
How To Get a Virgo Man Back (After a Breakup)

Updated February 19, 2025

Be prepared to wait if you want to get a Virgo man back. He likely won’t want to get back together too soon after a breakup.

Focus on yourself, repair your relationship, and figure out how to fix what went wrong.

Your Virgo man might want space and time to process things right after your breakup. Even if you want him back, don’t overwhelm him. Give him time and try to reach out slowly.

If you want your Virgo man back, you must fix whatever went wrong. Be prepared to apologize to him. Work on yourself so you can be a better partner. Build trust with him again and prove your loyalty.

Your Virgo man might want to stay friends for now. Be prepared for that! You can work on fixing your relationship without jumping back into romance.

Don’t Overwhelm Him

If you have a no-contact rule with a Virgo man right after a breakup, respect that. Do not overwhelm him or cross his boundaries by constantly messaging him if he’s asked for space.

Virgo men don’t tend to be impulsive. You might get your Virgo man back, but he’ll need time to consider whether or not he wants to try again with you.

Pull back if you reach out to your Virgo man, and he doesn’t respond well. He might be open to communicating but still want to keep some distance. Whatever he wants, respect it!

If you overwhelm your Virgo man with affection while you aren’t together, you’ll push him away. You might make him uncomfortable if you keep acting like you are still together.

Take things slowly. If you genuinely want your Virgo man back, you should be willing to wait. If you think you’re making him uncomfortable, show him you respect him enough to stop.

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Let Him Process Things

Will a Virgo man come back after a breakup? He might, but you must give him time to process things first.

Your Virgo man likely won’t want to get back together right away. He will need time to process the breakup, and he’ll also need time to process the idea of getting back together.

If you broke up with him, he’ll wonder why you ended things in the first place if you didn’t want to. If he broke up with you, he’ll need time to think about whether or not he’s willing to try again.

Your Virgo man will want to think about things before making any decisions. If you two decide to try being friends, let him get used to the friendship before springing anything else on him.

If you flirt with your Virgo man or hint at wanting him back, and he says he needs to think about things, let him. Don’t keep pushing. You’ll win him back more quickly if you just let him consider things in peace.

Apologize To Him

If you want to know how to win a Virgo man back, be prepared to apologize to him. He won’t take you back if you caused the breakup and you’re not ready to make things right.

Your relationship ended for a reason. If you ended things and then regretted it, you’ll need to apologize to your Virgo man for breaking up with him hastily instead of trying to work things out.

If your Virgo man broke up with you because of something you did, you need to apologize. Don’t just give a generic apology, either! Show him that you are genuinely remorseful and willing to change.

A Virgo man might not immediately take you back after an apology, but it’s a good start.

When your Virgo man knows that you’re willing to apologize and do what it takes to earn his forgiveness, he’ll be more receptive to having a new relationship with you.

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Reach Out Slowly

Reconnecting with a Virgo man usually takes a while. You can’t just reach out to him and expect things to go back to how they were before you broke up.

Even if you were friends with your Virgo man before you started dating, you should reach out slowly. Tell him you’re open to staying in touch, but don’t constantly message him.

Your Virgo man might want space from you at first. If it’s been a while since you last spoke, he might be wary of you. Reach out, and then give him a chance to decide what he wants to do.

One of the signs a Virgo man still loves you is that he will continue chatting with you a lot. If he still wants you in his life, he’ll be open to staying in touch. He’ll want to keep talking to you just as much as before.

Focus On Yourself

Do Virgo men always come back to their exes? Many will not, but some will! After a breakup, you should focus on yourself if you want to get your Virgo man back eventually.

Bettering yourself is one of the best ways to win a Virgo man back. He ended things for a reason, and you need to show him that his reasoning no longer applies.

Take the time to consider who you want to be as a person and a partner. Focus on becoming the best version of yourself that you can be. Improving yourself will show your Virgo man that you’re someone worth returning to.

Focusing on yourself will give your Virgo man the space he needs after a breakup. It will also show him that you can be independent and handle yourself.

This will prove to him that you’re not just trying to get back together because you’re lonely.

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Fix Whatever Went Wrong

Will a Virgo man regret losing you? He won’t if you remain the same and never try to fix what went wrong. You must be willing to fix things and change if you want to get him back.

Did your Virgo man break up with you because you were self-absorbed and never took care of his needs? Work on being a more supportive and nurturing person. Show him that you can take care of others, not just yourself.

If your Virgo man broke up with you because you cheated on him, you’ll need to work hard to fix that. Take the time to think about why you did that, and try to improve whatever issue caused you to cheat.

Your relationship with your Virgo man will not be successful the second time around if you don’t fix whatever caused your breakup in the first place.

You two will end up breaking up again if your Virgo man even takes you back to begin with.

Prove Your Loyalty

Even when a Virgo man wants you back, he might not jump into things with you right away. He might hesitate, especially if he isn’t sure of your loyalty.

This will be easier if you were always loyal to him during your relationship. Just show your Virgo man that your loyalty to him hasn’t changed.

Show your Virgo man that you will always be there for him when you need him. Stand up for him to other people if you need to. Prove to your Virgo man that you can be the reliable and faithful partner he needs.

Your Virgo man needs a loyal partner. He’ll never take you back if you can’t be that for him.

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Build Trust With Him

Do Virgo men get back with their ex? Some do, but they won’t jump right back into things. If you want your Virgo man back, you must build trust with him.

This will take a while if your trust was broken during your relationship. You must show your Virgo man that you are trustworthy, or you’ll never get him back.

Be open and honest with your Virgo man. Do not try to trick him into taking you back. Don’t pretend you’re going to fix a problem or work on yourself when you aren’t.

If your Virgo man knows he can trust you, he’ll be more receptive to trying to have a relationship with you again. He’ll feel more comfortable starting over when he knows that you’ve changed and you’re someone he can rely on.

Be His Friend

If you aren’t sure how to fix things with a Virgo man, try being his friend first. You can build your relationship with him and regain his trust this way, even if it’s not the relationship you want right now.

Sometimes, a relationship doesn’t work out because you don’t have a strong connection with the other person. Your partner should be one of your best friends, and your relationship might suffer if they aren’t.

Work on forming a bond with your Virgo man. Become his friend because you genuinely enjoy being around him and want to be his friend, too. Don’t fake a friendship while trying to win him back.

Your Virgo man might realize that he misses your previous relationship when you two get close again. You may also have an easier time maintaining that relationship when you have a strong friendship already.

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