
Will a Leo Man Give An Apology After Upsetting You?

Updated February 21, 2025

A Leo man’s apology is hard to come by. He will have to legitimately think he has something to be sorry for.

Even then, he might not want to admit he’s done something wrong. He’ll show he’s sorry but he might not actually say it.

Will a Leo man apologize after upsetting you? That depends on many factors! If he thinks you’re being unreasonable or that it’s not actually his fault you’re upset, he’s not going to apologize.

Leo men have huge egos. Their pride is very important to them. Sometimes, it’s even more important than your desire for an apology. You’re not always going to hear, “I’m sorry,” even when you want to.

If he is sorry, he might do things to show you that he is. He’ll try to cheer you up. He’ll give you gifts.

Obsessed with Image

Leo men care about what other people think about them. They are obsessed with their public image. He doesn’t want you to think ill of him and he also doesn’t want others to think that he doesn’t treat you well.

This aspect of his personality can make him act in a variety of ways when it comes to apologies.

Some Leo men will apologize just to save face. If he says something to upset somebody, he’ll apologize to them because he doesn’t want anyone to think he’s rude or cruel.

Other Leo men will deny they ever did anything wrong to begin with. Your Leo man might say you misunderstood a hurtful comment he made. He might say that you’re making a big deal out of nothing.

If someone else knows that he upset you, he might deny saying or doing whatever it was that hurt you.

Leo men act differently when it comes to protecting their public image. Some will be more likely to apologize. Others will be more likely to make excuses and shift blame.

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Feels Guilty

When a Leo man is sorry for upsetting you, he’ll feel extremely guilty.

Your Leo man doesn’t want to hurt your feelings. When he cares about somebody, he wants them to be happy. He won’t want to be the source of any of your unhappiness.

Leo men express their guilt in different ways depending on their exact personalities.

Some might put aside their pride and just say sorry. He’ll do this if he thinks it will make him feel less guilty.

Others will try to cheer you up in other ways. If he starts sending you nice messages or giving you gifts after upsetting you, it’s because he feels guilty.

If he doesn’t feel guilty for upsetting you, don’t try to make him. Crying in front of a Leo man won’t make him feel guilty or get him to apologize. It will likely just annoy him.

Won’t Accept Blame

When a Leo man hurts your feelings, he’s not always going to accept the blame for that.

His willingness to take some of the blame will depend on the nature of your relationship. If you two are in a long-term, committed relationship, he might be more willing to shoulder some of the blame.

If you two are casually dating, he might not care enough about the relationship to take the blame when something goes wrong in your relationship.

He might say that you misheard him or misinterpreted something he said. He might deny saying anything to begin with.

If he did something to hurt or betray you, he may try to shift the blame to you. He’ll try to explain away his actions by saying something you did caused him to act a certain way.

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Denies Doing Anything Wrong

If a Leo man says hurtful things to you, he won’t always admit that he was wrong for doing so.

He might make excuses for himself. If he insulted you, he might even say he was just being honest!

If he legitimately doesn’t think something he did or said was wrong, he’s not going to just give in and apologize. You’ll have a hard time convincing him that he did something bad.

Even if he does acknowledge that he made a mistake, he may not apologize.

He might not have meant to upset you. What he doesn’t always understand is that his intent has nothing to do with it. He did upset you.

He may argue that you’re being too sensitive or that you’re just trying to make him seem like the bad guy.

Leo men hate being wrong. Even if he knows he was, he’s going to have a hard time admitting that. It may be an uphill battle to get him to tell you he was wrong.


When a Leo man says sorry, it unfortunately isn’t always meaningful.

As mentioned, he might say sorry just to save face. If he said something rude to you in front of other people, he’ll apologize so that your friends and family don’t think he’s a bad partner.

He may also say sorry just to end an argument. If he doesn’t feel like arguing anymore, he’ll take the easy way out. He knows that apologizing is sometimes the easiest way to get somebody to calm down.

If he sees that his other efforts to calm you down and cheer you up aren’t working, he might just say he’s sorry as a last resort too.

You’ll know if his apology isn’t sincere. He may avoid saying, “I’m sorry” or admitting that he was wrong. He may say something like, “I’m sorry you’re upset,” instead of acknowledging that he’s the one who upset you.

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He’ll Act Sorry

How do Leo men apologize? They don’t always do it verbally.

If he is sorry for hurting you, he’ll do what he can to show you that he’s sorry.

He might be more openly affectionate. If he is hugging you and cuddling more after he upset you, it’s because he’s trying to show you that he feels bad and that he’s sorry.

He may seem sad or upset himself. This is a sign that he does feel bad for upsetting you. Even if he won’t say he was wrong, he’s acting this way because he knows he’s wrong.

Won’t Say “I’m Sorry”

Will a Leo man apologize? Even if he does, he might not always come right out and say he’s sorry.

Even a sincere apology might not include the words, “I’m sorry.” He may admit wrongdoing or promise that he’ll change his behavior in the future instead.

If he is apologizing to you, don’t get too hung up on hearing him say he’s sorry. Pay attention to what he is saying and how he’s acting.

If he doesn’t think he didn’t do anything wrong, he’ll be even less likely to say he’s sorry. You might not offer any sort of apology at all or he’ll offer an insincere one.

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It’ll Be Your Fault

Many Leo men are capable of accepting when they are to blame for something. Not all of them are entirely unwilling to admit when they’re wrong.

Unfortunately, some Leo men will try to turn things around on you instead of apologizing for upsetting you.

He’ll say that you’re too emotional. He’ll claim that you’re making things up or exaggerating.

If he cheated on you or did something else serious, he might even say that it’s your fault he did so. He may claim that you weren’t paying enough attention to him or that you weren’t satisfying him enough.

If a Leo man is constantly trying to blame you for his actions, you’re probably better off just walking away. You aren’t going to get the apology you want.

Pretends Nothing is Wrong

How long does it take for a Leo man to come back after an argument? He’ll come back as soon as he’s calmed down.

That might not take very long if he’s not that upset about whatever happened. When he does come back, it’s often not going to be with an apology.

He might just act as if nothing is wrong. If he is calm and he is over the argument, he’ll act like it never happened to begin with.

He might be embarrassed about something he said or did. He’ll ignore the issue because admitting he’s wrong might make him feel even more embarrassed.

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Gifts & Distractions

A Leo man’s communication style is pretty straightforward most of the time. If he wanted to say sorry, he would!

Most of the time, it’s a blow to his pride to apologize. He might feel sorry. He might want to make you feel better. He will still have a hard time saying, “I’m sorry”.

If he wants to make you feel better after he’s upset you, one way he’ll try to cheer you up is by giving you gifts.

The best way to apologize to a Leo man is also by giving him gifts. If you two had an argument and you both have things to be sorry for, return his gifts with some of your own.

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