If you are dating an Aquarius guy and he won’t settle down with you, you’re probably wondering why an Aquarius man is slow to commit.
Why won’t he take your relationship to the next level?
Some star signs are slower to commit than others, and Aquarius is one of the most non-committal signs of the zodiac when it comes to love.
Knowing why he is reluctant to commit is an important part of understanding an Aquarius man, and it can help you strengthen your relationship with him.
By learning more about his sign, you will be able to determine what makes an Aquarius man so non-committal.
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He Values His Freedom
The main reason that an Aquarius guy moves slowly in relationships is that he cherishes his freedom.
One of the typical Aquarius man’s traits is independence. He enjoys being self-reliant and he never wants to have to rely on a partner, or anyone else, for anything.
He also doesn’t want his partner to depend on him, not even emotionally. He sees committed relationships as a threat to his personal freedom because he doesn’t want to be responsible for anyone else.
When he starts to fall in love, he gets anxious and often retreats because he fears losing his independence. This is why an Aquarius man pulls away when in love.
The best match for an Aquarius man is someone who isn’t needy or clingy. He can’t be with a partner who needs to be with him all the time and counts on him for everything.
If you show your Aquarius guy that you’re independent and you won’t try to change him or take away his freedom, he will be more likely to commit to you/
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He Is Unconventional in Love
Besides being fiercely independent, an Aquarius guy is also highly unique. Aquarius is one of the most eccentric signs of the zodiac, and an Aquarius man doesn’t do anything the traditional way.
Even an Aquarius man in love is hesitant to commit because he doesn’t want to follow the conventional path of dating, engagement, marriage, and having children.
He is a bit rebellious and he likes to march to the beat of his own drum. He won’t take his relationship to the next level just because it’s what society expects.
Don’t expect your Aquarius guy to propose to you or ask to be in an exclusive relationship just because you’ve been dating for a certain amount of time or it’s what all your friends are doing.
He needs to do things at his own pace, and his relationship won’t be conventional. For example, instead of having a traditional wedding, an Aquarius guy is more likely to elope.
Or, he might have a costume or theme party, then surprise his guests in the middle of it by saying that they are actually attending his wedding.
If you want a traditional guy and a conventional lifestyle, then an Aquarius man probably isn’t the right partner for you.
But if you want to do things your own way and have a relationship that is tailored to your unique needs as individuals and a couple, an Aquarius man is perfect for you.
He Struggles to Connect Emotionally
Another reason that an Aquarius guy moves slowly in relationships is that he struggles to make emotional connections.
Aquarius is a very logical, rational zodiac sign. An Aquarius man thinks with his head instead of his heart, and he dislikes dramatic displays of emotion.
He’s not very sensitive and he has a hard time recognizing his feelings. Even if he acknowledges his emotions, he struggles to express them to others.
Don’t take his reluctance to open up to you emotionally as one of the signs that an Aquarius man is not into you.
He dislikes being vulnerable, and he might not know how to let his guard down even if he wants to.
If you’re wondering how to read an Aquarius man and know how he’s feeling, pay attention to his actions rather than his words.
If he loves you, he might not say it for a long time, but he will do other things to show you like being affectionate and spending lots of time with you.
Don’t pressure him to verbalize his feelings, but gently encourage him to open up and share with you. Be an attentive listener and don’t judge him when he comes to you to talk about anything.
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He Values Friendships More Than Relationships
An Aquarius guy doesn’t rush into relationships because he gets the same, if not more, fulfillment from his friendships.
An Aquarius man keeps a close circle of friends that he loves dearly. Friendships allow him more freedom than relationships because his friends don’t count on him for emotional and physical intimacy the same way a partner would.
He would do anything for his friends, and sometimes he sacrifices his romantic life for the sake of his friendships. He is the type of guy who will often put his friends before his partner.
If you want to know how to date an Aquarius man, try being his friend first. Even if you’re already in a romantic relationship with him, try approaching him as you would a good friend rather than a lover.
His ideal partner is someone that can be his best friend as well as his lover, so he will care for you more if he values your friendship.
He Is Happy Being Alone
An Aquarius man doesn’t put pressure on himself to move quickly in relationships because he’s perfectly content on his own.
Some zodiac signs love being in a relationship and don’t feel fulfilled unless they have a partner, but an Aquarius guy prefers being single.
The typical Aquarius guy is social but introverted. He is very cerebral and analytical, and he needs a lot of time to himself to sort through his thoughts.
He views relationships as a threat to his alone time, and he can’t function unless he has space to relax and recharge alone.
If you want to know how to attract an Aquarius man, let him know that you need plenty of time to yourself, as well.
Tell him that you don’t need to see your significant other every day because you enjoy spending time alone.
When he realizes that being with you doesn’t mean he has to sacrifice his precious time to himself, he will feel more comfortable progressing your relationship.
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He Chooses Partners Carefully
Because an Aquarius man is so happy on his own, he feels no need to rush into relationships. He would rather be by himself than commit to the wrong person.
An Aquarius guy is very picky when it comes to choosing a partner. He knows what he likes and dislikes in the opposite sex, and he won’t settle for a woman who doesn’t fit his requirements.
An Aquarius man wants a smart, independent, quirky, creative, hilarious, compassionate, strong, and loyal partner. He won’t commit to a woman who lacks any of these traits.
He can also be a bit critical, so when he spots what he views as flaws in someone, he uses them as an excuse to pull away from her.
He’s accepting and non-judgmental, so these same “flaws” most likely wouldn’t bother him in a friend. But he has strict standards for a romantic partner, and if the woman he’s seeing doesn’t meet them, he loses interest in her.
When you’re in the early stages of dating or just friends with your Aquarius crush, ask him directly what he’s looking for in a partner.
If the person he describes sounds nothing like you, there is no chance that he will change his expectations to fit your personality and lifestyle.
But if the list of traits he desires match you well, it means you have a strong chance of making your relationship last.
He Has Other Priorities
An Aquarius man doesn’t rush relationships because they simply aren’t that important to him. This doesn’t mean that his partner isn’t important or that he doesn’t care about making her happy.
But he isn’t worried about meeting certain relationship milestones within a particular time period because he has other priorities in life.
An Aquarius guy values his work, friendships, family, and contributions to society far more than his relationship status.
He would rather get a raise or promotion at his job than get engaged, and he derives more joy from celebrating his friends’ weddings than planning his own.
He has a lot of goals he wants to achieve in his life, and being in a relationship is at the bottom of his list.
He might even want to accomplish everything else first before considering marriage or a serious relationship.
If your Aquarius man is suddenly distant, try to find out which aspect of his life is getting his attention. He could be diving into his work, focusing on a hobby, or spending more time with family and friends.
If he’s devoting more of his efforts and energy to other things besides his relationship, you have to let him take care of whatever he wants to achieve before he can return his attention to you.
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