Talking to a Sagittarius man about feelings isn’t always easy. He may be reluctant to talk about his emotions, even with people he loves.
If he’s not yet comfortable talking to you about certain things, don’t push him or force him to talk.
Sagittarius men aren’t the most emotional people. They have more logical and philosophical personalities. Your Sagittarius man won’t always want to talk about how he’s feeling.
He will open up to you eventually if he cares about you and trusts you. It will take some time, though. Don’t push him too hard and go at his pace.
When you do talk about feelings, be calm and non-confrontational. Talk about things in a more logical way. He might clam up if you get too emotional or if you get angry with him.
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Be Philosophical
A Sagittarius man’s communication style is often devoid of emotions. When talking about feelings, you might need to talk to him more logically or philosophically.
He may feel more comfortable talking to you about his feelings if you have a philosophical discussion with him first. That will get him in the mood to have a deep conversation.
One of the best ways to cheer up a Sagittarius man when he’s down is to distract him with a philosophical discussion.
It might be easier for him to talk about his feelings hypothetically. He might also want to have a discussion that’s related to how he’s feeling but not his actual feelings.
If he won’t be direct about his feelings, don’t force it. If he needs to talk about his emotions hypothetically, then talk to him that way.
He will eventually get better at actually discussing his feelings. Until then, talk to him how he wants to be talked to.
This magic will make your Sagittarius man want a relationship with you.
Be Calm
Even if you’re upset about something, try to remain calm while talking to a Sagittarius man about your feelings.
If you’re angry at him and you start yelling or arguing with him, he’s going to shut down. He won’t want to discuss anything with you and may even just walk away.
You might make your Sagittarius man uncomfortable if you start crying or getting visibly upset while talking about your feelings. That might be unavoidable sometimes but try to stay calm.
When you can calmly discuss your feelings, he’ll be more likely to listen. He’ll feel more comfortable having a conversation with you.
If you find yourself getting upset while talking about your feelings with a Sagittarius man, you might want to take some time to calm yourself down. You two will be able to have a better conversation if you’re both relaxed.
Don’t Pressure Him
If a Sagittarius man is acting distant, sometimes it is best to leave him alone. Don’t pressure him to open up or talk to you until he is ready to.
A Sagittarius man will not open up to you just because you demand he does. He’s not going to have a conversation he’s not ready to have just because you want him to.
When you need to discuss something with your Sagittarius man, be gentle with him. Let him know what you need to talk about but don’t demand that he talk about it right away.
While you two are talking about your feelings, don’t pressure him to discuss things in a certain way. He will talk about his feelings the way he wants to, regardless of how you feel about it.
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Don’t Manipulate Him
What irritates a Sagittarius man more than anything is when somebody he loves tries to manipulate or control him.
Don’t try to trick him into talking about his feelings if he’s not ready to.
You can try to make him more comfortable by talking about something else before talking about feelings.
You can talk about your feelings in a way that he’s more receptive to. Just don’t try to manipulate him into having a discussion he’s not ready for.
Don’t offer ultimatums or treat him poorly just because he doesn’t want to open up yet. If you get angry every time he says he’s not ready to talk about something, that’s not going to make him want to talk about it.
Be Respectful
You should always be respectful when discussing feelings with anyone. If you can’t be respectful, there’s no point in talking about things in the first place.
Your Sagittarius man won’t always talk about his feelings the way you want him to. You need to respect his individuality and accept that he won’t always act the same way you would.
If he tells you something that you don’t want to hear, still be respectful. When he is being open and honest with you, never shut him down or invalidate his feelings.
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Go At His Pace
If you’re in the early stages of dating a Sagittarius man, he might not want to talk about his feelings very often, if at all. You’ll need to wait for him to be more comfortable with talking about feelings.
It’s not always easy learning how to understand a Sagittarius man. As you get to know him, you’ll learn that he doesn’t want to feel like he’s lost control of a situation.
When you go at his pace, he’ll feel more like he’s in control. He will eventually feel more comfortable talking about his feelings with you.
If his pace is too slow for you, you’ll just need to accept that. You can’t make him talk about his feelings if he doesn’t want to.
Don’t Stifle Him
A Sagittarius man’s weakness in love is his fear of being restricted or controlled in his relationship.
He will express his emotions the way he wants to. It might not always be the way you would express your emotions! Don’t make him feel bad for that.
If you ever try to stifle his emotional expression, he’ll be less likely to talk to you about feelings in the future.
When he opens up to you about something, listen. Even if he says something you don’t like, hear him out anyway.
He might express his emotions in ways you’re not used to or even ways you don’t like. Never do anything to make him feel like his emotions aren’t valid even when that happens.
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Don’t Get Too Emotional
A Sagittarius man will be more likely to talk about feelings with you if you don’t get too emotional while doing so.
Get used to calming down before talking to him about something he did to upset you. If you are actively angry or crying, he won’t be able to talk to you.
Try to be as logical and rational as possible when talking about your feelings. That might be weird for you. If you can learn how to do that, it will be easier to talk about feelings with a Sagittarius man.
If you aren’t sure how to comfort a Sagittarius man, the most important thing to keep in mind is that you should refrain from getting overly emotional yourself.
Sometimes when a person you love is hurting, it hurts you as well. Even if that is the case, don’t make his feelings about you. Keep your own emotions in check and focus on him.
Be Non-Confrontational
Do Sagittarius men like to fight? Many of them don’t. If you’re upset when he won’t discuss his feelings with you, the worst thing you can do is confront him or get angry with him about it.
Never demand that he talk to you if he isn’t ready to talk to you. If he’s going through something and he’s not ready to discuss it, being pushy won’t suddenly make him want to talk about it with you.
If you need to let him know that he upset you, don’t explode at him. You might be angry but you should remain level-headed anyway. Be gentle when you let him know what he did and how it made you feel.
Talking about feelings should never be an argument. It should be a calm, rational discussion between the two of you. You should both be comfortable while discussing how you feel.
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Obey Boundaries
When a Sagittarius man is sad, he won’t always want to talk about it. He might come to you for comfort or a distraction but he won’t always want to discuss things.
If he’s not ready to talk about something, respect that. He is usually clear about his boundaries and you should listen to him when he sets one.
When you don’t respect his boundaries, he’ll feel like you don’t care about him. He won’t feel comfortable with you. He will be less likely to go to you in the future when he’s feeling bad.
He might have certain topics he doesn’t want to discuss. If that’s the case, don’t bring those topics up with him. If he wants to talk about them, he’ll approach you.
Obeying his boundaries will show him that you care about him and that you respect him. When he knows you respect any boundaries he puts in place, he’ll feel more comfortable talking about feelings with you.
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