be honest with him about your intentions. Don’t make him feel like you have an ulterior motive.

If you’re honest, your Aquarius man will likely stay friends with you even if he knows you still have feelings for him. He’ll be okay with it when he knows you won’t let them get in the way of anything.

Your Aquarius man might not want to get back together immediately, and that’s okay! You should focus on building trust and showing him that your relationship could be better the second time.

Typically when an Aquarius man wants you back, he’ll be honest about it. Do him the same courtesy! Even if he doesn’t return those feelings right now, he’ll still appreciate that you’re not trying to hide anything.

7. Show You’re Willing To Change

How do you make an Aquarius man fall for you again? If you want a second chance with him, you need to show him that things will be different in your new relationship.

Your Aquarius man won’t get back together with you if you fall into old habits. He doesn’t want to deal with the same arguments or incompatibilities that caused your relationship to end in the first place.

If you caused the breakup, apologizing to an Aquarius man might help him see that you’re willing to change. Be sincere and tell him that you genuinely want to make things work this time.

Aquarius men would rather move on and find a new partner than have the same relationship all over again. If you want to win him back, show him that you’re willing to make the necessary changes to have a good relationship.

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8. Stay Away From Drama

Will an Aquarius man keep coming back to you? Some go back to their exes over and over again. You should stay away from drama if you want to win him back at some point.

Aquarius men don’t like to deal with interpersonal drama. If you’re constantly getting into fights with people, causing issues between friends, or trying to involve him in feuds, he’ll run in the other direction.

Aquarius men have better things to do than constantly dealing with gossip and drama between other people. If you’re the type of person who is always involved in other people’s business, your Aquarius man won’t want you back.

Show him that you can focus on yourself and your own business. Keep busy with hobbies, work, or volunteering. When you’re with other people, interact with them in a mature way.

Try not to be overly dramatic in your attempts to win your Aquarius man back, either. You don’t need to make grand gestures to beg for him back. Be cool about it and show him why you deserve a second chance.

9. Better Yourself

What makes an Aquarius man come back to his ex? If he sees that you’re a better version of himself, he may want to get back together with you.

It will be easier to win your Aquarius man back if you work on yourself. Try to overcome any negative traits that caused him to break up with you, or show him that you genuinely want to keep changing and growing.

If your Aquarius man broke up with you because he thought you were unambitious, try to establish goals and actually work on reaching them.

If he thought you were selfish or that you only cared about yourself, work on caring more about others.

Aquarius men want to learn and change as they go through life, and they want a partner who will do that too! Show your Aquarius man that you’re willing to keep learning and working on yourself. That might win him back.

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