
7 Clear Signs a Libra Man is Commitment-Ready

Updated February 9, 2025

If you have been dating a Libra guy for a while, you may be wondering when your Libra man’s commitment to you will come.

When can you expect this zodiac sign to settle down?

Some signs are quicker to commit to romantic relationships than others, and a Libra guy is usually very slow to commit.

He is so hesitant to settle down with a partner that sometimes people mistakenly think a Libra man is a womanizer.

Once you learn more about his zodiac sign’s typical traits and behaviors in love, you will be able to recognize the signs that your lIbra man is ready to commit.

1. He Is Vulnerable with You

Every star sign correlates with one of the four natural elements: air, earth, fire, or water. The elements reveal the disposition and emotional tendencies of the signs.

Libra is one of the air signs, and air signs are known for being social, commutative, cerebral, and thoughtful.

Thanks to his natural element, a Libra man thinks with his head instead of his heart. He is sensitive to other people’s feelings but he’s not very in touch with his own emotions.

A Libra man is warm and compassionate, but he dislikes displaying negative emotions like fear, anger, and sadness. He doesn’t want to make other people feel sorry for him and he hates being vulnerable.

But when a Libra guy loves and trusts you enough, he will feel comfortable opening up to you and being vulnerable.

If he shares his darkest thoughts, worst feelings, and most embarrassing stories, it’s a sign that your Libra guy is ready to commit to you.

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2. He Becomes More Decisive

Just as every zodiac sign has a natural element, each sign also has a unique symbol, usually an animal, that tells us something significant about that sign’s personality.

Libra is the only sign with an inanimate object as its symbol. Libra is represented by the scales, which tells us that a Libra man is fair and just.

He is very diplomatic because he can look at a situation from multiple perspectives. While this makes him unbiased and judicious, it also makes him indecisive.

He can see the pros and cons to every option, and he often gets so overwhelmed by all the choices that he can’t make a decision at all.

What scares a Libra man about commitment is making a decision he can’t change. He doesn’t want to devote himself to a partner only to change his mind later.

If you want to know how to make a Libra man commit to you, you have to give him plenty of time to make up his mind.

And if you want to make a Libra man chase you, you can’t rush or put pressure on him to commit. He needs to decide to commit to you on his own without you pushing him.

Your Libra man has to feel good about his decision to settle down with you, so watch for signs that he is becoming more decisive in other areas of his life.

It may seem unrelated, but when a Libra man starts choosing what to have for dinner from a menu quickly, it means he’s becoming more confident in his decisions and might commit to you soon.

If he makes decisions with long-term consequences like taking out a car loan or signing a lease, he could also be ready to choose a partner.

3. He Engages in PDA

Every zodiac sign is guided by a particular heavenly body that conveys something special about that sign.

Libra is ruled by Venus, the planet of love and beauty. Having Venus as a guiding planet tells us that a Libra man is very loving and affectionate.

Libra men in relationships love to snuggle and hold hands with their partners. They enjoy kissing and hugging, but they are most affectionate in private.

As loving as they are, they are also very polite and prefer to keep their displays of affection away from other people because they don’t want to offend anyone or draw attention to themselves.

If you want to know how to handle a Libra man when it comes to affection, follow his lead. If he doesn’t kiss you or hold your hand in public, it means he’s not ready for PDA.

But once your Libra man starts being more affectionate in public, it means he has strong feelings for you and doesn’t care so much about what other people think.

When your Libra guy engages in PDA with you, it could be a hint that he’s getting ready to commit.

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4. He Spends All His Time with You

Libra is a very social and outgoing star sign, so a Libra man tends to overcommit himself. He hates feeling like he’s missing out so he never refuses an invitation to any social event.

When a Libra man is interested in you, he might initiate a connection with you by inviting you to spend time in a group setting.

He might invite you along to go bowling or to the movies with some friends before he feels confident enough to ask you on a one-on-one date.

It’s normal to share some of your time with a Libra guy because he wants a partner he can bring around his friends and socialize with.

But when a Libra guy loves you and is getting ready to commit to you, he will want to spend more time alone with you.

If your Libra guy starts turning down invitations to parties in favor of spending the night curled up on the couch watching movies with you, it means he’s going to commit soon.

5. He Talks about a Future with You

Because he fears commitment so much, the typical Libra guy shies away from conversations about the future with his partner.

Even a Libra man in love won’t want to talk about moving in together or sharing a bank account if he’s not ready to commit.

But when a Libra man is thinking about settling down, he will initiate discussions about the future with you.

He will bring up the possibility of marriage or ask what you think of the idea of moving in together.

Don’t get too excited when he starts mentioning these types of commitments. If you pressure him to look at apartments with you the moment he brings up moving in together, you might scare him away.

Go at his pace and let him take the lead, but know that making plans for the future with you is a sure sign that your Libra man is ready to commit.

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6. He Wants the Same Things as You

When a Libra guy is ready to settle down and be monogamous with you, he will try to find out whether or not you want the same things in life.

Once he knows you are compatible in the short term, he will start wondering if you have enough in common to build a long-term partnership.

He will want to know whether or not you want kids and if so, how many and how you want to raise them.

He will ask if you would rather live in the city or the suburbs, or if you want to spend time traveling or pursuing other interests.

If you want to know how to make a Libra man obsessed with you enough to commit, you’ve got to show him that you want the same things in life.

He has to see that you have a strong chance of making a long-term relationship successful before he will feel confident about settling down with you.

7. He Changes His Plans for You

Although your Libra man wants to see that you share a vision for the future, he will also be willing to make compromises if he’s truly ready to commit to you.

If he wants three kids but you want five, he might tell you that he’d be willing to have four kids if he’s thinking about your relationship seriously.

If you want to live in the heart of the city where all the action is but he prefers the quiet of the country, he might suggest getting a house in the suburbs.

Libra is generally a laid-back sign, and a Libra man is great at negotiating and coming up with clever solutions to make everyone happy.

But if you are wondering how to know if a Libra man is using you, he will expect you to make all the sacrifices for your relationship without making any compromises himself.

When a Libra guy has no intention of committing to you, he will tell you that he has a specific vision for his future and that nothing will deter him from it.

He will be so unyielding and uncompromising that there is no room for you in his plans, and he won’t make any changes so that he can settle down with you.

Find out what your Libra man wants in his future, then determine whether or not there is any wiggle room in his plans.

If he has his heart set on a particular way of life, even if it means losing you, he won’t commit.

But if he is willing to bend a little bit and change his plans, it means he wants to settle down with you.

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