When a Libra man is not interested, he will detach himself from you. He’ll show many signs that he doesn’t like you or enjoy having you around.
A Libra man might not directly tell you he’s not interested. He will give a lot of signs, though!
Libra men are usually pretty easy to get along with. If a Libra man isn’t interested in you, he’ll be far less friendly with you than with other people. He’ll detach from you and seem cold.
A Libra man will not communicate with you if he’s not interested. He won’t go out of his way to talk to you. He’ll never compliment you or do anything affectionate or romantic either.
Libra men might be overly critical when they aren’t interested as well. If someone else is gossiping about you, they won’t stand up for you.
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1. Never Communicates
Why does a Libra man ignore you? If he constantly ignores you and never communicates, it might be because he isn’t interested in being around you.
When a Libra man is not interested, he won’t see any point in interacting with you. Many Libra men are social butterflies, but they won’t waste their time on people they don’t like unless they have a reason to.
It will be very obvious when an extroverted Libra man doesn’t like you. Typically, a Libra man will talk to everyone at a party or other event. You’ll be able to tell if he’s avoiding you.
A Libra man who isn’t interested won’t text you back, no matter how urgent or important you think the text is. He won’t approach you or attempt to chat with you when he sees you.
This magic will make your Libra man want a relationship with you.
2. He’s Emotionally Detached
Many Libra men are friendly yet emotionally detached. They try to connect with the people they care about, though.
When a Libra man isn’t interested in you, he won’t try to connect. He may seem less friendly and more detached than he usually is with other people.
Even a Libra who isn’t good about talking about his feelings will try to connect with other people emotionally. He knows this is an excellent way to endear himself to others and make them like him.
He’ll be completely detached from you when he’s not interested. He won’t care about connecting with you or making you like him because he honestly won’t care what you think about him.
3. Never Compliments You
One big sign a Libra man is not interested in you is that he won’t compliment you. Libra men love to make the people around them feel good! If he doesn’t like you, he won’t go out of his way to please you.
A Libra man who isn’t interested might offer an insincere compliment if he needs to get along with you for some reason.
You’ll be able to tell he’s insincere, though. His compliments will seem generic and unenthusiastic.
When a Libra man is interested in someone, he can’t stop complimenting them! The compliments are genuine and heartfelt, too.
If a Libra man never compliments you or gives you occasional, insincere compliments, he’s telling you that he’s not interested.
A tiny trick to snatch your Libra man's heart?... even if he's cold and distant...
Libra men like to share their thoughts with other people. They are always interested in hearing the views of other people. They love to debate as well.
When a Libra man isn’t interested in you, he won’t share his thoughts with you like he does with other people.
A Libra man won’t want to have friendly debates when he doesn’t like you. He definitely won’t share his genuine views on things, either.
If you ask a Libra man what he thinks about something and he gives a vague answer or changes the subject, it might just be because he doesn’t want to talk about that subject.
However, if the Libra man always gives vague answers or refuses to engage in a conversation with you, it’s likely because he’s not interested. He won’t bother letting you know what he thinks if he doesn’t want to talk to you.
5. Never Romances You
Libra men are romantic. You’ll know a Libra man is not interested in you right away because he won’t try to woo you.
If a Libra man who was once romantic with you suddenly stops completely, it might be because he lost interest. He won’t continue making an effort to woo you if he’s not interested anymore.
You’ll know a Libra man is playing you if he’s not romantic but always comes to you for sex. If he’s using you, he won’t bother showing interest unless he wants something from you.
What makes a Libra man lose interest after expressing interest in you? That is honestly anyone’s guess. Libra men change their minds for a variety of reasons. Sometimes they don’t even know.
The simple secrets you can use to seduce and keep your Libra man (they work like magic)
6. Doesn’t Keep His Promises
If you want to know if a Libra man is not interested, pay attention to whether or not he keeps his promises. If a Libra man cares about you, he will at least try to keep the promises he makes to you.
Libra men try to be honest with the people they care about. They will try not to make commitments they can’t stick with.
If a Libra man is always promising he’ll make time for you or do something for you, but he never follows through, he’s likely not interested in you.
A Libra man who is using you might make false promises to keep you around. He won’t bother keeping those promises, though.
If a Libra man never keeps his promises to you, it’s a good idea to confront him. If he is interested and just has trouble keeping promises, he’ll try to make it up to you. If he’s not interested, he won’t apologize.
7. Only Wants Sex
If a Libra man is not interested anymore, he might start only hanging out with you when he wants sex.
A Libra man might not be interested in a romantic relationship or friendship with you, but he may keep you around for sex if he knows he can get it from you.
It will be very obvious when a Libra man only wants sex from you. If that’s all he’s interested in, he won’t usually act like he’s interested in anything else from you.
Your Libra man won’t hang out with you unless the goal is to have sex. He’ll never try to woo you or be romantic with you unless he thinks it will get you to have sex with him.
Is your Libra man not communicating with you? Here's the trick to reel your Libra back in.
8. Doesn’t Stand Up For You
If a Libra man is not interested in you, he’ll show this by refusing to stand up for you if others are insulting or gossiping about you.
Libra men are very respectful of the people they care about. They will not typically gossip about them or say anything negative about them to other people.
When a Libra man doesn’t like you, though, he won’t care if other people are gossiping about you. He might even join in!
A Libra man who is interested will always stand up for you if others are badmouthing you. He will let them know that what they’re saying isn’t okay. He won’t usually bother standing up for you when he’s not interested.
9. He’s Overly Critical
Libra men don’t handle criticism well, and they aren’t often the most critical people themselves. They tend to avoid criticism because of their people-pleasing nature.
A Libra man typically wants to be liked by the people around him. Sometimes a Libra man will be overly flattering to the people around him to make them like him.
If a Libra man isn’t interested, he won’t care about pleasing you. He might play nice if he has a reason to. For example, if he works with you or you’re close with a friend of his, he won’t want to offend you.
A Libra man won’t have a problem criticizing you if he’s got no reason to be nice to you.
A Libra man might be overly critical if he’s trying to push you away. He will often make judgmental comments to people if they aren’t getting the hint that he’s not interested.
This one weird trick is the only way to attract a Libra man.
10. He Picks Fights
When a Libra man avoids you, that’s a sign he’s not interested. If he is constantly picking fights with you, that’s a sign he doesn’t like you and is trying to make you go away.
Libra men don’t usually like to actually fight with people. They like to have friendly debates, but fighting isn’t something they enjoy doing.
A Libra man might pick fights with you if he thinks you’re not taking a hint. He will often do other things to show his disinterest first.
If a Libra man is actively antagonizing you, it’s probably a good idea to back off from him entirely. He is showing you that he doesn’t like you or respect you.
However, your Libra man occasionally bickering with you isn’t necessarily a sign he’s not interested. Everyone gets into fights now and then. If he’s constantly picking fights, though, that’s a bad sign.
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