When a Libra man feels jealous or possessive, he’s not always going to act out because of it.
Libra men hate conflict. They want peace and harmony. He’s not going to explode at you even if he does feel jealous.
Are Libra men jealous and possessive when in love? Because of their insecurity, many do feel jealous or possessive now and then. It won’t always be obvious if your Libra man is feeling that way, though.
Libra men are social creatures. They love to be around other people.
He’s going to understand if you have a lot of friends and other people you want to spend time around. Any jealousy he feels about others will be swept under the rug.
If he does act out, it’s going to be in a passive-aggressive way.
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Libra man can be insecure in relationships. They know they tend to be all-in and this ends with them getting hurt.
A Libra man is often fighting with his urge to fall in love right away and his desire to protect his heart.
If you do something to make him jealous, especially if it’s on purpose, he’s likely to feel hurt and vulnerable.
He tries not to let his insecurity get the best of him in a relationship. However, sometimes it does. If he begins to feel jealous, he is likely to get upset.
He might start to catastrophize if his partner is openly flirting with other people. He may start to think the worst is happening. This is especially true if he’s been cheated on in a previous relationship.
He understands the need to socialize and connect with other people. He likes to do that too! He just feels hurt if he thinks his partner is ignoring him in favor of somebody else.
Is your Libra man not communicating with you? Here's the trick to reel your Libra back in.
Are Libra men loyal? Many of them are very loyal, dedicated partners.
They don’t always trust that their partner is as loyal and dedicated, though.
Libra men have a hard time trusting people. He wants to trust you. He loves you and he wants to have a good relationship with you.
Unfortunately, there is often a small voice inside his head telling him that he has to be careful.
A Libra man who has been hurt in past relationships is going to be especially suspicious. He may fear that his new relationship is going to end up the same as his previous one.
He won’t be upset with you for talking to other men or having male friends. If he thinks you are flirting with them, though, he may get suspicious.
A Libra man will often need a lot of reassurance that you love him and only him. This is especially true if your relationship is new.
Are Libra men possessive? Many of them are. They can be very needy. They desire a lot of attention from their partner and don’t always like it when their attention is on someone else.
Libra men are not attention-seeking in the same way as Leo men. They don’t necessarily crave the spotlight. They don’t want all eyes on them.
Your Libra man does want your eyes on him, though.
He wants to feel loved and appreciated. He wants to spend as much time with you as possible. Quality time is one of his love languages. He feels cared for when you make time for him.
If you are constantly hanging out with other people more than you hang out with him, he may start to feel hurt and jealous.
If he starts acting needy or clingy, that’s a sign that you aren’t spending enough time with him. Try to make some more time and his feelings of jealousy and possessiveness will go away.
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Gets Lonely Easily
Libra men often hate to be alone. They like to be surrounded by people, especially people they care about.
He gets too caught up in his thoughts sometimes. When you are away from him for too long, he might start to wonder what you’re doing and why you’re not spending time with him.
He will of course understand that you can’t spend every waking moment with him, even if he might be more than happy to spend all his time with you.
However, he will start to feel jealous any time you two spend too much time apart. Even if you are legitimately busy with work or other important business, he won’t be able to help how he feels.
Reaching out to him often, even when you can’t physically be with him, is often a good way to reassure him that you care. It will help with his feelings of loneliness.
Don’t Make Him Jealous
If you want to make a Libra man jealous, it’s honestly better not to. It’s not going to end well most of the time.
If he sees that his partner is purposely trying to make him jealous, he will feel hurt. He’s not the type to rise to the occasion and make a competition out of it.
How does a Libra man act when jealous? Sometimes, he’ll react by trying to make you jealous as well.
Libra men have a vindictive side. If he thinks you’re doing something to hurt him on purpose, he’s going to do the same thing right back at you.
This might end up with him cheating on you or going a little too far in his efforts to make you jealous. If he feels deeply hurt by your actions, he’ll want to get even.
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Hates Conflict
If your relationship with a Libra man is “conflict-free”, it’s not because you two just get along 100% of the time. It’s because he hates conflict.
If a Libra man is feeling jealous or possessive, he’s not always going to bring it up to you.
Instead, he’ll avoid the issue. He doesn’t want to cause an argument. He doesn’t want to give you any reason to be upset with him.
As mentioned, he might try to get back at you if you’re making him feel jealous on purpose. If he thinks you’re not doing it purposely, though, he’ll just avoid the subject.
He knows he comes off as overly suspicious sometimes. He doesn’t want to give you a reason to be upset with him.
Wants To Be Liked
Libra men want to be liked by everyone around them. A Libra man in love doesn’t want to do anything to make his partner dislike him.
He knows that if he acts overly possessive or controlling, you’re likely to get angry. This is especially true if you are a highly independent person.
If he lets jealousy get the best of him and acts out in anger, you are also likely to get upset or feel hurt by his actions.
He doesn’t want your friends and family to think of him as a jealous or controlling person either. He wants them to like him.
This magic will make your Libra man want a relationship with you.
Ignores His Jealousy
Are Libra men jealous? Some of them are. They don’t like to show that side of themselves to other people, though.
Libra men ignore a lot of their “negative” emotions. Most air signs do. They just don’t want to focus on their feelings when they are angry or upset.
How do you know when a Libra man is jealous? He’s not going to lash out. He’ll be quiet. He might withdraw from you. As mentioned, he might also try to make you jealous in return.
If you notice your Libra man is suddenly more quiet than usual or that he is distancing himself from you, it is likely because he’s upset about something.
The best thing to do when he starts acting like this is to show him how much you love him. That will help with any feelings of jealousy he might be having.
Libra men are highly social people. They often have large social circles and enjoy being around friends and other loved ones often.
He will completely understand if you also have a lot of friends. He’s not going to get mad at you for being friends with other men. He’s likely friends with other women.
He will be understanding when you socialize with other people. If he’s also socializing with other people, he’s not going to get jealous.
If he’s all by himself and you’re off socializing, he might get jealous. He’s not necessarily jealous because of you all the time, however. He might be jealous of you. He wants to be out having fun too!
Is your Libra man painfully distant? Rekindle your love.
Wants Harmony
Are Libra men controlling? The majority of them aren’t. They desire balance and harmony in life, not control.
Most of the time, he has a hard time making decisions for himself. He’s not going to try and make all your decisions for you.
He will do everything he can to make sure there is harmony in your relationship. Many Libra men are people pleasers. Even if he is feeling upset about something, he won’t always tell you or act on his emotions.
If a Libra man is actively doing anything to disturb the harmony in your relationship, that is a sign that something is seriously wrong.
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