
Zodiac Signs • Page 29

8 Features Of The Body Type Virgo Men Like

Virgo men can be hard to figure out in love. They are perfectionists but they aren’t superficial. A woman’s appearance is not the first thing Virgo men notice. Virgo men are attracted to healthy, intelligent women. Your body type is not a deal-breaker. Virgos aren’t motivated by your appearance. Men born under this sign ignore […]

8 Obvious Signs Aquarius Man is Not Interested (in You)

An Aquarius man is much more logical than emotional, and he also struggles to show how he’s feeling. It’s no wonder that you might have trouble figuring out how this complicated and unique zodiac sign feels about you. Knowing more about his star sign will help you learn how to read an Aquarius man and […]

Understanding a Distant Leo Man (Why? How To Fix?)

If a Leo man is having a bad day, sometimes he’ll react by going out to distract himself. If he’s in a seriously bad mood, though, he might withdraw and take some time to himself. He will often withdraw if his feelings have been hurt, he’s embarrassed, or if he’s dealing with something personal. He’s […]

Risky Guide To Playing Mind Games With a Capricorn Man

If you want to play mind games with a Capricorn man, the easiest way to mess with him is to threaten his security. He needs to be able to trust you. If he catches you playing games, a Capricorn man will end all communication immediately. But you can make him feel unsettled if it’s worth […]

10 Secrets to Kissing a Taurus Man (to Ignite His Love)

Taurus men are highly sensual. They love to engage with the world around them and ignite all their senses no matter what they’re doing. Make sure you appeal to all his senses when you two kiss. Pay attention to your Taurus man’s body. Don’t just focus on his lips or face when you two kiss. […]

10 Clear Signs a Gemini Man is Commitment-Ready

The first thing a Gemini man will do when he’s ready to commit to somebody is break off any other casual relationships he was in. He’ll make it very clear that he’s ready to date you and only you. He’ll also start incorporating you into his life more. You’ll get invited to hang out with […]

Do Sagittarius Men Come Back? (How To Make Him Return)

A Sagittarius man might come back to you, depending on why you broke up. Many Sagittarius men can be forgiving and might be willing to give things a second shot, especially if circumstances have changed. You should not be too pushy with a Sagittarius man, though. Remain in contact, be his friend, and apologize if […]

8 Clear Signs Your Cancer Man is Going to Break Up

Cancer is a very moody and temperamental star sign, so it’s no wonder you’re having trouble understanding a Cancer man and reading how he feels about you. If you’re worried that he’s having doubts about the relationship, certain hints will tell you when he’s close to splitting up with you. By learning more about his […]

Capricorn Man Kissing Style & Expectations (Preferences)

Capricorn men aim to please their partners. They want them to feel good. Your Capricorn man will put all of his feelings for you in his kiss. He expects you to do the same! You will often have to initiate kisses with a Capricorn man. This is one area of his life where he doesn’t […]

Understanding The Type of Woman Attracting a Scorpio Man

Intelligence, charisma, and confidence are all traits that a Scorpio man is attracted to. He wants a woman who can match his passionate nature as well! A Scorpio man is looking for a compassionate, loyal partner. He might be attracted to a woman’s looks, but he will only stay attracted to her if she has […]