

Reasons Why a Scorpio Man is Slow to Commit To a Woman

Scorpio men are notorious for having trust issues. They have a deep-seated fear of betrayal. If your Scorpio man has been hurt in a past relationship, his trust issues will be even worse. A Scorpio man is a picky person. He won’t settle. He has no problem being single or having casual relationships until he […]

10 Clear Signs That a Scorpio Man Loves You Like Crazy

A Scorpio man in love will always be watching the object of his affections. He can’t help but stare when he thinks she’s not looking. His devotion will be written all over his face. Your Scorpio man will actively listen whenever you’re talking as well. He’ll care about everything you have to say. He will […]

10 Obvious Signs Scorpio Man is Not Interested (in You)

A Scorpio man will have no passion for you if he doesn’t like you. He won’t even playfully flirt if he’s trying to show he’s not interested. He might not even bother listening to you when you talk to him. He won’t hide his interest in other people when you’re around. He’ll flirt with other […]

What Does a Scorpio Man Like in Bed? (Turn Him On Easy)

Scorpio is a water sign, so a Scorpio man’s emotions and passion run deep. You will see this when you’re in bed with a Scorpio man. He will desire passion and intimacy from you. Scorpio men also prefer intense sex. A Scorpio man also likes to be adventurous in bed. Scorpio men are all about […]

How To Flirt With a Scorpio Man Through Eye Contact

You need to be able to hold direct eye contact with a Scorpio for an extended period if you’re flirting with him. Rise to the challenge and hold his gaze if you catch him staring at you. Never try to hide how you feel. He’ll be able to tell anyone so you might as well […]

10 Secrets to Making a Scorpio Man Miss You (A Lot)

Making a Scorpio man miss you is easy if you understand his nature. Men born under this sign are secretive, mysterious, and intense. Making him miss you is an art. Most women make critical mistakes with Scorpio men because they aren’t patient enough to trigger their instincts. You have to hold back and let your […]

Will a Scorpio Man Give An Apology After Upsetting You?

Scorpio men are capable of apologizing. If he truly feels sorry for hurting you, he’ll want to make it up to you. He doesn’t want to make the people he loves feel bad. If he’s not sorry, he’s not going to bother apologizing. He might explain himself or tell you why he doesn’t feel bad […]

Understanding a Distant Scorpio Man (Why? How To Fix?)

Some Scorpio men are naturally introverted. If this is the case, he’ll need time to himself regularly to recharge. Even an extroverted Scorpio will want time to himself as well. If he thinks you’re being pushy, he’ll distance himself as well. Scorpio men need time to learn how to trust people. He won’t open up […]

October Scorpio vs November Scorpio

Why are there different kinds of Scorpios? One reason has to do with planetary rulership. Pluto rules all Scorpios, but November Scorpios also have a separate planetary subruler. October Scorpios are often more intense than November Scorpios, though that doesn’t mean that November Scorpios aren’t intense! The intensity of an October Scorpio is just more […]

Is Scorpio Man Jealous and Possessive in a Relationship?

Scorpio men hate to feel like they’ve lost control of a situation. Some are less likely to act on jealousy because of this. They don’t want to lose control of their emotions. Others are likely to react by trying to control their partner. Scorpio men have a hard time trusting people. Even if you’re not […]

Understanding The Type of Woman Attracting a Scorpio Man

Intelligence, charisma, and confidence are all traits that a Scorpio man is attracted to. He wants a woman who can match his passionate nature as well! A Scorpio man is looking for a compassionate, loyal partner. He might be attracted to a woman’s looks, but he will only stay attracted to her if she has […]

Possible Reasons Why a Scorpio Man Stopped Texting You

Your Scorpio man might be giving you the silent treatment. If you two argued or you did something to upset him, that’s his go-to reaction. He will also do this as a way of testing you. A Scorpio man won’t always let you know when he’s upset. He might stop responding to everyone if he’s […]

How Does a Scorpio Man Act When He Likes You?

Scorpio men often appear closed-off and intimidating when you don’t know them well. A Scorpio man who likes you will show you a softer side of himself, though. He’ll be more open. A Scorpio man who likes you may also be incredibly possessive and jealous. Even if you aren’t together, he’ll still become upset at […]

10 Sure Signs a Scorpio Man is Serious About a Relationship

Scorpio men don’t trust easily. It takes them a long time to warm up to somebody. Once your Scorpio man starts sharing secrets and showing you his true self, he’s serious about the relationship. A Scorpio man in love can be intense. He will only have eyes for you and give you a lot of […]

What to Expect From a Scorpio Man After He Breaks Up

Scorpio men can be incredibly possessive and obsessive people, and that might not stop after a breakup. Don’t be surprised if your Scorpio man keeps tabs on you or acts jealous when you’re with others. A Scorpio man might rebound and pretend he’s moved on, but it will take him a while to genuinely move […]

Scorpio Man Kissing Style & Expectations (Preferences)

Scorpio men are often private people. Your Scorpio man won’t mind a little bit of PDA, but he prefers it when intense kisses or makeout sessions are private. Let him lead if you’re unsure about kissing him in public. A Scorpio man’s kissing style is highly magnetic and intense. Each kiss will likely be an […]

Guide For When a Scorpio Man is Giving Silent Treatment

Always remain calm when a Scorpio man is giving you the silent treatment. If he’s mad at you, getting angry will make things worse. Give your Scorpio man the space he needs. Let him calm down. Apologize if you already know what you did wrong. That will go a long way if you want him […]

Risky Guide To Playing Mind Games With a Scorpio Man

You need to find a Scorpio man’s specific weaknesses if you want to play mind games with him. He can brush most things aside if you’re not pressing any of his buttons. Keep yourself under control. A Scorpio man plays mind games better than anyone else. He’s also intuitive. He’ll know if he’s gotten under […]

10 Clear Signs a Scorpio Man Likes You

When a Scorpio man likes you, he conceals his feelings at first. He evaluates you to see if you can be his ideal partner. He may watch carefully and test you to see how you react. If you pass his test, he still doesn’t trust you right away. He’ll continually flirt while monitoring your response. […]

10 Secrets to Making a Scorpio Man Obsessed (with You)

Scorpio men have two speeds; obsessed, and uninterested. You want to make sure he’s in obsession mode when it comes to his feelings about you. Getting a Scorpio man hooked on you is easy when you know how to trigger his desires. There are specific things that turn Scorpio men on and keep them addicted. […]

What To Wear To Attract a Scorpio Man? (Dress For Sign)

You can wear simple clothing in classic styles and catch the eye of a Scorpio man. Well-fit silhouettes and simple styles will get his attention. Where you need to be bold is with things like fabrics and colors. Dark colors will attract a Scorpio man. A sexy black dress and red heels will get his […]

How Will a Scorpio Man Give You An Apology? (Explained)

Do Scorpio men say sorry? Many will apologize to someone, but only under the right conditions. A Scorpio man might try to shift blame or ignore a problem instead of apologizing, especially if he doesn’t think he did anything wrong. When Scorpio men do apologize, it’s not always a verbal apology. A Scorpio man might […]

10 Surefire Techniques to Hurt a Scorpio Man (Beware)

A Scorpio man will be deeply hurt if he trusts you and you betray him. Don’t spill it to other people when a Scorpio man tells you a secret. If he sets a boundary, don’t cross it! If you do, you’ll risk losing him. When a Scorpio man shows his true self to you, he’s […]

Easy Guide To Elicit a Text Response From a Scorpio Man

A Scorpio man is more likely to respond immediately if you time things correctly and send a message that requires a response. Don’t demand an answer, though, or he’ll ignore you! Try asking your Scorpio man a direct question or requesting advice. You can also keep him engaged by flirting, joking around, and talking about […]

10 Scorpio Spirit Animals (Definitive Answer)

To find a star sign’s spirit animal, all you have to do is match the traits of that sign to different members of the animal kingdom. Scorpio is a mysterious, intense, and intelligent sign, so any spirit animal for Scorpio must also possess these characteristics. Once you know more about Scorpio’s typical qualities and behaviors, […]