
Are Virgo Men Known For Being Cheaters? (True Answer)

Updated February 20, 2025

A cheating Virgo man isn’t the norm, though obviously, it still happens. Any sign can become a cheater, even if they aren’t known for it.

In general, Virgo men are not the cheating type. They want to make their relationships work, and they know Cheating can ruin things.

Virgo men are perfectionists. They are also extremely rational and logical. Even if a Virgo man is tempted to cheat, he can usually talk himself out of it. It takes a lot for him to cheat on his partner!

If Cheating does happen, a Virgo man won’t typically hide it. Virgo men are honest, sometimes to a fault. They are also prone to having guilt complexes.

A Virgo man wants his relationship to work out. Once he’s taken the time and effort to build a connection with someone, he won’t want to do anything to ruin that.

He’s A Perfectionist

Perfectionism is one of the most stereotypical Virgo traits. Virgo men strive for perfection in everything, and relationships are no different.

Virgo men are extremely hard on themselves. A Virgo man would feel like a failure if he cheated on his partner and ruined his relationship. Even if he’s tempted to cheat, this will often stop him.

Your Virgo man will do whatever he can to have a happy, functional relationship with you. If he sees that something is wrong, he’ll try to fix it. He will do whatever he can to make sure that things work out.

If your Virgo man feels unhappy, he’ll likely blame himself because of his self-critical, perfectionist nature. He will try to work on himself and do better rather than seek comfort outside of the relationship.

This magic will make your Virgo man want a relationship with you.

Prone To Guilt

Virgo men can have extreme guilt complexes at times. Your Virgo man likely knows that if he cheated on you, he wouldn’t be able to forgive himself.

If a Virgo man were to cheat, the guilt would eat him up inside. Virgo men who do cheat don’t typically do it repeatedly because of this.

When your Virgo man does something to hurt you, he might not always express the guilt he feels. Know that he does feel guilty, though.

Some Virgo men will feel guilty for even thinking about cheating. If your Virgo man is attracted to another person, he’ll feel guilty about that too!

Cheating isn’t fun for a Virgo man. He can’t have a good time with someone else knowing that he’s betraying someone he promised to be faithful to.

Prefers Monogamy

A Virgo man cheating on you isn’t likely because many Virgo men prefer long-term, monogamous relationships. This isn’t always the case, of course, but Virgo men aren’t into flings for the most part.

It takes Virgo men a long time to open up and trust someone enough to have a long-term relationship with them. A Virgo man doesn’t want to ruin his relationship because he put a lot of work into it.

Your Virgo man is unlikely to cheat because he wants to be with you and only you. He won’t be tempted by someone who wants to just have sex with him because that’s not what he’s looking for from a relationship.

You can trust that he means it when your Virgo man says he loves you. He will not want to do anything to hurt you and ruin the relationship you two have built.

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Loyal Partner

Are Virgo men faithful? Most of them are! Virgo men make incredibly loyal, dependable partners.

Virgo men are honest and reliable. If a Virgo man makes a promise to you, he will keep it. You can trust a Virgo man’s word.

A Virgo man doesn’t take commitment lightly. He means it if he promises to commit himself to you and stay faithful to you.

Your Virgo man is not looking to cheat on you. He loves you and wants to be loyal to you! He would not commit to a monogamous relationship with you if he didn’t intend on staying in that relationship.

If a Virgo man has not made a commitment to you, don’t assume he’s committed, though. You two need to define your relationship and decide to be monogamous.

Wants Things To Work

If you are in a relationship with a Virgo man, you usually don’t have to worry about Cheating. A Virgo man truly wants his relationship to work out and will do whatever he can to ensure that happens.

A Virgo man will not start a relationship with someone unless he believes that the relationship will last long-term. He knows that relationships take work, and he is willing to do what it takes to maintain his relationship with his partner.

Your Virgo man isn’t going to run at the first sign of trouble. He is realistic, and he knows that problems will come up.

When that happens, a Virgo man will do what needs to be done to fix those problems. He honestly wants to make things work. He will do what it takes to stay in a relationship with you.

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Can Resist Temptation

Are Virgo men loyal? Many of them are! They can easily resist temptation if it does happen.

The majority of Virgo men are not overly impulsive. They think everything through before they do it. This makes them far less likely to cheat just because he has the option to.

If someone is flirting with your Virgo man, he’s not going to give in, even if he does think that person is attractive. He knows how to control himself, and he will make it very clear that he’s already taken.

A Virgo man isn’t going to go out drinking and use that as an excuse to cheat. He does not have any desire to lose control of himself.

Takes A Lot To Cheat

Will a Virgo man cheat on his wife or girlfriend? It won’t be in a single moment of weakness if he does. It takes a lot for a Virgo man to cheat.

Some people are more impulsive than others. People cheat for various reasons, but a Virgo man is likely to think long and hard before doing anything he might regret.

Virgo men can make mistakes, just as anyone can, but they are unlikely to get drunk and sleep with someone else or cheat because they feel bored or sad.

Of course, if a Virgo man does cheat, there is likely something very wrong with your relationship. It takes a lot to get him to the point of Cheating.

Is your Virgo man painfully distant? Rekindle your love.

Hates Accusations

If you are dating a Virgo man and you’re worried he might be cheating, do not jump to conclusions and start accusing him.

Don’t accuse a Virgo man of Cheating based on a “hunch” or because he’s been extra busy lately. You’re likely to cause problems in your relationship if you do that, especially if he’s genuinely not cheating on you.

Your Virgo man will be immensely hurt if you accuse him of Cheating when he’s not doing anything wrong. He will start to feel like you don’t trust him, which will cause problems in your relationship.

If your Virgo man says he has to work late or needs to spend some extra hours at the office, he’s likely telling the truth.

If he asks for some alone time, he probably just wants to relax and not socialize for a while. He’s most likely not cheating on you.

Can’t Hide Cheating

Will a Virgo man cheat? The majority of them won’t. If a Virgo man does cheat, though, he won’t be able to hide it from you.

When a Virgo man gets caught Cheating, he won’t try to lie about it. However, the chances are that you won’t have to catch him. If your Virgo man cheats, he will confess to it right away.

Virgo men are extremely honest. As mentioned, they are also prone to feeling guilty. Your Virgo man will not be able to hide his Cheating for long. He won’t want to, either.

If your Virgo man thinks there is no saving your relationship, he might confess to Cheating and hope you’ll end the relationship. If he thinks you two can save things, he will still admit what he’s done to give you the chance to work through things.

This one weird trick is the only way to attract a Virgo man.

Reasons Cheating Happens

Why do Virgo men cheat in the rare times that they do? A Virgo man will likely only cheat if the relationship is already doomed. Most of the time, a Virgo man only cheats if he thinks the relationship will be over soon.

A Virgo man that cheats is likely doing so as a form of retaliation. Virgo men may cheat if their partner cheated first or did something else to betray them.

Your Virgo man will feel deeply hurt and betrayed if you cheat on him. He might cheat as a way of getting back at you and making you feel as hurt as he does.

Virgo men are bad at ending relationships. If a Virgo man thinks your relationship is doomed to fail or he’s already decided it’s hopeless, he may cheat and confess in order to make you break up with him.

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