
Zodiac Signs • Page 23

Reasons Why a Cancer Man is Slow to Commit To a Woman

Cancer men are very sensitive. It can be challenging for them to commit because they are easily worried. If he doubts the relationship, he won’t want to commit. Somebody may have hurt your Cancer man in a past relationship. He will be even more worried about being hurt or abandoned when that happens. He’ll also […]

10 Essential Steps to Make Any Aquarius Man Commit

You need to be patient if you want an Aquarius man to commit to you. He loves his freedom, so if he feels you’re trying to rush or control him, he’s likely to run off. Aquarius men also get bored easily. You need to show him that you can keep him interested for years to […]

What to Expect From a Libra Man After He Breaks Up

Sometimes when a Libra man breaks up with you, he’ll quickly realize he’s made a mistake. Don’t be too surprised if he calls you the next day to apologize. If he broke up with you for a good reason, don’t expect to hear from him. He would rather handle his emotions on his own and […]

What Does a Scorpio Man Like in Bed? (Turn Him On Easy)

Scorpio is a water sign, so a Scorpio man’s emotions and passion run deep. You will see this when you’re in bed with a Scorpio man. He will desire passion and intimacy from you. Scorpio men also prefer intense sex. A Scorpio man also likes to be adventurous in bed. Scorpio men are all about […]

Keys to Talking About Feelings With a Gemini Man

When first talking about feelings with a Gemini man, try to remain calm. Be positive and keep things light. Back off a bit if he seems uncomfortable. Be confident about your own feelings before you discuss anything with your Gemini man. Don’t rush him if he’s not yet sure, though! Be compassionate and understanding if […]

Risky Guide To Playing Mind Games With a Pisces Man

You can mess with a Pisces man in many ways. Pisces men tend to be incredibly sensitive. He might play certain games with you, but he probably can’t handle it if you play with him back! Ghosting a Pisces man, criticizing him, and guilt-tripping him are all things you can do to play mind games. […]

Understanding a Distant Taurus Man (Why? How To Fix?)

Taurus men might act distant when they are upset. Even if your Taurus man is close to you, he might have trouble opening up about how he feels sometimes. He might withdraw to deal with the problem himself. Your Taurus man may also distance himself if your relationship is moving too fast. If he feels […]

10 Secrets to Making a Virgo Man Miss You (A Lot)

If a Virgo man feels a strong connection with you, he’ll likely miss you if that connection ever goes away. He’ll miss being able to rely on you and open up to you. Your Virgo partner will miss you when you’re not around, but only if you give him a chance to miss you! Give […]

March Aries vs April Aries

Aries is divided into three subsections. The first is the “Aries” decan, the second is the “Leo” decan, and the third is the “Sagittarius” decan. All April Aries people are in the second or third decans. March Aries people are all ruled by Mars, and only Mars, so they feel the total influence of that […]

Do Leo Men Generally Like Cuddling?

Leo men cuddle for a few specific reasons. If you don’t plan according to his personality, you may try to initiate cuddling when he’s not in the mood. But if you understand his unique needs, cuddling with a Leo man can enhance your relationship. He uses cuddling as a way to connect. Leo men are […]