
Aquarius and Taurus • Compatibility in Love, Sex, and More

Updated February 13, 2025

Aquarius and Taurus don’t see eye-to-eye about many things when it comes to relationships. That doesn’t mean a relationship between the two is impossible, though!

These two signs might make an odd couple, but they can learn to balance one another and make a relationship work.

Taurus and Aquariuscompatibility is low in many areas. They can’t easily understand one another and often need to work hard to find common ground.

If Taurus loves Aquarius, they will do anything they can to make their relationship work. Aquarius will do what they can to keep their relationship with Taurus once they’ve decided it’s what they want.

Taurus can teach Aquarius to be a little more stable, while Aquarius can bring a little spontaneity and excitement to Taurus’ life. They both just have to want to be together.


A Taurus and Aquarius friendship can sometimes be an “opposites attract” scenario. Earth signs, like Taurus, tend to be very stable, while air signs, like Aquarius, are off in the clouds.

The sometimes opposite nature of Taurus and Aquarius means they can help balance one another. Taurus can bring Aquarius down to earth, and Aquarius can bring out Taurus’ creative side.

These two friends are capable of learning from one another. An Aquarius might not always understand the practical nature of a Taurus, but they can come to respect it. In the same way, Taurus can learn how to enjoy Aquarius’ spontaneous nature.

When these two agree on something, they can do great things. Aquarius can develop creative solutions to problems, while Taurus can develop a plan for implementing those solutions.

Hardworking Taurus can be an asset to Aquarius. If Aquarius ever needs help volunteering or planning something, Taurus is often willing to provide them with the assistance they need.

Taurus will be fine working behind-the-scenes. If social Aquarius wants to be the face of a project, Taurus won’t mind that! As long as their Aquarius friend acknowledges their contributions, Taurus will be happy.

Aquarius can often make friends with anyone. If their Taurus best friend doesn’t want to go to wild parties or be social all the time, that won’t bother an Aquarius. They will find someone else to hang out with.

Aquarius is a loyal friend, and their extensive social circle doesn’t make that any less true. An Aquarius is unlikely to flake on plans with their Taurus friend, a fact Taurus will always appreciate.

If Taurus needs help with something, Aquarius can be trusted to help them, and vice versa. Both signs are dependable in their own ways, and this means that they can be solid, reliable friends to one another.

Taurus might not always be as spontaneous as Aquarius. Aquarius might be far wilder than Taurus is used to. These two can overcome their differences and form a great bond, though.


The Taurus and Aquarius relationship is an odd one. Dating Aquarius might be fun for Taurus at times, but the fun will die down once Taurus realizes Aquarius is nearly incapable of being stable and secure.

Taurus often wants to settle down and needs to feel a sense of security in their relationship. Above all else, Taurus wants to feel stable and secure in life. These are not traits often associated with Aquarius.

Dating Taurus is often a learning experience for Aquarius. If Aquarius wants a relationship with Taurus to work, they will need to settle down a bit. Their spontaneity can be fun sometimes, but Taurus still wants some sense of stability.

A relationship with Aquarius can work for Taurus if the two realize that they both want to be successful in life and help one another to achieve their goals. Each sign needs to embrace the other’s idea of success.

Taurus’ idea of success is often financial stability. Taurus feels like they have achieved their goals when they have job security and are well-off financially.

Aquarius only feels successful if they’ve made the world a better place. They desire self-fulfillment too, but that doesn’t come from being wealthy.

Taurus might think they are doing well in life because they can afford everything they desire. Aquarius might feel like they aren’t doing well if they aren’t using their wealth to improve their community and the world.

A relationship with Taurus might be challenging for Aquarius, but they can make it work! Taurus can teach Aquarius how to enjoy their wealth and success. Aquarius can teach Taurus how to use that success to benefit others.

Both Taurus and Aquarius are fixed signs, meaning they each have a stubborn side. This can be a blessing and a curse for a relationship between the two.

On the one hand, if Taurus and Aquarius want to make their relationship work, their stubborn nature will allow them to stick it out and try to make the relationship successful.

On the other hand, if a Taurus and Aquarius disagree on something and are both stubborn about it, it can be difficult to compromise. If neither will budge on an issue, their relationship can quickly sour.


A Taurus man and Aquarius woman’s compatibility in marriage isn’t always high. Taurus men tend to have more traditional views about marriage, while Aquarius women often have highly unconventional ideas about marriage.

Taurus’ compatibility with Aquarius in marriage can be low because Taurus has a specific idea of how they want a marriage to be. Aquarius will rarely be able to live up to Taurus’ expectations.

An Aquarius woman might not have a problem flirting with other men, even if she’s married. A Taurus man might have a huge problem with that, though. Taurus can sometimes be even more jealous than a Scorpio.

Taurus and Aquarius need to be on the same page about expectations if they want their marriage to work. Aquarius will leave if they feel like Taurus is too controlling. Taurus will be unsatisfied if they feel like Aquarius isn’t devoted to them.

The way these two express affection can be a problem in a marriage. Taurus needs a lot of physical touch and affection.

Aquarius doesn’t always show their love that way, though. They are more likely to show love by helping out with chores or just being a supportive presence.

Quality time can also be an issue in a marriage between Aquarius and Taurus. Taurus tends to be more introverted, and many Taurus people like to relax at home or have dinner at a nice restaurant rather than going to huge social events.

When Taurus and Aquarius are just friends, that won’t be a problem. Aquarius will go to parties by themselves or with other people.

However, Taurus will expect Aquarius to stay home with them sometimes if these two are married. They won’t expect Aquarius to spend every waking moment with them, but they will become frustrated if Aquarius never stays home and relaxes with them.

Taurus isn’t the most clingy person, but they can sometimes be too clingy for overly independent Aquarius. An Aquarius will become frustrated if their Taurus partner is constantly demanding they spend more time with them.

Meanwhile, Taurus will feel neglected and unloved if they think their Aquarius spouse doesn’t want to spend time with them. These two must learn how to balance time together with time apart if they want a successful marriage.

In Bed

An Aquarius man and Taurus woman’s compatibility in bed can be hit or miss. Both of these signs love sex, but they often have different preferences.

Aquarius likes intense, wild sex. Taurus likes sensual, relaxing sex. This means these two aren’t always compatible in bed.

Many Aquarius and Taurus couples are not initially physically attracted to one another. Even if that comes later, these two often start as friends. They don’t always feel that “spark” that signals sexual attraction.

If these two do have sex, they will typically find that they have differing desires. Taurus often wants a stable, tender lover. Aquarius wants freedom in a sexual partnership and isn’t usually focused on the emotional side of things.

Aquarius’ compatibility with Taurus will be higher in bed if Aquarius learns to slow down a bit. Sometimes, Taurus wants to relax and enjoy themselves in bed. They don’t always want to get wild.

The nice thing about Aquarius is that they are down to try anything once. They might prefer wild sex, but Taurus can likely get them to at least try going slow and being more tender.

If Taurus feels comfortable with Aquarius, Taurus will also become more open to sexual experimentation. Taurus will not do that if they don’t feel a connection with Aquarius.

If Taurus doesn’t feel loved and respected, they are unlikely to show their freakier side. Aquarius might become bored in bed with Taurus before Taurus has the chance to show Aquarius their wild side.

To have a successful sex life, these two need to compromise. Aquarius needs to learn to relax and go slow. Sometimes, Taurus will want to have quiet, “boring” sex, and that’s okay!

Taurus will need to learn how to pick up the pace at other times to please their Aquarius partner. If they can both learn to do things the way the other likes, they will be more successful as lovers.

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