Don’t freak out when a Cancer man gives you the silent treatment. Try to think of why he might be ignoring you first.
Cancer men are highly sensitive. He might be ignoring you because something is wrong. It’s always a good idea to check on him.
Never make assumptions when a Cancer man is giving you the silent treatment. He might not be ignoring you on purpose! Cancer men sometimes retreat when they are upset.
Before you do anything else, check on your Cancer man. He will likely respond to you if he’s not ignoring you on purpose. If he asks for some space or alone time, give it to him.
If you two fought, or you think you may have said something to upset him, apologize to your Cancer man. He will likely forgive you and start talking to you again.
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Don’t Make Assumptions
Never make assumptions when a Cancer man is giving you the silent treatment. Don’t decide that he’s doing it on purpose and get mad at him.
You won’t always know why a Cancer man has gone silent on you. He’s not always trying to ignore you!
If a Cancer man disappears and reappears constantly, that might be a sign that something is going on. He may be unsure of how he feels about you.
He may also be going through a hard time and be unable to talk to you all the time.
A Cancer man might be ignoring everyone because he’s stressed out or overwhelmed. Don’t immediately assume that he’s ignoring you and take it personally.
Don’t let your emotions get the best of you if a Cancer man ignores you. Try to figure out what is going on with him first.
This magic will make your Cancer man want a relationship with you.
Check On Him
If your Cancer man has gone quiet, the first thing you should do is check on him. He might not be giving you the silent treatment on purpose. He may be going through something and need some support.
Before assuming anything, send your Cancer man a text asking him if he’s doing okay. Tell him that you miss talking to him and that you’re there if he needs anything.
A Cancer man will appreciate you offering him support if he needs it. He might not always take you up on your offer, but he’ll feel cared for when you reach out to him.
Your Cancer man might not always know how to reach out when he needs emotional support. If that’s the reason behind him going silent, reaching out will get him to end his silent treatment.
If you know you’ve done something to upset your Cancer man, apologize! If you two argue and he’s giving you the silent treatment because of that, a simple apology is usually all he needs to start talking to you again.
How long will a Cancer ignore you when he’s upset with you? If you apologize, he usually won’t ignore you for very long.
Cancer men forgive easily. If your Cancer man is giving you the silent treatment because you did something to upset him, an apology will typically end the silent treatment. He won’t hold a grudge for long.
When a Cancer man is done with you for good, though, an apology won’t help you. If he doesn’t accept your apology, that’s a sign it’s time to move on.
Is your Cancer man painfully distant? Rekindle your love.
Don’t Get Mad
Don’t immediately get mad when a Cancer man ignores your messages. If he’s ignoring you because he’s upset, that will make things worse! Try to be calm and patient with him.
You will upset a Cancer man if you send him angry messages accusing him of ignoring you. If he wasn’t giving you the silent treatment on purpose, you’ll make him feel bad. That’s the last thing you want to do.
A Cancer man’s communication style is very emotional. Consider this before you try to call him out for giving you the silent treatment. He won’t react well to your anger.
Cancer men will be calm most of the time. Many of them are shy. If he’s giving you the silent treatment because he’s mad, though, he’s likely to lash out if you react with anger.
Think Of His Feelings
It doesn’t always mean he’s upset with you when a Cancer man goes silent. He might be upset about something else. He might also be overwhelmed with social interaction in general.
Don’t assume that his silent treatment has anything to do with you. Try to be patient and compassionate when you reach out to him.
Even if a Cancer man ignores you on purpose, you should still be patient with him. He likely has a good reason behind his silent treatment. Treat him kindly if you want him to start talking to you again.
If a Cancer man disappears after intimacy, he’s likely overwhelmed or confused. He might be concerned your relationship is moving too fast. He may also be confused about what this means for your relationship.
Is your Cancer man not communicating with you? Here's the trick to reel your Cancer back in.
Ask For Advice
Sometimes, you can get a Cancer man to stop ignoring you by asking him for advice. Cancer men love to help others out.
You can send him a text asking what he thinks about a situation. Let him know that you’d like his opinion. Even if he’s mad at you, he might respond anyway to tell you what he thinks.
You can also ask other people for advice about dealing with your Cancer man’s silent treatment. If he refuses to talk to you and you have no idea why try reaching out to some mutual friends.
Your Cancer man may have mentioned something to a friend about why he’s upset.
They won’t necessarily tell you his business, but they might be able to steer you in the right direction and help you get the Cancer man to talk to you again.
Think About Your Actions
What do you do when a Cancer man ignores you after you’ve reached out to him? Think about your recent actions toward him. Try to see if you’ve done anything that could have upset him.
If he suddenly stopped responding to your texts, read through the last few things you said to him. Did you say something that might have made him uncomfortable? Did you make a critical comment toward him?
You might not be able to think of anything you might have done to upset your Cancer man. If that’s the case, he’s likely ignoring you for another reason. Just give him some time and see if he comes back on his own.
This one weird trick is the only way to attract a Cancer man.
Don’t Ignore Him
What happens when you ignore a Cancer man? He’ll get upset! He will take this as a rejection.
You might be tempted to ignore a Cancer man back if you think he’s ignoring you. This works with some men, but it won’t work with a Cancer man.
If he’s not ignoring you on purpose, he’ll wonder if he’s done something wrong. He might also interpret your silent treatment as you being angry at him for needing space.
If he’s ignoring you because you did something to upset him, he’ll assume that you don’t care about him when you ignore him. He might be waiting for an apology or for you to reach out to him.
Ignoring a Cancer man, even when he’s ignoring you, will never fix anything. Let him know that you’re there when he’s ready to talk to you instead.
Send Him A Gift
Cancer men love receiving gifts from people they care about. It makes them feel loved.
If your Cancer man is giving you the silent treatment after an argument, try sending him a gift! Leave him a little note saying you’re sorry for added effectiveness.
The gift doesn’t have to be expensive or elaborate. It can be something as simple as a homemade card or some of his favorite candy. He’ll love it if you bake him something too.
You can also try giving him a sentimental gift. Send him some of his favorite flowers or something that reminds him of you.
Your Cancer man will appreciate the effort you are making. He will feel like you care about him. If he ignored you because he felt slighted or unappreciated, this will likely make him feel better.
This is the #1 mistake women make with a Cancer man...
Give Him Space
If a Cancer man ignores all your attempts to contact him, you might need to just give him some space.
Your Cancer man might not feel comfortable talking to you about whatever is upsetting him yet. He may also need some time away from you to calm down if he’s mad at you.
Whatever the reason, sometimes Cancer men need time alone. If that’s what he needs, let him have his alone time.
He will likely let you know that he needs space if you reach out to check on him. Even if he doesn’t, assume that he does if you can’t get him to talk to you.
Let your Cancer man know that you’re available to talk when he wants. After that, leave him be. He will likely appreciate you giving him the space he needs.
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