
Zodiac Signs • Page 29

Will Ignoring an Aquarius Man Make Him Chase You?

When you ignore an Aquarius man, he’s more likely to think you need space. He might not even notice you’re ignoring him because he’s a pretty independent person too. If an Aquarius man does notice that you’re ignoring him on purpose, he probably won’t react well. He hates drama and would prefer you not act […]

10 Secrets to Kissing a Pisces Man (to Ignite His Love)

Many women make the mistake of assuming a Pisces man will be like any other man. But men born under the sign of the fish are sensitive, romantic, and empathic. They have specific interests when it comes to love and affection. If you are too aggressive or intense, he gets turned off. He needs gentle […]

Are Cancer Men Generally Known as Control Freaks?

Some star signs are naturally more controlling and dominant than others based on their personality traits and the astrological forces at work. So, is Cancer one of the more relaxed and carefree signs of the zodiac, or does a Cancer guy crave power and control? Once you have a better understanding of the astrological influences […]

Quick Guide to Turning a Cancer Man On (Sexually)

Be romantic and focus on your Cancer man if you want to get him riled up. Be passionate, appeal to his sensual side, and try to set the mood any time you attempt to seduce him. Take things slow with your Cancer man. Show off your body, tease him a bit, and show him that […]

10 Obvious Signs Taurus Man is Not Interested (in You)

A Taurus man will be closed-off and unaffectionate when he’s not interested in you. He might be polite and friendly, but he won’t be open and warm. He may lean away from you or avoid physical contact. If a Taurus man doesn’t like you, he might avoid you. He won’t make plans with you, and […]

10 Tips To Seduce a Pisces Man Through Texting

If you’re trying to seduce a Pisces man, you should take the time to get to know him first. He’s more likely to be open to the idea of sex or romance if he already knows you well. Pisces men are emotional people. They are sensitive and vulnerable. If you can take your time with […]

Reasons Why an Aquarius Man is Slow to Commit To a Woman

Some star signs are slower to commit than others, and Aquarius is one of the most non-committal signs of the zodiac when it comes to love. Knowing why he is reluctant to commit is an important part of understanding an Aquarius man, and it can help you strengthen your relationship with him. By learning more […]

Keys to Talking About Feelings With an Aries Man

If you want an Aries man to talk about feelings with you, the most important thing to keep in mind is that you can’t make him if he doesn’t want to. If you push too much, he’ll just get angry and pull away from you. If he needs privacy, give it to him. Be vulnerable […]

Will a Gemini Man Give An Apology After Upsetting You?

Gemini men will often apologize right away after an argument or after they’ve said something to hurt your feelings. They also might apologize if they notice you’re mad at them, even if they have no idea why you’re upset. You’ll be able to tell the difference between a sincere apology and an insincere apology. Gemini […]

Risky Guide To Playing Mind Games With a Scorpio Man

You need to find a Scorpio man’s specific weaknesses if you want to play mind games with him. He can brush most things aside if you’re not pressing any of his buttons. Keep yourself under control. A Scorpio man plays mind games better than anyone else. He’s also intuitive. He’ll know if he’s gotten under […]