
Will Ignoring an Aquarius Man Make Him Chase You?

Updated March 4, 2025

If you ignore an Aquarius man, will he chase you? Most of the time, he won’t! There are better ways to make him go after you.

Ignoring an Aquarius man is more likely to pull you two farther apart, not bring you together.

When you ignore an Aquarius man, he’s more likely to think you need space. He might not even notice you’re ignoring him because he’s a pretty independent person too.

If an Aquarius man does notice that you’re ignoring him on purpose, he probably won’t react well. He hates drama and would prefer you not act passive-aggressively toward him. Ignoring him might backfire on you!

Instead of ignoring an Aquarius man, there are many other things you can do to make him chase you. It’s usually better to be open and honest with him.

He’ll Give You Space

What happens when you ignore an Aquarius man? You likely won’t get him to chase you. He might think you need space, and he’ll respect that!

Aquarius men have no desire to cling to people. They are incredibly independent and can handle themselves. If your Aquarius man thinks you want space, he will give it to you.

Ignoring an Aquarius man won’t make him chase you because he doesn’t want to push your boundaries or be disrespectful. If he thinks you’re not in the mood to talk, he’s not going to keep talking to you!

If you ignore your Aquarius man, and it seems he’s ignoring you back, he’s not.

Your Aquarius man is just interpreting your ignoring him as a need to be alone or away from him. He’s respecting that and giving you what he thinks you want.

This is the #1 mistake women make with a Aquarius man...

He’s Not The Jealous Type

Will an Aquarius man chase you if you ignore him to flirt with other men? Aquarius men aren’t usually the jealous type. He’ll just let you do what you want if you aren’t dating.

If your Aquarius man really likes you, he might get jealous when you pay attention to other men instead of him. That won’t make him chase you, though. He has no desire to act possessive or controlling.

An Aquarius man will always respect your need for freedom. If you two aren’t in a committed relationship, he will not run after you or push you to focus on him if you want to flirt with other men instead of him.

You’re telling him that you’re not interested when you ignore an Aquarius man to hang out with other men. He’ll probably move on to someone else instead of pining over you.

He Might Not Notice You’re Ignoring Him

Ignoring an Aquarius man isn’t typically a good way to make him chase you because he might not even notice that you’re ignoring him in the first place.

Your Aquarius man probably isn’t sitting by his phone waiting for you to text him. He doesn’t go to parties and sit around waiting for you to show up or sit at the bar, hoping you’ll eventually come to talk to him.

Aquarius men tend to be pretty social, and they are also perfectly happy being by themselves. Your Aquarius man isn’t going to be upset that you’re ignoring him, and he won’t chase after you because he probably hasn’t even noticed you’re ignoring him.

If you two usually talk all the time and you’ve suddenly gone silent, your Aquarius man might notice that.

You will typically have to go out of your way over a long period of time to make it very clear that you’re purposely ignoring him, though.

This magic will make your Aquarius man want a relationship with you.

He Hates Drama

Do Aquarius men like it when you play hard to get? They might like it a bit, but you have to be careful. Aquarius men do not like drama and won’t chase after someone who is just messing with them.

If your Aquarius man thinks that you’re ignoring him on purpose, he probably won’t go chasing after you. He’ll think you’re immature and stirring up drama for no reason.

An Aquarius man who is already in a relationship with you or who is your friend might check in to make sure you’re okay. Once it’s clear that you’re giving him the silent treatment, though, he’ll back off.

Aquarius men don’t have time to deal with people who play games with them. An Aquarius man would rather that you just be direct with him.

Your Aquarius man wants you to let him know if you’re mad at him, and he’d rather you flirt with him and be openly interested than ignore him to make him go after you.

Ignoring Him Might Backfire

If you have no contact with an Aquarius man, he’s not likely to chase you. Ignoring an Aquarius man to get his attention will often backfire on you.

You must be careful when playing hard to get with an Aquarius man. You want to make yourself seem intriguing but just busy. You want him to know that you’re open to spending time with him.

If you ignore your Aquarius man, he will not waste his time trying to get your attention. He’ll assume that you aren’t interested, or he’ll know you’re playing games, which will turn him off.

Ignoring an Aquarius man will usually result in you losing him entirely. If you two aren’t already close, he might forget about you.

He might also distance himself if he thinks you’re ignoring him to manipulate him or play with his emotions.

This one weird trick is the only way to attract a Aquarius man.

Be Open With Him

Should you ignore an Aquarius man to make him chase you? Most of the time, that won’t work. Instead, be open and honest with him.

There are other ways to play hard to get with an Aquarius man. You don’t need to ignore him! Being open with him and showing interest before doing anything else is your best bet if you want him to chase you.

An Aquarius man won’t chase after you if he doesn’t think you’re interested. You won’t be alluring just because you’re not paying attention to him. He has to know that you want him to chase you.

Flirt with your Aquarius man. Show genuine interest in him. Try to get to know him. Strike up conversations whenever you see him.

Once he knows you’re interested and you’ve caught his eye, your Aquarius man might start pursuing you.

He will take the initiative to get to know you better and move your relationship forward if he wants to. You don’t need to ignore him to make him do that.

Become His Friend

Usually, the best way to get an Aquarius man’s attention and to make him chase after you is to become his friend.

This might not make sense unless you know it’s common for Aquarius men to date their friends! They typically connect with their partners as friends, then pursue them romantically later.

Ignoring an Aquarius man will not make him chase you most of the time. You need to connect with him instead! Be friendly and try to get to know him better.

If your Aquarius man likes you as a friend, it will be easier for him to develop romantic feelings for you. If he can rely on you and knows you’re someone he can go to about anything, he’ll be more likely to chase you.

Instead of playing games to try and get your Aquarius man’s attention, be a good friend to him. That will likely be a more successful tactic if you want him to chase you.

Is your Aquarius man not communicating with you? Here's the trick to reel your Aquarius back in.

Keep Him Engaged

If you want to make an Aquarius man chase you, you must show him how much of a catch you are! Ignoring him won’t do that at all.

Ignoring an Aquarius man won’t make you seem exciting or mysterious. He’ll think you’re busy and probably won’t worry about it too much.

You must show your Aquarius man that you can keep him intellectually stimulated. Have engaging conversations that leave him wanting more. That’s how you’ll make him chase you!

How do you make an Aquarius man miss you when you’re not around? Keep him interested and engaged when you are with him! If you can always make him laugh and he enjoys being around you, he’ll definitely miss you.

If your Aquarius man misses you when you’re not around, he’ll start going after you more. You will not need to actively ignore him.

Show Your Interest

Do Aquarius men like the chase? Your Aquarius man might chase after you, but you must show interest first! He’s not going to chase after someone who always ignores him.

You can be bold with an Aquarius man. If you genuinely like him and are interested in dating him, ask him out! The worst thing he can do is say no.

You won’t need to take all the initiative in your relationship with your Aquarius man. You do need to show him that you’re interested in him and want him to pursue something with you.

An Aquarius man won’t chase after someone who isn’t interested. Ignoring him will make him think that you don’t like him. Instead of doing that, show genuine interest in him.

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