
Guide For When a Pisces Man is Giving Silent Treatment

Updated March 6, 2025

If a Pisces man is giving you the silent treatment, it’s often just because he needs some time to himself.

Pisces men are often introverted. They crave solitude and they won’t always tell you when they need some alone time.

Overall, the best way to react to a Pisces man giving you the silent treatment is to just do your own thing. If he needs time to himself, he won’t want to hear from you until he is ready to socialize again.

Be kind and compassionate. Try to understand that he needs to withdraw sometimes. Often, it’s not because you’ve done something wrong.

He just needs a break sometimes. That’s perfectly fine! Give him the space he needs and he will happily come back to you when he is ready to socialize again.

Keep Yourself Busy

If you want to know what to do when your Pisces man backs off, just do what you can to keep yourself busy.

Regardless of why he’s ignoring you, try to do what you can to keep your mind off his silent treatment.

Don’t agonize over what you may have done wrong. Don’t obsess over the fact that he hasn’t replied to you in a few days.

Take the time apart from him to do some things by yourself. If you normally spend a lot of time with your Pisces man, you can go hang out with some friends you’ve been neglecting.

You can also take some time for self-care. You don’t need to sit around feeling bad because he’s giving you the silent treatment. Take care of yourself.

He will eventually realize that he needs to talk to you if something is bothering him.

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Leave Him Alone

Leaving a Pisces man alone when he’s giving you the silent treatment is often the best idea.

If he’s upset about something, he may need some time to process it before he reaches out to you. He won’t always want to talk about something immediately.

When he is upset with you, he might also need some time alone. He hates confrontation so he is unlikely to just tell you what he’s angry about.

If he is angry at you, he’ll need some time away from you to process his emotions. That’s why he is giving you the silent treatment. Give him the time he needs.

Pisces men are often introverted. He might also just need some time away from everybody, not just you. He recharges by having time to himself.

Unfortunately, he won’t always tell you when he needs alone time. He’ll just suddenly withdraw and give you the silent treatment.

Don’t Push

When a Pisces man ignores your text or call, it’s better not to push him to respond. That will usually make things worse.

If he is upset with you, sending him message after message might just annoy him. He won’t be able to calm down and have some time away from you. Let him have the time he needs.

If something is wrong that has nothing to do with you, don’t push him to talk about it.

He might need time to process something major like a death in the family by himself. If you two aren’t that close, he may also just need to reach out to somebody else for emotional support.

Don’t back him into a corner. Don’t try to force him to talk to you. He will talk to you when he’s ready and he’ll appreciate that you didn’t push him to do something he wasn’t ready to do.

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Respect Boundaries

If a Pisces man is giving you the silent treatment, don’t go out of your way to accost him and make him talk to you.

You might know where he works or where he usually goes to get coffee in the morning. Some people might be tempted to show up and force the issue with him.

Don’t do that! If he’s mad at you, bothering him and pushing his boundaries is going to make him madder.

If he just needs some time away from people, it’s going to upset him if you bother him. When you try to force him to see you when he doesn’t want to, you’re telling him that you don’t respect him.

Give him his alone time. Would you want somebody bothering you when you were in a bad mood? Don’t bother him.

Stay Calm

If a Pisces takes forever to respond to a message, don’t freak out. Don’t get frustrated. Just stay calm and try not to get mad at him.

He might not even be giving you the silent treatment. If he just stopped replying to your messages suddenly, it might be for a different reason.

Pisces men are spacey. He might have just forgotten to reply to your message. Maybe he got distracted. Maybe he thinks he did reply and hasn’t realized that he didn’t yet.

He might be busy and just not have time to chat with you. That’s okay! He doesn’t need to be available to you 24/7.

Stay calm and don’t just jump to conclusions. Even if you do know that he’s mad at you, still try to remain calm. Most of the time, he’ll stop ignoring you and you two can work your issues out.

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Be Patient

A Pisces man’s disappearing act can be extremely frustrating. Try to be patient with him anyway. He’s often not trying to upset you with his silent treatment.

If time alone is what he needs, give it to him. Don’t message him every day asking when he’s going to start talking to you again.

It’s usually not a good idea to bug his friends about him either. He doesn’t like to feel like people are talking about him behind his back.

If you can’t be patient while he’s having some alone time, reflect on why that is. When he is giving you the silent treatment because he needs to be alone, you need to learn how to be patient with him.

Don’t Guilt Him

If a Pisces man is not interested in you and that’s why he’s giving you the silent treatment, the worst thing to do is try to make him feel guilty. That won’t endear you to him.

If he is upset about something or needs alone time, guilting him into talking to you will also end in disaster.

He might start talking to you again if he thinks you’re upset. He’s not going to feel good about it, though. If he’s still upset, talking to you might exacerbate the situation.

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Do Your Own Thing

When a Pisces man goes cold, just do your own thing. It’s better to focus on yourself than to get upset over him ignoring you.

Have some time to yourself. Maybe you could also use some alone time. Read a new book or watch that tv show everyone’s been telling you about.

Don’t put your life on hold just because one person is ignoring you.

If he wants to come back and talk to you, he will! If you’ve been off doing your own thing, you’ll have some fun stuff to talk about with him when he’s ready to talk to you again.

If his silent treatment ends up being permanent for some reason, you won’t have wasted any time. When you don’t put your life on hold for somebody, there is nothing lost if they suddenly ghost you.

Stay Positive

If a Pisces man is not responding to texts, don’t immediately assume the worst. He’s not always ignoring you on purpose.

If you know for a fact that he’s mad at you, it might not always be easy to stay positive. Try to anyway.

If you two have a deep connection, he won’t ignore you for too long. He will eventually come back with an explanation or an apology.

If you don’t know why he’s giving you the silent treatment, don’t try to blame yourself for his actions. That won’t do you any good.

Instead, keep your head up. Keep going about your life as usual. Try to stay positive and do something to cheer yourself up.

This magic will make your Pisces man want a relationship with you.

Don’t Overwhelm Him

Sometimes when a Pisces man has gone quiet, it’s because he’s feeling overwhelmed. If he’s giving the silent treatment to everyone, it’s likely because of something personal. It’s not about you.

Why do Pisces distance themselves from others? Sometimes it is because they are too overwhelmed to deal with socializing.

A Pisces man isn’t like a Leo man or a Libra man. He likes to feel connected with people he’s close with but he doesn’t want to constantly be around people.

If you two are very close, he might still reach out to you when he’s not feeling social. If you aren’t, you need to understand that he is going to ignore you sometimes.

When he’s trying to take a break from socializing and people keep messaging him constantly, that overwhelms him.

His silent treatment might end up lasting longer if you continue to overwhelm him with messages and requests to hang out.

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